
Let Me Ask You A Question

At first, Raze was a little stunned as he saw Belil emerge from his independent training room. At least that's what Raze thought Belil used it for; he wasn't quite sure.

The reason for him feeling this way, he didn't understand it. He had faced Sha Mo, someone from the Demonic Faction who was considered on the same level.

Although the power of Qi was fierce, Raze had handled it well, fighting it off with his own body. The last time Raze had met with Belil, he had felt this as well.

A slight tingle all over his body, like a small electric shock on the inside. Yet he thought that was due to the difference in Qi, so why was he feeling it now once again?

But all of those thoughts disappeared with one word that had come out of Belil's mouth.

"Besides, you might need your energy; after all, the two of us need to talk, Mage," Belil said.

'Mage' continued to ring in Raze's head because of who had said the word.