
A Red Call

Anna had been struck extremely hard by the fan that Lulu had used. She knew there were strong people among Pagna warriors, and being strong herself, she was used to relying on her body. However, it was the first time she had been dealt a hit like that. The Qi had completely gone through her, affecting not only her body but also the nano machines inside her.

'It's a good thing that I'm still alive,' Anna thought. 'As long as I'm alive, the nano machines will continue to be pumped through my body. They will need to repair themselves first, and after that, I'll be back up again.'

Lifting her head up, her chin propped on the hard ground, she looked ahead. Even though she would eventually be fine, there was a certain person who wouldn't be. She could see Lulu, who had delivered the devastating blow to her, was now upon Liam. If she had barely survived an attack from Lulu, she was sure Liam would not be able to survive at all.