
Dark Katana and Light Sword Assassin

Kil Whitlock, a 15 years old boy and a student at Clenmark highschool. He has Three friends; George, Napoleon, and Miggy. They shared a family like bond and faced every challenges that comes to their way. Everything has changed when the monsters from another dimension came and invaded their world. Many Students and Teachers are dead and didn't make it Alive. A tragedy that is not only a coincidence but on purpose. Kil and his friends will faced more difficulties in their lives as they go deeper and Kill all the monsters. Monsters that can be killed. But Kil and his friends will be able survived?

Ian_Kun · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chapter 11: Tragedy

An earthquake struck three minutes into their quiz, lasting for a daunting two minutes.

The earthquake registered a magnitude of 7.3, sending all students into a panic. They swiftly adopted the Duck, Cover, and Hold technique, seeking refuge under their desks.

Despite the quake lasting two minutes, the buildings remained standing. However, the structures suffered damage from the powerful tremors.

Kil found himself under his desk, observing his surroundings and analyzing the unfolding chaos.

'I had a feeling something was amiss. First, that intense pressure that immobilized me and that mysterious voice. Who was he? And now, this intense earthquake.'


The school echoed with the desperate cries of students pleading for help, their voices filled with fear and urgency.

George, alarmed by the commotion, stood up and dashed outside the classroom to assess the situation. Peering down the building, he witnessed a horde of monsters attacking students below.

Returning to the classroom, George was visibly shaken by the sight before him. Breathing heavily, his heart raced as he uttered, "M-monsters, there are monsters attacking students below the buildings!"

His and her classmates widened their eyes and ran towards the corridor to verify the horrifying scene. They witnessed many students drenched in blood, with monsters taking their lives.


"Let's head downstairs now before they catch up with us. Escape through the main gate," their teacher announced.

All of Class-2 exited their classroom, passing through the Class-3 corridor and descending the stairs. However, they encountered numerous monsters blocking their path on the stairs.

Kil and his friends found themselves at the rear. "Hey, let's try the other stairs. There's no way out here," George suggested.

"Let's go!" Kil agreed, and the four of them hurried towards the alternate stairs. As they passed Class-1's classroom, they spotted more monsters approaching.

Kil noticed a pipe on the floor and swiftly grabbed it. As a monster lunged towards them, Kil struck the creature on the head with the pipe.

These monsters were goblins, armed only with their sharp claws and voracious mouths, using them to stab and consume humans.

The goblin hit by Kil fell to the ground, but unbeknownst to them, other goblins lurked behind. Suddenly, Miggy was attacked.

Miggy's stomach was pierced as the goblin's hand penetrated from his back to the front, causing severe injury.

Blood flowed into Miggy's mouth.

"Miiigggggyyyyyy!!!!" Kil shouted, tears streaming down his face.

As Kil prepared to attack the goblin who had wounded Miggy, they were unaware that the previously smashed goblin was not yet dead.

The goblin rose to its feet and bit Napoleon's neck from behind.

"H-help me, K-Kil," tears welled up in Napoleon's eyes as he pleaded for his life.

Kil turned to see Napoleon in distress.


George rushed towards Kil, urging him to flee.

"Hey, Kil, let's go now."

"But our friends, they need our help. Let's assist them," tears streamed down Kil's cheeks.

"Even if we try to help them, they won't survive. Let's go now," George insisted.

"W-why are you saying that, George?" Kil's gaze shifted to George. "Don't you feel anything? They're our friends. Don't those memories matter to you?"

"Even if they're our friends, our priority is to save ourselves first. Let's go now, Kil," George urged, taking hold of Kil's hand and leading him to the first floor where no monsters were present.

Kil wiped his tears and hurried down to the first floor. Upon arrival, they were met with a grim sight of lifeless students and goblins feasting on the corpses.

Wide-eyed in shock, Kil and George observed the gruesome scene as the goblins noticed them.

"Tell me, George, what's happening here? Why are there so many monsters?" Kil inquired.

"I-I don't know," George responded.

George also picked up a pipe from the ground, preparing to defend themselves. They pointed the pipe at the approaching goblins.

"Run!" George urged, signaling for them to flee.

Kil and George ran backward as the goblins chased them, encountering a small fence in the building. They leaped over it and landed on the grounds where they witnessed students pushing back the monsters to escape through the gate.

Meanwhile, Aika and her three friends were on the 4th floor of another building, observing Kil and George on the ground with the students battling the monsters.

"Aika, let's get inside now. Those monsters might catch up with us," Emma urged from the classroom door.

Aika watched as Kil and George jumped at the students head, aiding them in escaping from the area.

'What are they doing? Using the students heads to go in the gate by? What are they thinking?' Aika pondered.

Kil and George sprinted towards the gate, stepping on the students' heads to reach the goblins' heads. They continued towards the gate, stepping on the goblins' heads in their path.

Upon reaching the gate, they discovered it was locked. Anyone attempting to touch the gate would be electrocuted until they lost their lives. Despite their efforts, they couldn't escape the deadly shock.

Numerous students perished due to this unexpected danger near the gate, not caused by the monsters.

"Hey, Kil, don't touch the gate no matter what. There's something about that gate," George warned.

"Why do you say that?" Kil inquired.

"These students, I think they died because they tried to escape. If they died because of the monsters, they would have wounds, right?"

"Yeah, you're right."

Then, the goblins approached them. There was no way to escape now; they were surrounded by goblins, with a locked gate behind them.

"Hey, any plan in mind, Kil?"

"These damn bastards. My plan? They killed our two friends, so I will kill them too."

Kil's expression turned serious as he exuded a murderous intent. The goblins sensed the intense aura emanating from Kil.

Kil aimed his pipe at the goblins in front of him. Three goblins remained, as the others targeted a new student who had suddenly appeared, leaving only three goblins to face Kil and George.

The goblins began their attack on Kil and George, who retaliated by fighting back. As a goblin lunged towards Kil, he defended himself with his right hand, managing to push the goblin away instead of puncturing its stomach.

Kil leaped and delivered a powerful kick to the goblin's head, causing it to stumble. Meanwhile, George swung his pipe, smashing the goblin's head.

Kil ducked and swung his pipe, targeting another goblin's side, then swiftly raised his body to strike the goblin's head.

As one goblin attempted to rise, Kil launched a forceful attack on its head, ensuring it remained incapacitated. He then turned to the next goblin, delivering a powerful blow to its head.

The incapacitated goblin lay defenseless as Kil relentlessly struck its head until the goblin met its demise.

When the last goblin prepared to attack, Kil swiftly executed a spinning kick, followed by a series of strikes to its neck and head. Despite the goblin no longer posing a threat, Kil continued to mercilessly assault its lifeless body with the pipe.

During the intense onslaught, tears streamed down Kil's face. The goblin's blood splattered on Kil's visage as he wore a sinister smile.

"Y-you monsters!!! I will not forgive you. I will eliminate every single one of you. You took the lives of my dear friends, shattered our world, and brought ruin upon us all!"

Consumed by rage, Kil's demeanor bordered on ferocious, with tears of blood staining his cheeks.

"H-hey, Kil, the monsters are defeated. Why are you still attacking that lifeless one?" George questioned, noticing Kil's unsettling behavior.

Kil gazed at George with an ominous expression, his smirk hinting at a darker intent, while blood continued to flow from his eyes.

"Your eyes, what's happening to your eyes?" George inquired, unsettled by Kil's eerie transformation.

Kil stood up, his expression grave. "Hey, George. Why are you so composed in this dire situation? It seems like you only care about yourself. The bond we shared with Miggy and Napoleon seems insignificant to you. You're not the same George I've known, especially since your return from the hospital. Do you know what's happening here?"

"W-what do you mean, Kil? I'm still George. I chose to leave them behind because if we had stayed, we might have been trapped in that hell as well. I did it for our safety," George explained.

Kil's aura darkened, a stark contrast to their previous camaraderie. Slowly, he approached George, their foreheads almost touching, locking eyes in an intense gaze that hinted at a darker intent.

"Is that the only reason? Even in this chaos, you remain calm. Why?" Kil pressed.

"I-I'm calm because I have you now. Y-yes, I'm calm because I have you, the strongest one," George responded, attempting to reassure Kil.

As a goblin lurked behind Kil, poised to attack, George swiftly intervened, preventing the goblin from biting Kil by inserting his pipe into its mouth.

Kil swiftly turned, delivering precise strikes to the goblin until it succumbed.

"Hey, Kil, now's not the time for these questions. We must focus on eliminating these monsters to reach the gate and escape," George redirected.

"Yes, you're right," Kil concurred.

As they resumed their path, ten goblins noticed their presence and launched another assault. Kil and George readied themselves for the impending battle.

As the goblins closed in, Kil and George swung their pipes, striking the goblins' heads with precision.

One goblin lunged towards Kil's back, tearing through his clothes. Kil swiftly retaliated, delivering a powerful kick to the goblin's face, sending it crashing to the ground. Another goblin attempted to attack Kil, but his quick reflexes allowed him to dodge, albeit sustaining a claw wound to his face.

Moving swiftly, Kil circled behind the goblin, landing a series of blows to its head and body until it stumbled. He then focused on the downed goblins, delivering fatal strikes to their heads, eliminating six in total—three by Kil and three by George.

Pressing on, Kil engaged with more goblins, delivering precise strikes to their faces. Despite a goblin managing to wound Kil's left arm, he countered with a swift kick to the goblin's stomach and continued his assault with the pipe. After a fierce battle, Kil eliminated the two goblins, while George struggled with the remaining two. Kil rushed to assist George, swiftly dispatching one goblin, allowing George to defeat the final one.

Exhausted, George struggled to catch his breath as Kil led him to the nearest classroom. Inside, they found lifeless students and bloodstains covering the room.

Securing the room by locking the door, windows, and drawing the curtains, they decided to rest briefly. Though the water dispenser was tainted with blood, the water itself remained uncontaminated.

George took a cup of water and drank, followed by Kil, who also quenched his thirst.

They checked the clock, which showed 11:43 a.m.

"It has been an hour since the monsters invaded our school," George noted.

"I feel like I've grown stronger now," Kil turned to George. "I can take down a goblin with a single strike to the head, while the others need more hits."

"I believe defeating these monsters will make us even stronger,"

Kil a make a devilish smile. "Is that so? Then let's begin the hunt," Kil declared, prepared to face the challenges ahead.