
Dark Insight

Sasha Rostova, a young girl, who was later adopted by the Vasiliev family in Russia. But there was something she didn't knew about. In search of it, she was engulfed in a never ending darkness... Jason Evans, a top detective, even in the world. He is in search of a mass murderer, who no one knows that he is a murderer. A psycho who was roaming free in the world. Because of some personal issues in Jason's family, he had to resign his job, but he didn't stop his pursuit of the man. His curiosity was growing bigger day by day as he comes across many mysteries and the truth about that man. Now all there lies are betrayal, confusion and a monster who is not a monster... Guys I'm the author, Ad_Leeus. This is my first novel, so it's going to be a bit slow at pace but I promise it'll later keep it's track and get more interesting. It updates 7 chapters per week, or sometimes 14 chapters, unless I'm sick or my exams are near. I hope you'll like to read it. It's a mystery and tragedy based story with a bit of romance, so I'm sure you all are gonna love it once you read it and get to understanding about the story more. .... power stones and golden tickets are most appreciated. .... Check out my other novel 'Yuvan'.

Ad_Leeus · Horror
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29 Chs


It's been 2 months since the lightweight championship. Everything was going smoothly until...



The incident which made a ambitious young man into a monster happened, but what made him like that?


"Hyattt! Huhhtt!"

Hikaru was training in his gym. His coach and manager, Kazuhiko Hirose came. He is a former heavy-weight boxing Olympics gold medalist. He was about 5'8 and was wearing a black suit.

He clapped his hands,

"Very well! Hikaru, looks like your training is going good."

Hikaru stopped and said, "Well yeah, I have to win the next tournament."

"No need to push yourself very hard. Anyways you have a meeting with Andrew Martinez, the current heavy-weight UFC champion, at Kyoto the next week."

"Ok, I'll meet him. But I will also bring Kenzo with me."

Kazuhiko nodded and this after a week Hikaru and Kenzo went to Kyoto to meet face-to-face with Andrew Martinez.

While they were at Kyoto something really bad was bound to happen which would completely change Hikaru's fate.

At Hikaru's home...



"Oh! Mr Hirose." Chiyo gasped.

"Yes, Mrs Miyamoto. I was passing by so I thought i should pay you a visit."

"Well that's very considerate of you, please come inside."

Kazuhiko went inside. He slowly sat down on the sofa. They talked for sometime and then he left,

"Hikaru is going to become one of the best fighters so I hope you will also continue to support him, Mrs Miyamoto."

"Yes" She replied.

At Kyoto...

The meeting was at four seasons hotel. Andrew's bodyguards came to pick Hikaru and Kenzo from the hotel entrance. They reached the meeting room, it was traditional Japanese–style tatami room, sitting in front of them was a tall man of about 6'3. He was wearing a blue yukata. He had blonde hair and a beard; his body was very massive.

Andrew greeted them, "Welcome! Hikaru and..."

"It's Kenzo, Kenzo Fujiwara. I'm Hikaru's friend. It's a pleasure to meet you sir."

"Oh! Hikaru's friend then you also must be an impressive fighter."

"Well that's not true at all. We may have trained in Kyokushin since childhood but I come nowhere near his talent."

They sat down and food arrived...

Andrew picked up sushi as his first dish,

"Woah! So this is Japan's sushi which is famous all over the world."

He took a bite and said that it was delicious.

As they all were eating Andrew asked, "Hey, Hikaru wanna sign a contract with me. It's also for your friend, Kenzo. At first I only intended to sign it with you, but after seeing your friend, I'd also like to sign a contract with him."

"What sort of contract?" Kenzo asked.

Andrew laughed and said, "you'll know later kids."



"Okay that's it. It's time for me to go."

"What happened didn't you tell me that you wanted to hear my past story?"

"I now know what I wanted to know. I'll meet you again after sometime, and next time will be at Japan."

Jin left the room while Hikaru was still sitting on the sofa. He thought, "This man, I didn't want to tell him anything about my past, I even tried to made up stuff, but how was able to make me spill everything and I didn't even realize it? I should stay in his good...side."

At the industry...

"What you'll be leaving? But why?"

"Well I have things to take care of in England. My family is there, so it's my responsibility. I'll again meet you soon."

He looked towards Ae-rin and told her, "Don't worry, just continue, now the media has completely changed sides since the truth is revealed. Move on and make your parents proud."

He approached her slowly and hugged her.

Tears started to slowly pour out of her eyes, she said in a teary voice, "I-I'm gonna miss y-you."

"It's alright."

He slowly patted on her head.

He took his luggage and slowly left the industry...


He reached Incheon International Airport. His destination was Beijing, China. The departure time arrived and he left Korea and soon reached Beijing Capital International Airport...

From there he took a cab and reached his hotel where he had booked a room. It was a large 5 star hotel with all the facilities. He went to his room, took off his clothes, took a bath and changed into his pyjamas.

The view from his room was mesmerizing. The city lights twinkling all over the horizon.

He slowly laid down on his bed and fell asleep...

The next day...

He came out of his room. He was wearing a white shirt with sleeves rolled up, black formal pants and shoes. He went down and left the hotel.

It was a bright sunny day. The sky was almost clear with pure white clouds, a perfect day for an outing.

He visited the Great Wall of China, Temple of Heaven and Summer Palace. Soon the day fell and night arose. All the city lights slowly illuminated.

The people were roaming and enjoying the night life, streamers and tik-tokers doing live videos.

A large casino with every facilities. There were cherry blossoms whose leaves were becoming white and starting to fall. The green trees were becoming red,yellow and orange falling slowly as winds blows.

There were couples, friends and families taking pictures with these trees like capturing their last moments with a happy beautiful smile since they all will eventually wither away, losing their majestic crown during winters.

He enters the casino and talks with the receptionist. She tells him to go to another room. There were 2 receptionist who gave him a receipt and told to use the elevator next to them, since at the top floor of the casino was where the auction was going to be held.

He enters the elevator and looks out from it. The glass of the elevator was one–way so only from the inside one can see outside. The view was very beautiful from it.

When it was almost at the top floor, he looked at his watch and the time was, 10 p.m.

After it reached the top floor he came out of it and infront of him were three rooms. One at the front, one at the left and one at the right which were guarded by 6 guards who were wearing black T-shirt, pants and shoes.

He showed the receipt to the guards covering the right side door. He then slowly went inside...

It was a very large hall with chandeliers on the top, a '90s style hall. There were premium seats for every buyer. The men and women were wearing formal clothings which looked very expensive.

"Hmm! My number is 61 so it's here."

On the seat was a banner with his number. He took it and sat down.


A beautiful woman of around age 23 with a height of 5'6 came and sat next to him as her number was 62. She asked, "Hey Mr what's your name? Is it your first time in an auction."

"Ah! It's my first time. Nice to meet you I'm Adrien Smith."

"I'm Anna Lee. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Soon the auction started...

[Welcome! Ladies and gentleman. I'm your host for today's auction, Qian Wang.

I guess you all are very interested in the products of today's auction. Then we will start the auction in just a minute.]


[Okay! Now coming The first product]


[Two pieces of 20–carat pure yellow sapphire.

The bidding starts from $20,000. ]

[41 : "$20,500]

[2 : "$21,000"]

[19 : "$22,700"]

[70 : "$26,500"]

[35 : "$29,000"]

[62 : "$35,000"]


[Anyone wants to bid higher...

Then it's sold to Mrs Lee]

"Woah! You already spent so much from the start. Looks like you like jewelaries very much."

"This much money is nothing and well you could say I like jewelaries a lot but there is a story behind it."

"Ah! I see." Adrien told with a slight smile.


[Now coming on to our fifth product...

It's a Japanese katana made by the best swordsmith in present–day, Yoshindo Yukiwara. It is said to be one of the masterpieces that he created, he likes to call it 'The Blood Dragon'.

The bidding starts from $300,000 dollars]

[43 : "$350,000]

"Damn...looks like the bidding is going to go high in this piece."

"You want it? You haven't bought anything till now." Anna asked Adrien.

"Let's see I guess I might buy it."

"Hahah I see, you wanna go." She replied.

[7 : "$380,500]

[59 : "$400,000]

[62 :"$450,000]

"Getting high from the start huh!" Adrien told her.

She looked at him and smiled.

[12 : "$490,000]

[62 : "$550,000]

[24 : "$600,000]

[62 : "$700,000]

[79 : "$720,000]

[97 : "$770,000]

[62: "$900,000]


[Anyone wants to bid higher...]

"Hey, you not gonna take the sword."

"Nah, I'll take the sword and also give you a sword."

[61 : "$5,000,000]


[Sold to Mr Smith]

"D-damn...you spent 5 million dollars on a sword."

"Says the pretty lady with large breasts and ass, who spent more than 200 thousand dollars in the start of the auction."

"You little brat!" She said while laughing lightly.

[Now coming on to our last product a 40-carat diamond ring made from natural diamond. It is the greatest masterpiece ever made. The design is such a delicate piece of art that it shines even in the deep darkness. It took the top designers and jewelers from all over the world to make this one masterpiece 2 years.

And the bidding starts from $10,000,000]

[100 : "$10,500,000]

[94 : $10,600,000]

[51 : $10,650,000]

[33 : $10,700,000]

Adrien looked towards Anna and asked, "what happened young lady? You don't want this impressive diamond ring."

"Well to be honest I want it, but..."

Adrien chuckles and told her, "Don't worry milady you'll get it."


[1 : $11,000,000]

[39 : $11,500,000]

[61 : $20,000,000]

"W-what 20 million dollars! Why did you spend so much in something you don't like?" Anna asked Adrien.

Adrien smiled and told her, "I just felt like it milady."

"Y-you really are crazy"

[Sold to Mr Smith.

And ladies and gentlemen with this today's auction is completed. You can receive your products at the room on the left side.]



After receiving the products...

Near the casino entrance...

"So you'll be going to Japan the next week huh!"

"Yes, I hope to meet you again Mr Smith."

Adrien slowly approached her and got on one knee. He took her hand and gave her the diamond ring and said, "I hope you'll like my little gift. I don't know if you remember but your parents helped me a lot at some point of time. Take it as a gift from me. "

"W-what? Why? You spent 20 million dollars on it and now you are giving it to me! What's wrong with you." She said in a flustered voice.

Adrien got up and slowly hugged her as the Autumn leaves slowly fell during the clear night where the moon shone brightly...