
Dark Love

l loved her , l later noticed that it was not pure love . lt was dark love

Richard_Charamba · Teen
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2 Chs

My first encounter



I was in a classroom , it was dark .I saw a figure moving towards me in a distance. As it drew closer, I could see it was Kimberly, one of my classmates. She came up to me and gently touched my lips . She said , " Come to me Richard " ,

Someone shook me heavily , that's when l found out that it was a dream. I groaned while opening my eyes . My mother was standing holding her hands , she said , " Richard do you wanna go to school today because if you're hesitating the garden needs some water and this house stinks so I'll be needing your help" . I quickly woke up , oh God l was already late .

My name is Richard, and I'm a 16-year-old boy. I'm not a popular kid at school, nor am I popular at home. I prefer to be quiet and to keep things to myself. Some people call me an antisocial person, but I'm okay with it . My family isn't poor, but my parents work hard to put food on the table. My dad lives in South Africa, while I stay with my mom, who can be a little bit talkative at times.My mom can be a little annoying sometimes, because she talks too much and sometimes says bad things about others, even me. I know she loves me, but sometimes her words are hurtful. I also live with my sister, and although we love each other a lot, we often argue and shout at each other. It's common for people who love each other to have such conflicts, even though it's not always pleasant .

I grow up not much of a talkative guy .Due to lack of desire to talk often resulted in people calling me a fool. My mother would discourage me from expressing my emotions, dismissing me as nothing but a fool. These words cut me to the core and chipped away at my self-esteem, which became lower and lower. I felt isolated and alone, as though no one truly understood me. Even when I accomplished something positive, my mother would nitpick and make it seem as though it was not good enough. I realized that her words and actions were damaging my sense of self-worth, yet I didn't know how to make her understand. No matter what I did .It seemed as though it was never good enough for her. Her criticisms made me feel like a fool, even though I knew that wasn't the truth. I felt trapped by her words, unable to escape the cycle of low self-esteem and a lack of confidence. I wondered if I would ever feel like I was enough, like I had value. My mind began to race, filled with questions about who I was ? and what I was worth. These questions haunted me, echoing in my mind like a broken record. I longed for a way to break free from this cycle, to feel like myself again.


I arrived at school late and Mr James was already at the gate, ready to punish the latecomers. It was a bad day for me, but luckily I'm used to it by now. While I was standing in line, I saw some students screaming and yelling as they were punished, and others acting sexy toward Mr. James. I was beaten, and the beatings was painful, but I endured it. I go to Malta Academy which is one of the popular schools in my area, though not in the capital of Harare . I opened the door only to find our Principal Mr Mike in the classroom, talking to the teacher. Then he said to me, "You're late, Richard. You know this is not allowed. What's your excuse this time?"

The classroom was silent as the other students watched me. My heart was pounding in my chest. I didn't know what to say. Should I make up an excuse?

"Well?" Principal Mike demanded. " Sit down , l want you in my office at lunchtime " .

I got sited and the first person l looked at was kimberly , she also stares at me

. I quickly looked away . Embarrassed that l was stealing glances at her . Mrs Clara was busy explaining notes and l heard a soft voice calling me , " Richard , come here " . I excused myself , l started following the voice . The more l follow it , the more dizzy l became . I reached to the toilet . The voice was stronger , l fell down , feeling unconscious , my body was shaking . My heart was beating fast . While l lay on the floor l saw a black smoke coming towards me . I heard the voice again , " Don't be afraid ". It was soft . The voice was taking all of my energy and l fainted .