

Careful what you  DON'T WISH FOR, you might just get it From best life to nightmare as the perfect life of Rodney Hart gets turned around by an unnatural phenomenon from a game that makes him feel at home. As he is warped into it and figures out that it might not just be a game as it seems. Follow Rodney Hart as he rises through the rank of another world in this adventure and discovers secrets that might just connect him to the elements of this world. Which path will he choose when it comes down to it?.. The way of the dark or light. Read and find out Will he grow strong enough in time to save the ones he cares about from unpredictable doom? Note* This is my first project so it is adviced that you have a clear mind when starting the novel. Admittedly, the start is weak but if you hang on long enough, you won't regret it!! Follow on IG @ Dkgo manga for artworks.

Dark_knight234 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Two sided assassin

After the last night's incident at the famous company building, the citizens of ZOA had now concluded that no one was safe from the wrath of these assassins.

The police had tried to assure the citizens in previous incidents that they had everything under control but that didn't seem to be the case and there was no excuse to run back to as even the police force itself was afraid of this new deadly incidents.

All of their investigation teams sent to all the crime scenes couldn't fish out anything tangible. They would come back to report that no arms were used other than that of the officers involved in the operation. No one at near the crime scene has ever survived any of these strange attacks, so there was no such thing as a witness of any sort.

It couldn't be debated that the police force were having the toughest time yet. With higher ups breathing down the necks of the lower ranked, the pressure was becoming too much and a lot of officers had dropped their resignation letter and quitted the job. Some of them did so because of the pressure from the higher ups, other's did it for the prominent reason which was that their job had gone from "unsafe to frightening" and they weren't ready to stay and be the next batch in line to lose their lives.

Even those that wanted to stay back and see the end of it weren't allowed by their families. So the dream of being among those who thwarted the operations of the deadly unknowns going down in the history books of some was flushed down the drain by their nagging wives or children.

They were not to be blamed as this was only a natural response to fear but with everyone dropping out of the force, who would protect the ones who depended on them. This was a big worry on everyone's mind but all they could do was hope that they weren't going to be the next set of unfortunate people.

Despite the fear in the city at night, people still went about their business. Though this was done with the fear of the unknown at the back of their minds, they couldn't because of that completely abandon their means of livelihood. Besides if there was one pattern they all knew at this point since the case was now repetitive, was that the assassins would only attack at night.

Even with this knowledge that the citizens presumably had, they all went about in fear as they knew their hypothesis could be proven wrong any time. The stores and companies now all closed before the sunset. This was part of the drastic change that had been imposed on them by one figure who they all assumed to be an army of thieves. But of course with the power this figure packed, he should rightfully be called an army.

And right now, that figure stood watching the city from the window of his room. This figure in question, is none other than the late billionaire son Jayden Wayne and as he stood looking through the window of his room or to correctly state, what was his room as the place had been completely destroyed, he held on to the window frame tightly and his body was shaking. He had tears dropping from his face but when they landed on the window frame and he looked at them, he began to weep some more.

"What is wrong with me. Why is my tears black. And why do I kill so much....yet ..never get satisfied" Jayden said but there was a strange thing about each word that left his mouth. There was a pitch difference every time a word left his mouth. It sounded like two persons where speaking at the same time making the sound of his voice rather confusing. But one person could hear him clear though.

Jayden turned to his side which a man sat on the chair that had a table at the front and said to him. This man was Austin, the Wayne's family Butler. Right now comparing him a month ago and now, the difference would be like comparing a middle aged man with a fragile old grandfather. He had simply bones on bones. Well the blame can only be put on one person, and the person was standing right beside Austin.

Sometime over two weeks after Jayden had left the Wayne's mansion without informing anybody. Austin had been worried as apparently, the heir to all the fortunes Mr Rogers left behind didn't want any part of it. Why this hurt Austin was he had been with late Mr Rogers since he was a boy and had watched the other take the family business to new heights. So seeing all the struggles of late Mr Rogers go to waste didn't seat well with him.

He had decided not to involve the police of the matter because he had found a particular item that wasn't supposed to be in his young master's room. Days passed and Jayden hadn't returned yet. This wasn't unlike Jayden, he knew his young master could be quite radical but not to the extent of this. Eventually, Jayden had returned. But the thing about Jayden's return was the multiple questions that came along with it such as how he had gotten in without them all knowing and why he looked pale and sick.

But all that didn't matter to Austin. All he could think about was that his young master was back and made arrangements to get him treated and fed to regain his usual shape. And that decision he made was the turning point of his life as he watched before him how the maid that brought him some food along with the unfortunate doctor that came in at the wrong time get burnt to crisp all because of Jayden.

It just didn't make sense to him what he had seen that day. How he had managed to stay alive up until this point was still a mystery to him as he knew his young master would often get in a mood and do "things". After his return, the big mansion had become awfully quiet. This wasn't because he was being respected and feared. No, he had simply silenced everyone, well except Austin of course who is probably wishing for the same fate at the moment.

"You don't think I'm crazy do you?. They all deserved it right?. Am I a monster?" Jayden fired multiple questions at a weak Austin who was using every ounce of energy he had left to stay alive. Without the food, Austin might have probably had a little more energy than he did presently but the the thing was, though his master had oddly let him stay alive until this point, it wasn't exactly a happy get away in the case of Austin as every time his master got in one of those moods, he becomes the object of victimization. He had one time begged to be killed but then the usual muffled voice that he would hear had suddenly gone away and what he had perceived to be his master calling on him for help. But that was all a farce as the next minute he had been picked from the chair and thrown to the wall.

This was now the life Austin was living as his "final days" like he would often think to himself. Today wasn't going to be any different as he had angered his master by lacking the energy to promptly answer the questions put before him. He knew what was coming and prepared himself for it. And he wished this would be the finishing blow that would put his old self to sleep for good.

Just then, Jayden moved from the window and went to what couldn't even be called the remains of his once luxurious bed and stared at the object on the pieces of torn foams. This had now become a usual habit for him as Austin observed. Ever since he brought the case since the night before, he had been super obsessed with the glowing case but never once opened it.

Jayden looking at the case for a while began to hold his ears and soon after he bolted towards the wall and rammed his body into it. The wall stood no chance as it had caved in immediately. But still he held his ears and continued to scream and bang his head on the poor wall which was barely hanging on. Austin by now would have loved to say he was used to it but honestly every time it happened, it scared him.

"Run.....Austin... run!!!!" Jayden said while still facing the wall.

Austin knew he had heard the normal Jayden's voice not the crazy one as he heard nicknamed him in his mind. At this point, hearing Jayden, the real Jayden speak to him was a confirmation that his young master wasn't lost yet. All he needed was a little love and care. The death of his father really did a number on him, Austin thought.

But coming back to the moment, he remembered the last command and that was to run. Holding the sides of the chair, Austin struggled to get up and take the opportunity granted to him. But alas, the numerous damages sustained and the starvation had come into play as he managed to get up from the chair but eventually staggered and fell to the floor.

Picking himself up to crawl, Austin knew he needed help as he could barely even crawl but the question was whether he would make it in time before the other side came back. And almost like he had jinxed himself by having that thought in the first place, Jayden turned from banging his head on the wall and faced the ground were Austin was crawling.

"You disobeyed me" Jayden said and began to walk up to were the now struggling Austin who tried all he could to get away was. Jayden then moved and placed himself right between the door and Austin. Then bending down, he picked Austin by the neck, raising him up with both of his feet not touching the ground.

Austin was now bracing up for what was to come as he knew he would eventually be launched back to the chair. But sadly, that never happened. What did happened though, was Jayden's eyes had turned dark completely. And this was something he had become all too familiar with.

"Jayden...pl..pleeee..." Austin wasn't able to finish.


Back in the city's residential area, a car was seen driving and after few turns left and right, the car eventually came to a halt. The engines were turned off and a woman walked out of the car in a red gown with matching heels. She made her way around the car and stopped in front of a building. There she stood for minutes and after a while of good breathing, she started making her way to the stairs at the entrance of the house. She got to the door and moved her hand to a button which actually was the door bell. She pressed the button and after tapping her feet three times, she pushed it again. She was going to press it for the third time before the door was finally opened.

"Hey, Hayley". The one who answered the door said.
