
Dark Legacy

Synopsis. Everybody has something from their past that haunts them, same is the case with Detective Mykal Darke, a man unaware of his past, of his deeds. When the time comes, when he is reminded of his life, of his demons, will he conquer it and move ahead or will he give in to his Dark Legacy.

Pranav_Kartha · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 6. Peter Garrison.

The poor officer's screams were resonating through the whole castle. He wasn't being inflicted with physical pain, but he was being forced to believe that the pain was real. They kept asking him questions to which he had no answers, but they never believed him and kept trying until he fainted.

"I think he's saying the truth and he really doesn't know about this witch woman." Said one of the men in a hooded cloak. "I agree, otherwise he would've said it by now after we inflicted so much pain."

"I hope you have acquired the location of that pesky witch by now." Both hooded men were startled by Garon's voice and bowed before when he came under the light in that dark room. It was unclear exactly how big the room was, as there was only one source of light that came from a torch on a wall which the officer was tied to, it was definitely big enough for voices to echo off the walls.

"We're s..s.. s.. ssorry master, we tortured him to the point where he fainted but he didn't say anything, it seems he genuinely doesn't know anything about that witch."

He let out a deep sigh and walked towards the prisoner staring at him, "Did you try getting in his head?" "I don't understand master, what do you mean?" "I mean exactly what I said, did you try to look into in his head?" said Garon, coming closer to the hooded man. "I'm afraid I don't know how to do that master Garon, none of us do."

"Well, that's a shame" Garon said and sat down coming face to face with the unconscious officer. "Let me know first thing when this one wakes up, you hear me?" "Yes master." They replied. Garon stood up and said, "I look forward to meeting you…. Officer." He gave the unconscious officer a half smile and walked away.

"What do you think? When will he wake up?" asked one hooded man to the other. "Not anytime soon, considering what we've put him through." He replied.

"Well then in that case it's safe to go have a coffee, right? I'm exhausted."

"Yeah, me too, let's go." And both men left the room.

Peter lay there, unable to move, mostly due to exhaustion and dehydration but he was not unconscious. Somehow, he was still awake but he himself didn't know that. Beside him lay dead, his senior officer, eyes open wide, probably from shock. He was still alive because he's a healthy and physically a really strong man. He always wanted to be a policeman all his life and it was the happiest day for him when he became one. Peter is a very strong-willed person with the purest of hearts, always fighting for justice and truth.

Standing at almost 6 feet tall, he does look formidable until one looks at his face, which looks like that of an enthusiastic teenager with a nerdy hairstyle. He's exactly opposite in personality to what he looks like. He has a very calm and cool manner of handling things and has a very good control over his anger.

He was in a sleeplike state and was dreaming. He could see his dearest sister playing with the dogs, their mother in the kitchen preparing for lunch, he was home. He couldn't believe it and ran towards his sister, to hug her, to tell her how much he missed her, but his hand just ran straight through her as if she wasn't even there. "What?? What's happening? Why can't….?" Then he heard it. "Candy!!" His own voice calling out his sister, he could see his younger self standing there on the front yard. "Wait, what?" shocked on seeing himself, "What is going on? Is this a dream? No, if it were a dream, I wouldn't know it and why would there be two of myself at the same place, nothing's making any sense."

"I got the job; I am officially an officer of the Dravendale Police Department." His younger self said to his sister Candice. His eyes brimming with tears as if he was seeing his family after years. All he wanted at the moment was to hold them close to his heart and let them know that he was alright and that he will be back. But then, reality struck and he realized where he was, still not knowing what was really happening because he could all the happy moments that he has already lived with his family.

"Am I dying? I've heard that people see their lives flash before their eyes moments before they die. But then, how is it that I can think of all of this? How do I get out of this place? Why is it that I can move around freely, but can't touch anything or anyone? I must find a way out" Then suddenly, Peter could hear someone, "Peter?.... I know you can hear me, tell me where you are."

"What the…? Who said that?" "There you are!!!" The voice came from behind him so he turned around to look at the source of that voice and he could see a man walking towards him. "You are Peter, right? Cus if you're not then I'm in the wrong person's head." Peter was stunned because he wasn't making any sense of the place and now there's a guy in a trench coat who seems to be looking for him for some reason.

"I am Peter, but how do you know me? What is this place? Who are you? And why can we see each other but not anyone else?" Questions shot out of him, showing his desperation for answers. "I know you because I am a detective who's investigating your missing person's case, this place is your head, my name is Mykal Darke and I'll answer further questions after I get you out of here alright? Now hold my hand." Peter thought for a moment but the man seemed to make sense and he had no choice but to believe him, so he held his hand and everything went dark.