
Chapter 43: Forbidden Pleasure


Oksana watched him step out of the bedroom with a mix of excitement and impatience. She was excited to see what he had prepared for them, but she also didn’t want him to leave her here all hot and needy. She entertained herself by kneading her breasts as she eagerly waited for him to come back through the doors. Thankfully, she didn’t have to wait long.

Assar stepped back through the door and had something tucked behind his back. He stepped back over to her and without letting her see what he was doing, placed the items he had on the side of the bed. She made to look over, but Assar’s hands caught her chin and pulled her face to face his.

“What did you bring?” She asked in a breathy voice.

He smirked and leaned down over her as he whispered into her ear, “I seem to recall that first time in the carriage when I held you down thinking you were attacking me, you got all hot and excited by it. Am I correct?”