
1 Minute

The words spoken by Bubble were heard by the crowd; his voice was projected even louder to the outside of the arena and to the other factions.

Right there and then, Bubble turned around and was already heading for the exit.

'That man,' Raze thought as he looked at Bubble's back. 'He twisted my words, he is quite good at getting people riled up. I guess he's good at his job; he might be someone I can use in the future.'

The crowd was angry with the Demonic Faction, especially with the contestant 'Jake.' Thinking he was big-headed and ahead of himself.

They already had a dislike for the Faction in the first place, and now they had more reason to put their hatred on them all.

After visiting the Demonic Faction, Bubble went on to the Dark Faction; he had done the same as before, asking a series of questions.