
Dark Lords: A Noblesse Sequel

After the events of the Noblesse Webtoon where they defeated Dr. Crombell, the world is a safer, better place. However, the peace they are enjoying right now will not last long because new beings of greatness, terrible they may be, shall emerge. After they defeated the Union. Frankenstein quits being the chairman of Yeran, leaving it in the hands of Tao. He goes around the world locating every Laboratory and Head Quarters the Union made, aided by the 3rd Elder, he managed to put them under his control. about 6 years later, Frankenstein vanished without any trace. Raizel and the team started looking for him but clues are nowhere to be found, that is, till one night. Now, on their search for Frankenstein, they discovered an enemy they were not yet ready to face. Unfortunately, they sparked the continuation of a hidden war. Why did Frankenstein go missing? Where is he? Mysteries were piled upon mysteries.

Daeleon · Fantasy
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29 Chs

To the North of Lukedonia

"Will you take some rest first, Noblesse-nim?" Ludis asked. "Or visit the lord?"

"Maybe later, for now, let's head there." Raizel replied.

"As you wish." Ludis replied. He turned around, and with a last glance to his visitors, he vanished in thin air to lead the way. As he did, the two followed suit, and move instantaneously through the air.

"Raizel-nim, may I ask where we are going?" Asked Tao, while they're moving at high speed.

"North of Lukedonia." Raizel replied."There lies an island of considerable size. That's our destination."

"A few days ago, we received an order from Noblesse-nim to investigate the surroundings of that island." Ludis said.

He and Tao were behind Raizel as they traveled the distance.

"It is to investigate if there has been any activity in that island, and if so, is it a noble or someone else? Following the Noblesse-nim's instructions, we sent a single Knight from Division One to investigate the vicinity. The noblesse doesn't want us to alert the ones who are there so we didn't go any further inside. That, however, was enough to see the end of what was asked. We determined that there's someone, or some people using the island recently, and it's not by any noble. " He ended.

"I see. I guess we're going there to finally meet these guys, or do we have any purpose?"

"I'm not sure. It seems Noblesse-nim hasn't told even you about his thoughts yet. Better wait."

"I guess. Anyway, Central Order, eh?" Said Tao, smirking."I remember those days. Fun times."

"I did recall hearing about modified humans having bested many of my knights." Ludis said spitefully.

"Aha, well… "

"It's fine."

"So those guys earlier are also in the order?"

"They are."

"They seem incredibly strong. If I'm not mistaken, they should be as strong as a member of Cerberus."

"I'm unfamiliar with Cerberus, but know that they're not the ones you beat up 6 years ago. They are the Division One. Hand picked by Clan Leaders, and a newly formed order. When you attacked here six years ago, they're not present that time. If they had, Rael-nim wouldn't have had to go out of his way to capture you himself."

"Well, we were pretty frail then."

Raizel and Tao landed in the west of Lukedonia, in the borders of the Mergas territory and the Former Drosia Territory, as that's where the air strip was located.

Currently, they're traveling North by the shoreline; under the shard of the moon, glistening above them, and the soft caress of the cold wind the night brings.

"We've now entered the Former Siriania Territory." Ludis said.

"Speaking of territory, none of these territories have Clan Leaders, right?" Tao asked.

"That's right. Due to their treachery, their domains were handed to other clan leaders." Said Ludis. "As of now, I manage both my and the Drosia territory. Their branch family and citizens are still living there, of course, but unlike your society, only those who have soul weapons have the right to inheritance."

"Sounds tough."

"In any case, Noblesse-nim, what or who do we expect to meet there?" Ludis asked. He picked up his pace and went besides Raizel.

"Who?" Quote Raizel. His eyes were cold set, peering straight to their destination ahead. "That, I'm not sure of myself."

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