
Appointed Adviser

"Why don't you just kill the little guy," Fin said

"He's just a little kid"

"When we do these things we wipe out the whole family line"

I'm starting to calm down... t-try to t-think of an excuse Hiroto. BS your way out of this somehow

"Uhh... we can... we can use him... t-to control the kingdom from the shadow. The first heir to the throne owns Caledonia and 2nd prince owns something else and the youngest owns Leon."

I did assume that Caledonia and Leon were the same, but I hope whatever I babbled makes sense

"I guess you're right... you are truly 3 steps ahead of the game"

Somehow I feel like that Overlord guy... Ainz... I feel ya.

"I was wondering, Caledonia and Leon are they the same country?"

"No, but it's ruled by the same family since the queen is the queen of Caledonia and the king is the king of Leon"

Politics in this world makes no sense at all does it?

"So let's just use my plan and get through this"


"Change your appearance to someone... anyone really"

If he sees Kyle bloodied up and Kyle breaks out and come here the timeline would make no sense


Fin changed back to his old self

"Also I'll need you to contact the demon king and inform him of my plans. I'll act according to that when I receive a message back"

He doesn't look as nerdy anymore. He just looks like a psychopathic killer... and that was my best attempt at comedy right now...

Opened the door and said in a monotone voice "You can come out now, Kid"

The closet's door slowly opens and Aurelius walks out slowly. The King's corpse was slowly disintegrating into ashes because of the swords enchant.

My mind started to calm down a bit and I was able to rationalize if only a fraction of what happened

Aurelius started crying uncontrollably

"Everything will be alright... leave it to me," I said, kneeling down and putting one of my hand on his shoulder

A day later...

The Demon King said that it'll be great if I could control the country from the shadows so that's exactly what I'm planning to do

"This is unacceptable! We can't let a kid rule our country!" one of the noble proclaimed

A table of nobles debating on who should rule the kingdom. Aurelius was at the head of the table sitting silently

"Why don't we just give the job to the first prince, Alexander. He could control both countries" another noble said, this guy... he's not a scumbag... wow I never thought I'd see the day that nobles aren't scumbags

"Why don't we just decide who could rule right here. Caledonia's a big kingdom. Prince Alexander would be too busy. We could let one of us rule"

I feel guilty... I should help Aurelius and this would also benefit me

"Personally, I'd suggest having an adviser to the prince and let him rule"

I'll make them agree with my idea by suggesting an adviser since it wouldn't seem like a scam, but everyone here knows that if we do that... someone will be controlling the prince from the shadows and the ones who are loyal would be okay with it because the prince would still be ruling

"The Hero Hiroto's idea isn't bad. We could decide on who would be adviser here and now"

"I'd like to volunteer myself for this task"

"But you're a Hero you know nothing of our politics"

"That maybe so, but I can provide elite protection for the prince at all times and our old world's way more harsher than your's we've been through more than you could ever imagine"

The room went silent...

Aurelius finally opened his mouth "I agree with Sir Hiroto. I'd feel safer around him and I won't be controlled to be on one side of the noble factions"

The stood up like true royalty and "By the power vested in me, I declare Sir Hiroto as my personal advisor"

"Are you sure my prince, he's a hero he knows nothing of how the world functions"


The nobles want to have the power all their own factions. I'd better chase those people off

"Do you have no trust in my ability to aid prince Aurelius"

"We do, b-but"

Heh... they have no idea how to answer. I've always won most of the arguments that I'm in, well, except the one the Amber isn't on my side.

"If there's no valid opinion then I do not see why I can't appoint him as my Adviser," Aurelius said, I can't believe how brave he is. After my... parents left I was a mess for months. I pushed everything away from me. I became aware of how easy it is for someone to leave your life. He made it a goal to be the king his father always wanted to be

They were all silent.

"I see, so no complaints. Then this meeting should be completed, am I correct? The only point of this meeting is to decide what happens to the crown" I said

Better leave when they're still stunned

"Yes, you're right sir Hiroto we should get going now"

We went out of the room leaving only the nobles trying to process what would happen to the kingdom now

Aurelius sighed "Honestly, how could father deal with those annoying nobles and have time for other things"

"You seemed to not grief your father's death any longer"

"Yes... to be completely honest at that moment I was shocked more than sad. Don't get me wrong I love my father, but he's never really been there for me. I guess I imagine his death so much it feels more like a memory."

At that moment I couldn't think of doing anything except saying "Shut it! You're still a kid and you are growing up too fast. Do something that a normal eight-year-old would do"

"You're sixteen and you're a hero"

Actually, we got teleported to this world on November 28th so...

"Speaking of age, what year is it?"

"Year? It's the XXX2"

Interesting... so they keep track of the years

"Who invented years?"

"A politician named Joe Lius"

The concept of 365 days in a year first came in our world through the Julian Calendar which was introduced to the world by Julius Caesar. That's a word for word copy of what it says on the internet. My brain is really used to remember these useless things huh?

"How many years has it been since we came here?"

"A year ago on the 11th month and 18 days, the number after XXX resets every time new generations of natural heroes came"

"Natural heroes?"

"There are also summoned, Hero. They are summoned when we really need a hand and Natural heroes like you don't show up. They are weaker than you guys, but we can summon them by choice unlike you guys where it's completely random when you'd come"

"So... if I'm level 1 and they're level 1 I would always win in a fight?"


"If your level one and they're level 5 then it's a 50/50"


I just wanted to know my age... is this gonna be some kind of foreshadowing? I should pay attention, but I really just don't care

"So what's today's date?"


"Yep, I'm 17 thank you very much, anyways how did you know I was sixteen"

"Lucky guess..."

He's hiding something. He might've grown up faster than others, but he is still a kid

"Tell me," I said with an 'I'm not mad just disappointed' stare

"Fine... every hero that came here was 16"

Good info. He knows more than he puts on.

"Give me all the juice"

"I can't"

Time to play the poker face

"We're friends right?"

"Yeah, you help me a lot the past dozens of hours."

"So you can trust me, it is what friends do right?"

"S-Sure... I'll tell you everything. A long time ago the first generation of natural hero came on our land. They were confused. They were scared. They wanted to go back and when they found out they can't they did whatever they wanted.

Quickly, they levelled up to about level 90. One of them could destroy the whole kingdom. We managed to seal them using forbidden magic, but it took the lives of 500,000 men. They were unknown monsters to us back then. This kept happening in every generation until the 7th one.

They struck a deal with us and told us that from their knowledge the heroes were always teleported near the capital. Where the mana in the air is highest at the moment. So they set up 4 towers, on north, south, east and west of the capital. There they drew a transmutation circle that draws lots of mana in the air so the heroes would teleport there.

We instructed the nobles to keep an eye on the towers. When the heroes came we could say they were heroes and they must save us. My father wasn't strict to you because he knew he couldn't lose anymore men. He can't let you go bad."