
Chapter 1:Paris

As I close my eyes...I felt the gentle touch of the wind on my skin,I heard the song that the birds made,the slight chattering of the people around me...

I opened my eyes and stare at the beautiful structure of the Eiffel Tower....you can feel the reason why Paris is the city of Love

I start walking closer to the tower and sat at the green grass while holding my small baby pink notebook and look at couples that was also fascinated by the tower

Thirty minutes have past but there still nothing that made me inspired for my new book

I glance at my left when I felt someone staring at me...I saw a man staring at me with his tantalizing grey eyes..he walk to me and suddenly introduced himself

"Hello!!...aahhmm I am Jake and I saw you trying to write something at your notebook...are you a book writer if I may ask?"

"Hi..I am Angel and yes I am a writer..why?"I answered