

Careful what you  DON'T WISH FOR, you might just get it From best life to nightmare as the perfect life of Rodney Hart gets turned around by an unnatural phenomenon from a game that makes him feel at home. As he is warped into it and figures out that it might not just be a game as it seems. Follow Rodney Hart as he rises through the rank of another world in this adventure and discovers secrets that might just connect him to the elements of this world. Which path will he choose when it comes down to it?.. The way of the dark or light. Read and find out Will he grow strong enough in time to save the ones he cares about from unpredictable doom? Note* This is my first project so it is adviced that you have a clear mind when starting the novel. Admittedly, the start is weak but if you hang on long enough, you won't regret it!! Follow on IG @ Dkgo manga for artworks.

Dark_knight234 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
101 Chs

The big fight (2)

The legions were under attack by the B unit of the veteran squad in the hunters faction. The fight wasn't going to be an easy one.

For one, Yang said so himself and then these particular unit was notoriously known and deadly because of its versatility. Unlike anything the legions have faced, this unit had people that could use abilities. Which made them wonder why the others couldn't but at the moment, this was not a thought to entertain and Blair along with Mia had already gotten that initiative as they had both gone around the wall to the other side.

"Blair! We are gonna need you for this one" Blaze called out. On hearing his name being called, Blair couldn't help but curse inwardly. "Darn it, why do I have to look so brave and strong. Now because of my awesomeness, I'm going to get myself killed!". The others saw how his expression had changed the moment he got out of the cover to go help the girls and knew this wasn't something he could accomplish alone.

"Drop the wall" Rodney said to Johan.

"What!... This wall is the only thing that has prevented me from becoming a see through" Corey argued. But this didn't matter Much as the wall was going to crumble anyway. Looking at Johan now, he looked like someone who hadn't done anything as normally holding the wall up for that long required a lot of energy. But that's were his days at the gym was paying off as he looked in top shape and his endurance was something to talk about as well.

"Let's keep this people busy while the others do what ever they want to!" Rodney said as he watched the last of the wall crumble and all of them now out in the open. But then that's when their attention as well as the attackers diverted to something else. Men were falling down from left to right all over the place and in the mist of all this chaos was a man with a fan in his hand. The man was in a long robe moving through the small army like it was his personal room taking down men one after the other, this was none other than Yang.


Rodney said and immediately, his chest piece and twin braces appeared on his body. Right now, the feature he was accessing was the "System storage". This was one of the new things the system had provided with the upgrade it was currently going through at the moment as a lot of things were still grayed out and even more information hadn't been provided about his profile. This new feature was whispered to Rodney by none other than the voice that had rented a space in his mind, Gypson.


[Gecko chest guard equipped]

[+10 defense]

[Gecko bull brace equipped]

[ Dormant skill +5 stat points]


"Now is not the time system!" Rodney yelled in his head as more notifications kept on pouring in. Right now, he needed to focus more than ever as being a leader meant it wasn't just his life that was in his hands. The wall had already crumbled and by now the range ability users stopped firing and instead where heading to the middle where Yang was. The fight that had only started a few minutes had been pushed back so much that they were now out of the underground dungeon and slowly they were all pushing themselves out to the forest area.

This was the short cut Yang had proposed to take out of the dungeon but it looked like someone else had an idea he would be doing something like this and strategically placed men on the same route as well. This route from the dungeon that led outside of the faction was created strategically for the condemned prisoners. The idea behind this was that if they ever needed to execute somebody without the public's knowledge, then this was the path they followed once they are done and needed to dispose it off.

The route was mounted by guards every time and the entrance was somewhat of a secret one that couldn't be opened easily to prevent a break in and escape or the case at the moment which was a break out. But no matter, the fight had already begun and one side must come out as the winner. The group soon realized that the archers had stopped firing their elements a while ago. This was because everybody had gotten involved in the fighting and they were being careful not to hit their own men, so they too had joined the fight.

Not wasting time, Blair and Blaze had already charged in head first against some of the men with Mia following closely behind. And as they ran forward a bit, they stopped then they both activated their powers and fired it at each other. To the men that were equally charging at them, this was a confusing art, they didn't understand exactly what the duo planned to gain by attacking themselves but either way, this was to their advantage now that their opponents were seemingly confused and crazy, the men thought.

Blaze was shooting blasts of fire at Blair who was equally countering it with his ice ability and it didn't look like there would be a winner as instead, the two were covered in thick steam that had resulted from the two attacks cancelling each other out. The steam had covered them both but they didn't stop and kept up with the act and as they did, more steam covered the area making it hard for the men from the B unit to see them clearly

The men who were coming at them all thought this plan was stupid as they could just easily fire their abilities into the cloud of steam and they would be sure to atleast hit one of them. But little did they know that the steam cloud wasn't meant for the legions, rather it was meant for the B unit attacking. And soon they found out as inside the cloud of steam, Blaze and Blair had stopped their trick and the third person called up was ready to do her own trick.

[Air bust]

And immediately a bust of air came out of Mia's palm as she clapped and pushed the steam cloud away from them. Once again they were in the open but their attackers were now in the steam cloud. Now the case was reversed and the attackers from B unit were at the mercy of the legions. The group were completely in sync at the moment as just a look from Eiko to Erwin and he immediately understand what needed to be done. Rodney watching this cohesive force could only help be happy that they were on the same page. How they have managed to form such a strong thing in such a short time was remarkable. And he was about to see more surprises from the actions of Erwin and the rest.

"Let's light up this place now shall we?" Erwin said and immediately threw a lighting bolt into the mist and for those seconds while the flash was in the steam cloud, it illuminated the cloud giving away the position of the enemy and the legions wasted no time in locking in and immediately abilities began to fly.

"Fire slash" from Blaze.

"Air flush" from mia.

"Geoshot" from Johan.

Multiple attacks came out from the legions all heading into the steam cloud. But the men inside weren't waiting around doing nothing as the lightning from earlier hadn't only helped the legions, but they had also picked their opponents spot too and now knew if they ran straight ahead, then they would escape the cloud. This attempt of theirs was even made easier as the steam had begun to clear up and as the first one out of the ten men charging at them stepped out, he was greeted with a blast of air that threw him into another of his men who equally fell down .

The rest of the men took the brunt of the multiple attacks and didn't look like they would be getting up soon as one person had taken a variety of attacks alone. But the fight wasn't finished as more men seeing eight of their men down instantly left where the fight was concentrated and headed straight for the legions. The two that hadn't been knocked out were quickly handled by Corey as he rushed straight at one and tackled him to the ground then leaving and doing the same thing to the other.

The two men got up after the tackle and sought to chase him but that's when something odd happened. The few strides made by the men became more difficult as they chased after Corey. It didn't take too long before their legs failed and became wobbly and eventually they both fell on their face.

The legions weren't going to stand around either as they rushed forward and collided with the men from the B unit. They were now engaged in a close combat with the the B unit. Blair ran straight towards one of the men who also charged at him. Then when he was close, he blasted the ground with ice freezing it and forming an ice trail that extended and went past the man attacking him and froze his legs in place. But this didn't keep him for long as he used his fire ability to melt the ice of his one leg and was looking to do the same for the other leg.

But the plan Blair had was never to trap the man, instead he ran forward with his remarkable agility and slid forward using the ice to propel himself towards the man. Then with his feet, he smashed the man on his ankle as he went past the man causing the man to trip and fall. But Blair wasn't done as before the man could hit the floor, a sharp ice rose from the ice trail and the man fell on it piercing his rib causing him to let out a loud scream.

"Ouch, that's gonna hurt. Put some ice on it" Blair said and began to laugh. Unknown to him, a water user was directly at his back with a water whip ready to whip him with it and by the time he realized it was too late for him to move out of the way and just as the attack was about to hit him on the face, a fire ball came smashing right on his attackers face sending him to the ground and then with an ice ball, Blair held it firm and smashed it on the attackers head, knocking him out.

"Watch your back next time" Blaze said and then ran forward to join the fight. Blair immediately followed behind as the fight was far from over.