

It was as if the town was a maze filled with narrow winding streets. The streets were filled with talks about the coronation that had passed, and the roads paved on dull grey bricks reflecting the civilian's lives during the late king's reign.


The ground was clean enough to pass off as a proper indoor floor and the well-dressed people around us stared on at our unwashed tainted cloak.

How annoying...

"Why are we here?" I whispered, trying to keep my head low and tried not to attract attention.

"Didn't you guys want to explore the town?" Alfie danced around with her fancy adventurer clothes.

Easy for you to say! You look like you're meant to be here! I look like crap!

"Look at me. Do I look like I can go on being 'Morning good sir! Such a lovely day it is outside! Birds are singing flowers are blooming!' On days like these, if I talk like this, I'll feel like I'm burning in hell." I overexaggerated my body language to send the message loud and clear, getting a small giggle from Fay.

I attracted more attention with it, but when everyone you see is looking at you, one more isn't gonna change anything.

"We're here to get you new clothes," Alfie continued to stroll along the pathway, seemingly trying to spot a sign she recognizes.

What the letter she opened? She just said 'such a pain' and told us to follow her. Although I do want to not stand out like a sore thumb, I do not want to acquire such an irrelevant thing that has no practical use.

If any of them even try to put me in frills like the other ladies walking down the street, I can't exactly guarantee their safety. Damon did it once, I'll never wear anything like that again.

"I understand we should fit in in the upper levels if there was ever a need, but is it really necessary? You seemed surprised about the letter, what did it contain? I am much more interested in that matter." Fay caught up to Alfie.

"Curious today aren't ya?" Alfie stopped in front of a small shop with a crest resembling the sword in the stone, but the stone seemed to be shaped similar to an anvil. Blacksmith? Now that's 'new clothes' I can get behind.

Armour huh? Haven't worn one of those in a while...

I don't like sounding arrogant, even inside my own head, but I've never felt the need for armour before...

Certainly, Alfie knows my capability, from the tournament. If I'm truly in a dire situation I doubt an extra 50 kg of iron would help. I know I'm exaggerating how heavy armour is, but I hate uncomfortable things. In the old world, I've always worn a t-shirt and shorts when I go outside.

Oh, I remember all the verbal abuse I got from old Fay every time I dressed like that...

As I became more lost in thought, I unintentionally stared at Fay. You know... if old Fay was here right now... she'd love to see me in a dress huh?

Maybe... that initial idea wasn't so bad-

"We're getting a sword right?" Shin looked like a 5-year-old about to go in toys-r-us, jumping up and down with sparkles in his eyes.

He was really into the sword idea all the way back when too. Guess he's got some sword obsession.

"Just so you know, I can literally make iron weapons and armour. There's really no need for us to buy som-"

"Don't insult the blacksmith like that! His stuff is miles ahead of the swords you can make with your ability!" Alfie's hand chopped me in the middle of my head.

Ouch... even though I'm quite numb I can still be mentally hurt by that chop!

"Besides," Alfie continued, "We're not getting weapons or armour. Just masks,"

Masks? Oh! Are we getting one of those cool adventurer ones that Alfie has? That'd be awesome!

My eyes started to sparkle alongside Shin, leading to a sigh from Alfie.

"The letter, it was an invitation to a masquerade. The new ruler of Leon, 'king' Aurelius the fifth's first public appearance after his coronation."

So we missed it... "When was it?"

"When was what?"

"The coronation, we missed it," I didn't get to see how it'd be done...

"Hmm... about 2 weeks ago if I recall correctly. I was supposed to be there, but I wanted to try a new method for suicide I saw in that prison."

Actually, her being so sane all the time made me forget how fricking crazy she can be sometimes. Anyways... 2 weeks ago huh? We missed it because that little brat noble decided to lock us up-

Wait for a second... oh. So that's why he was desperate enough to torture me into compliance. Too bad he didn't check out my backgrounds well enough.

"Oi! Handy! You still alive?" Alfie kicked down the door, excited to see whoever this 'Handy' guy is. Blacksmith... ores... caves... probably a dwarf in that case...

At that moment, a scrawny tall tanned man walked into view from the storage room, "Who the hell is calling me Hand- A-Alfie!" It was as if all the stars lit up in his eyes when he saw her.

"I need a little something from you," Alfie tried fixing the door as we walked inside.

"Of course! Anything! I still owe you everything I own." He enthusiastically jumped over the counter and helped Alfie with the door.

"3 masks for them." She pointed at us.

"Them?" The man stared at us and lingered. Everything went silent.


"A-Alfie actually found herself new friends?! Impossible! No way!" He pushed his odd bright green hair against the wall.

"Why thanks for believing in my ability to move on so much, gee," Alfie had an insulted look on her face, but eventually cracked into a smile.

Alfie walked to him and gave him a hug, "been a century eh?" and a pat on the back.

Oh damn... the pat... he's in the brother zone... that's just cruel.

"And you still look the same. Same height too. Now I remembered a few centuries back, someone used to call me short." The smith stood up straight and gazed down.

These 2 damn titans are comparing height... frick both of you, we must look like dwarfs to you guys!

"Centuries?" Shin stared at his curved ears. Not pointy... not an elf?

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself to my new customers. Hello hello! My name is Hain. Although Alfie's friends slowed down my ageing, I'm 100% Anerian!" He struck a pose, but immediately got smacked on the back of the head by Alfie.

Anerian? I've seen their name written in the books from Rex's library. Their description was never specified though... it was just a passing reference that most people would know the context of...

I never quite figured this race out... "What is an Anerian?"

My question seemed to surprise the 2 titans, but Alfie looked like she just remembered that I'm not born in this world, "They're basically human. Humans from about a thousand years ago give or take. Terrible at magic, extremely weak and..."

"Hey stop insulting me!" Hain shouted like a little kid, "My race's speciality was survival. No matter the cost. That's all,"

"He's a blacksmith because he can't fight," Alfie whispered to me.

"Yes, I can! Don't listen to her! I can!" At the moment, he seemed to realize something. His face turned red and he retreated back into his corner, "A-A... A real lady?! Wait no! Ladies!"

Is his reaction that slow? Bro...

"Hi?" This is awkward...

"Hello, beautiful ladies," He tried to put on a cool and composed persona, but I'm 99% sure it's too late for that. Also! He smirked at Fay...

"Stay away from my innocent child," I hugged Fay and backed her away a few steps before noticing that Alfie was doing the same thing to me.

"I was just joking! Geez!"

I can't tell if he's trying to blow it off or he was really just joking...

"Anyways! I have some premade masks in case Alfie broke her's, feel free to just take the one you like." He dragged out a fancy box and opened it.

I've been gone for a long while! So I'd just like to say that I've returned! I'm not completely settled on a schedule yet since the recent pandemic is still pretty bad, but since I've settled on plot points, the whole thing should be less confusing and I should be able to write more with a consistent pace. Anyways, have a nice day/night, everyone!

An0nymouscreators' thoughts