
Dark Mage Zaekryl

"Being a neet is hard, why don't I take some fresh air outside?" Zaekryl accidentally died by God's mistake and is granted with one wish for forgiveness, However, things didn't go as he please, He was branded as evil and got exiled in God's eyes. Thus, he became an immortal Dark Lord just to have some fun adventure around the world? ************** I originally owned the cover by the way ^^ so I'm going to change it often! please look forward to it! ฅ'ω'ฅ

Cometomelife · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 8 - Heirloom

Zaekryl's POV

"Hurry up and move!!!"

I don't know why I ended up here. these elf guess looking people are glaring at me as if I'm a piece of shit.

I can barely remember what happened back there at the green land,

it was when.




This Xanflord elf guy says he wants my earring and said that this was their kingdom's legendary heirloom that had last for more than a hundred years.

Well I have lived for more than a hundred years though so I'm quite old, I also do remembered that I once lost this earring...

[300 years ago]

While taking a dump after I was done doing the thing, it accidentally fell down together with the dirt as I flushed it without knowing. I only notice it was gone when I took a look at the mirror.

So my handmade red earring that fell down in the toilet bowl had somehow ended up on the northern part of the continent wherein the Evergreen Kingdom was.

After I lost it, I asked my servants, Darlwrin the golden fox, to be exact, my personal adviser and the one Kristie mentioned before that they should find it at all cost. I didn't tell him the reason why and they just did it, it even took them 300 years to find it, and this earring has been on my left ear for just a year. I missed it so much that I don't want to wear anything else besides this one when it was gone.

Darlwrin probably knew that it was on the Evergreen kingdom and took it without their notice.

Why did they make it their fcking heirloom? and why did they put a tracker on it? my poor earring


And right about know, in this fcked up moment that I haven't encountered before throughout this long life of mine.

All 50 elf with a high skill of archery and has over 40 meters range and their sharp and shining arrows that I can see that it was already coated with poison, are somehow targeted on me.

This is bad! They have an intention to kill me, they even released their blood lust! Can I take them all at once?

I haven't tried some of my magic that I know of and there is many more magic and skills that I am unknown to.

All I did was play games!


Can the skills from games can be use in real life?

Okay let me try!

[Fire trolls] -100 MP

[Ice scrub] - 95 MP

[Flame arrow] - 150 MP





MP? Magical power? how much do I have? let me check first my status



And that's it, something fell down from the sky and exploded, and when I came back to my senses was already tied tightly in this shackles that I can't remove, and I also notice that my red earring was gone and my clothes had changed but it's still black, my sling bag, my pants and my favorite jacket, Yan and Ki-rie!



Where are they by the way?


Using search I can find anything I want within my range for about 200 km radius"

In the radar inside my head I can sense Yan's magical energy and Ki-rie-chan's Majestic beauty,

Damn, they are still inside the camp tent! These elf people dug out the soil and brought them here since they can't remove the barrier I made

and that place is where these bunch of strong looking guards are escorting me into.

I can't really see anything right about this moment because they did something to my eyes.

It's nothing special they just blind folded me \( ̄▽ ̄;)/of course their white blindfold turned into black since it is on me.


G-gates? So what is this place I can only see a 2D map, it sure is wide a perfect place for an execution hahaha



W-Whats going to happen? will they kill me? n-no I can't die...

I may not but maybe Yan and Ki-rie will.

Calm down Zaekryl Nagasaki, you are an immortal Dark Mage, you are the Dark Lord of the 'Maou-saki Castle' (Name of the abandoned castle) I have been living in this world for almost one thousand years, I have never done anything that I can't do.

(Author: Remembering that he has no sense of direction)

*A moment of silence*

A sound of a huge mettalic gate creaks opened. As I was being pushed around by these big guards, I would never noticed that I was already right above a tall jump board like those on swimming pools you use to dive if I was a normal person.

But I am the Dark Mage, Zaekryl Criv, And I am not normal.

A thick durable rope is hanging on my neck, and this annoying head of the guards which is an elf is ordering me to jump but before that...

1 hour ago.

After arriving at the execution area of the Evergreen palace, in this elf country I was branded as a criminal. Let's first hear what my crime is...

"This man is said to have a name, 'Criv' He stole the legendary heirloom of late late late late late late late late late..."

Arrrghhh so many 'Late's let me skip it, he said it about 50 times.

... late late King Drossel Sanrik Evergreen, the 25th king of this kingdom took a liking on this magical red stone one paired earring, and made it the heirloom to pass its magical powers unto the next generations, however! A year ago on the day of the 15 of spring, The earring was gone, it was supposed to be pass on the 75th king, Ling Martinni Dog Evergreen. and finally the national criminal has been caught, Thief Criv! You are sentenced to death per the royal command!"

Magical powers? since when did this empty earring had such a power?! It's only useful when its hanging on my ear! and nothing else, it was mine in the first place and you fckin asshole king DOG dare to call me a thief?!

You'll pay for this...



So this what feels like when the people you care about calls your name on the moment you die?

"Say your lasts words!"

I shouted as much as I could

"Sorry, but my death is postphoned!"

Note: This is just a reminder so that you wouldn't get confuse... ^^

Zaekryl is his real first name and 'Nagasaki' is his real last name from previous world.

'Zaekryl Criv' is the name he uses often.

Please enjoy! ^^

Cometomelifecreators' thoughts