
Stuck In Another Dimension

The Red Headband students that had returned were told to be on standby back at the base. What Dame did notice was after entering the Red Headband sleeping quarters, just outside guarding the entrance to the main courtyard, there were a lot more teachers. 

There weren't just new Red Headband instructors, but also a number of guards including more men with masks on their faces, members of the Erupting Fist Clan.

Right now, on the second floor, everyone was stationed in one room, and that included Mada and Ricktor.

"It's clear that they are keeping an eye on us, that they don't want us to leave," Dame commented. "Although we have bought some time, the situation is a bit more difficult than what I imagined."

"And what exactly is that situation?" Mada asked. He was sitting in a seat, picking off parts from the corners of the wooden desk and throwing them onto the floor, frustrated by everything that was going on.