

Careful what you  DON'T WISH FOR, you might just get it From best life to nightmare as the perfect life of Rodney Hart gets turned around by an unnatural phenomenon from a game that makes him feel at home. As he is warped into it and figures out that it might not just be a game as it seems. Follow Rodney Hart as he rises through the rank of another world in this adventure and discovers secrets that might just connect him to the elements of this world. Which path will he choose when it comes down to it?.. The way of the dark or light. Read and find out Will he grow strong enough in time to save the ones he cares about from unpredictable doom? Note* This is my first project so it is adviced that you have a clear mind when starting the novel. Admittedly, the start is weak but if you hang on long enough, you won't regret it!! Follow on IG @ Dkgo manga for artworks.

Dark_knight234 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
101 Chs

Last stand

Just back where the fighting had been going on for quite sometime with bodies, not dead though just not entirely conscious laying on the ground scattered about, there was a stand off going on. Just a little far from where most of the bodies laid, Rodney and the demon were currently facing off and Rodney thinking back to what Gypson had advised him to do.

..." You can't solve this problem any other way. It has to be this way. The skill you are using now can do more than you described. Once the main skill, the "nether storm" is activated, the issue of this demon becomes a foregone conclusion. Now I must warn you that this skill would affect every demon present here which is why you must do the other thing I have said first. And make sure you have something left in the tank before activating this skill" the voice of Gypson replayed itself in Rodney's head. It was either that or Gypson was repeating himself again. But it had to be the former case.

"Now that i have gotten you all out of the way, hopefully I can end this without hurting you guys as well. I still have a little gas left in the tank...I think" Rodney thought to himself. The reason for the latter thought he was having was because Gypson had made it known to him that he was working on borrowed energy. Now just like how the warp skill would work where the system granted Rodney the chance to use the skill and teleport himself away with even an empty energy point bar.

Although this had its cons. Rodney would then have to pay back in double and since the skill originally cost 50 energy points to use, Rodney would then have to pay a 100 energy point back to the system. But the quest reward to escape the hunters was a fifty percent energy boost which everyone with Rodney had received including Rodney before the monkey beasts had arrived. But Rodney's reward had been taken by the system leaving him with 0 energy point that is up until this point where he had taken up the "Knight's rage" form.

"I wonder just how much energy points the system had borrowed me and how much I have left. But the damn thing wouldn't display and I don't know if its this state that is causing it. I had better make the most of it now and worry about the rest later" Rodney thought to himself.

*Now back to the present moment*

"I can feel the energy isn't much but I just have to do it"

[Nether storm]

Rodney said as he activated the skill and almost immediately he felt a shooting pain in his head and fell to the ground. Then the next moment, dark shadows started to sip out of his chest and float into the air. And they gathered up in the air forming what looked like a small cloud. Rodney fell on his knees and had his hands clenching the soil as he was shaking in pain.

"I'm losing my energy by the minute....arrrr!!!." Rodney' couldn't finish his statement as the pain had basically shut him up.

"What is this?. Why am i losing energy?" The demon questioned internally as it could also feel something draining it's energy.

But then Rodney began to ascend to the dark shadow cloud. And as he left the ground, dark bolts of shadows struck the ground. Particularly, they struck the demon but because of it's impressive speed, it had managed to Dodge most of the attack but after several hits, it was down on the knees.

"What is this...am I wrong?. He definitely smells like a demophyte. But this ...this is beyond what a demophyte should be able to accomplish" The demon questioned himself as he struggled to get back up. Now looking at Rodney, he had disappeared into the shadow which wasn't all too surprising given he was himself covered with shadows from the beginning. The bolts of shadows seized and instead something started to gather in the middle of the shadow cloud.And after some seconds, a giant face made out of shadow with large scary looking rows of teeth could be seen and hands started to emerge too.

And with each appearance of certain body parts, the shadow cloud would decrease in size. Now the figure in the shadow cloud had formed up to the chest region and continued.

"No, please...I...I ..acknowledge you...please..." The demon said facing down as it felt its energy getting drained.

Meanwhile inside the giant shadow figure being formed, Rodney stood with his body stretched and his fist closed.

"Arrghh!!!!... I'm losing energy and gaining enormous amount at the same time..."...

" Gypson!!!!!!" Rodney yelled out in his mind. But this time, there was silence and no reply came forth.


"I can feel inside of me tearing up. I can't handle this gain-loss cycle.."

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry guys" Rodney said.

Now from outside, the shadow figure could now be seen reverting. The body of shadows soon started to turn back into shadows and eventually it had gone back to being just shadow clouds. Then a bolt of shadow struck the ground not too far from where the demon could be seen still on its knees and Rodney had appeared there. And now the shadow cloud began to move and quickly it came flowing down like a water fall into Rodney. This sudden happening had Rodney standing on his toes with his fist folded.

"Arrrhh!!" Rodney yelled out as the last of the shadow entered his body. He now stood there with the demon in front of him still kneeling. Now looking at himself he could see his shadow body was somewhat flickering and moving about like waves of water.

"You will not hunt us again" Rodney managed to say to the still kneeling demon.

"Yes, I live to now hunt those that hunt you. I have found my purpose now great one. Take me.." the demon said in a weak tone. And with that it had it's hands stretched forward at Rodney. Not knowing how or why, Rodney could see his hand had already moved and grabbed that of the demon's hand that bared long nails.


[Contract bestowal in process]

[You have successfully made a contract with the "Forgotten one"]

[Details of contract]


Rodney was going to check what this entailed but quickly had to turn around as he heard a voice calling out to him.

" Behind you!!! " two boys Rodney had totally no idea about who they are came running out of the trees. And in front of them, Rodney could see Mia coming in hot.

"I still haven't taken care of you. You might want the demon but I can't let you harm it. Not until I find out just what that contract thing means" Rodney thought to himself.

Mia to his surprise came straight and had no plans of by passing him as he had thought but just made a beeline for him. Lifting into the air, he managed to avoid her making a hole through him. But just as he landed, he could see Mia too had landed on the ground. And to his dismay, she had completely ignored the demon and rushed at him.

"Shadow hands" Rodney said and immediately grabbed onto Mia's hands that swung after him. Then he took his actual hand and held Mia's face from moving and with the final words hoping to put an end to all the madness, he said...

[Shadow trance]


[Skill failed]


"What?!" Rodney thought in his mind. And very shortly after, Mia had her hands free again. But not because she had broken free. No, the shadow hand had disappeared and so did the shadows covering Rodney. They flickered more violently and before long, Rodney could see his skin again. Pale white skin on his forearm was being revealed to him as all the shadows sipped back into him through his hand. And now he stood pale white with his body shrunken with no sign of fat anywhere. He looked mostly like a human skeleton standing. But that wasn't for long as he could soon see the sky and it was getting farther and farther away from him.

Now he was losing vertical base and that was not the only thing he was losing though, he was also losing consciousness. But before finally passing out, he could see Mia with her open palms facing his chest. And that was all he saw before he finally lost consciousness.