

"I'll do anything you want me to do", she said knowing her sister was the only one she has left in the world. Prince Logan forces her to make the cold and bloody prince of Xavier fall for her. So inlove that he could kill himself and then break his heart. She did but this prince was something else... "You're just a pawn for a greater thing coming". .. "this isn't what I want. What I really want is coming".

yankee825 · Fantasy
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54 Chs


"Someone is here to see you, your highness", Amaya said and crown prince Logan rolled his eyes, he seemed to be in a happy mood . He was always in a happy mood. "I told you to stop calling me that. What did I say you should call me?" He asked and she eyed him knowing he was in a good mood. "Love", she said holding her waist in akimbo. "That person must be waiting,your..." She let her voice trail and he smiled mischievously. She quickly left.

Marcuse, the head of the Novios entered and sat down without seeking his permission or acknowledging him. "You know, you should go back to school to learn some manners, Marcuse... Right, you have no manners". Marcuse laughed, his teeth yellow from smoking tobacco. "Right. You got it, prince Logan. I have no manners". Crown prince Logan shook his head. How could this moron be the leader of a kingdom, he was pathetic.

So pathetic to a fault.

" So, how is the plan coming up?", Marcuse asked and there was silence for sometime before he spoke. "I know what I'm doing. Xavier is like a kingdom with very high security and their military strength is top notch. But there is something _ something they don't have". He spoke as if he was thinking, not looking at Marcuse.

"What is it. It must be their weakness", Marcuse said thoughtfully. Crown prince Logan sighed. "It is. It is their weakness. After all their bragging to the world that they have an advanced army, they forgot something". Suddenly impatient, Marcuse said, " What is it? Say"

Crown prince Logan finally looked at Marcuse. "Internal crisis"


"They have poor coordination, the queen is always right. And you know who their queen is?". Marcuse thought for a while then his eyes suddenly brightened. "Queen Thalia", he said and crown prince Logan nodded. "They are having a severe case of corruption. And not everyone agrees with her. They are their own enemies, fighting against themselves. This can ruin not just within but the kingdom as a whole", he said and Marcuse laughed. Crown prince Logan hated it whenever this idiot laughed. What could he do... Old habits die hard.

"Before I forget, some people petitioned for her dethronement", crown prince Logan said and Marcuse was as curious as ever. "Why?"

" She must have wanted to remove subsidy. The man she took his life wasn't much among. The main people among are the ones closest to her", he said. Marcuse nodded. "Whose life did she take?"

"I don't quite remember his name, but his as quiet as a dead snake". Crown prince Logan stood to take a sword from its rack. The sword read on its body; ALEXANDRO OF XAVIER.

"We will be calm, because their military is very strong"

"But with the crisis going on in the court..."

"Don't abuse that, we must make sure they are so weak that their military won't know whom to take orders from and of course when we will strike!" He slashed the sword in the air. He was going to use this sword to kill every single member of the royal family.

"But, can I ask?" Marcuse said and crown prince Logan nodded for him to go on. "How do you know all this?"

"I have eyes and ears everywhere. And an advice for you , it is always good to stay close to your enemies. Only then can you know their faults and weaknesses ", he said with all seriousness that for a moment, Marcuse was startled. He, head of the Novios nodded.

"Now, keep training your beasts while I do mine. In the mean time, let us stop seeing each other. Rumors are simply faster and more effective than light ". Marcuse laughed and stood to go. "I'll see you , though not for the time being, but, I'll see you". And he left. Crown prince Logan waited until he heard the brats footsteps no more. Then he hissed. " This man is the dumbest leader I've ever seen", he said, but he couldn't call the deal off. It meant another war for Segovia. He needed to destroy Xavier and that moron was the only one on his mind... The savage beasts that he was training would be of good use.


The Court had ended and the officials had left leaving the two, mother and son behind. "The minister of defense has been killed, mother, why?", Crown prince Alexandro asked looking at his mother as if she were an alien. The queen sighed and said, "Some people are not meant to live long, prince Alexandro, my son. They were destined to die anyway". Crown prince Alexandro shook his head. "It's our destiny to die one day. That does not justify your actions". She nodded and he said, "You say, he is like a dead snake. A dead snake is powerless, why would you go for him?" The queen looked at the crown prince Alexandro in the eyes and said. "That snake might be playing dead"

"Are they known to play dead? Or is that a reason? Answer me!" He was annoyed, he had simply had it with his mother , he was tired. " They would play dead so the hawk won't eat them ", the queen said and smiled. "He played with fire and got burnt, darling". The crown prince Alexandro sighed and suddenly relaxed. "That still does not justify anything", he said.

" It doesn't. He petitioned for my dethronement". The crown prince grinned and looked at her. "You're lying. This is wrong".

"The queen is always right. I thought he was a loyal dog, but turned out to be a vicious wolf playing loyal_" , she looked at him to see his expression then continued,"_ and you know wolves can't stay loyal for too long".

Crown prince Alexandro thought, there must be a reason for him to pass a petition for her dethronement. "There is a reason. There must be", he said and the queen eyes him. "That's enough, no one would dare do that again. " He can't be the only one who did that. You of all people should know that. They must be at least ten". The queen nodded at his intelligence. " This shows that you are truly my son. Go, I'll take care of everything ". The crown prince Alexandro bowed and left . What was the reason? Or did he just speak against something and so she schemed up something to accuse him?…