
Dark Hybrid

A young girl loses her life with her family just for being different in Home Town because she was born with unnatural hair and eyes. But she had a life changing secret that she could only tell people that she truly trusts, but she never had that feeling in years. For she loses everything she ever had as a child. At the age of 6, she and her human siblings went out to the Woods to play, but something happened to her, and her older sister and their oldest brother ran away. Now at the age of 16, she comes across another Home Town but the location is a little familiar and she meets new people that change her life and made her happy again a feeling she hasn't had in years. But her new friends don't know the truth about her or what she can do. Can the young girl believe that she has a chance to show the world she isn't a Monster? !!! Read to find out !!! * Note : This book will have songs from YouTube because I love these. It might be a good way to spend it around. So sometimes, in the chapters, I will write where a song will come in, and you can find the songs on YouTube. *

sadie_corden · Sci-fi
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32 Chs

Please, Don't Ask Me That

Guilt felted the room as Raven left with her nose bleeding, but Chloe felt the worst of it because she was the one who started that conversation.

" Maybe one of us should talk to her? " Lucas said, feeling extremely bad.

Chloe ran over to Emily and hugged her full of tears, and Emily slowly patted Chloe trying to calm her down.

" Nick, you have to talk to Raven. Things are getting too heated between you two, and things will only get worse if this continues. " Emily said, Nick agreed because he also felt bad for everything that happened and quickly left to find Raven.

Nick found a trail of Black Blood starting from the door to the hotel. He walked straight to the hotel, opened the door, and saw drops of Black Blood going up the stairs and leading to Raven's room.

Nick followed the trail of Blood and knocked on the door, hoping he would get a response.

" You can come in, Nick. " Raven said softly, Nick opened the door and found Raven sitting in a corner with her arms wrapped around her legs, holding them tightly, and had her head resting on her knees, hiding her face.

Nick walked in and closed the door behind him and sat on the floor, not too far from Raven, and looked at Raven, and he could smell a bit of sadness around Raven.

" I'm sorry for everything, for what happened to you and the way I been treating you. " Nick said, and his words caught Raven's attention, and she lifted her head off her knees and looked at Nick.

Raven had no more Blood on her face and not a single tear, but she did have sadness on her face.

" You don't have to apologise. You only wanted to know if I was dangerous or not, and I don't blame you. " Raven said softly and placed her head back on her knees.

" No, I was wrong, and I didn't mean to push you that far, and I am sorry, really, I mean it. " Nick said. He tried to calm both himself and Raven, but he could tell what Raven said really took an effect on herself.

" Did you still want to know more? " Raven lifted her head up and lent her head against the wall.

" Not if it'll hurt you again, when you left, Chloe was thinking that it was her fault. " Nick said, leaning his head against the wall the same as Raven did.

" No, if anything, it was mine when I... Uh, I changed. " Raven said, a bit unsure on what to call it.

" Changed? You looked the same, but you did smell a bit different. " Nick said, looking down at Raven.

Raven looked back at Nick with tired eyes and wanted to flick Nick on the nose again, but she stayed where she was.

" My eyes, Skxawng. " ( Moron ) Raven said, pointing at her eyes.

" Oh yeah, your eyes were red. So what was that about? " Nike said, looking a bit closer, trying to get a better look at Raven's eyes.

" I do know, but it's not a pretty story. " Raven said, covering her eyes with her hand.

" If you don't want to share, that's fine with me. " Nick said, and Raven could tell he was telling the truth.

" You know, tomorrow, if that's okay, I'll share what I can. Anything on X Demons or anything that could be Lesar Si. " ( Be Of Use. ) Raven said, having a little smile on her face.

" Huh? " Nick said, titling his head to the side, unsure of what Raven said.

" Sorry, be of use. " Raven said, and doing a quiet giggle.

" You should teach us that Demon Language sometime. " Nick said, smiling at Raven.

" I'll see what I can do. " Raven said and looked at her window over her bed, looking at the beautiful night sky.

" You should get some sleep. It's midnight. " Raven said, nagging Nick with her shoulder.

" Right, see ya, and one more thing. How do you say sorry in your Demon Language? " Nick said, getting off the floor and stopping by the door.

" Ngaytxoa. " ( Sorry. ) Raven said, watching Nick walk to the door.

" Nga.. Ngato? Wow, you make it look easy, but I guess not. Well, it is a language that no one has discovered. " Nick said, trying to speak like Raven but failed, and Nick's failed attempt made Raven laugh a bit.

" Yea, night Nick, and thank you for coming to talk to me. " Raven said, smiling at Nick.

" But still, is there any way you can forgive me? " Nick said, inmenting his guilt.

" Please, don't ask me that. " Raven said, with her smile dissappear from face and moving her head back on her knees.

" Why? " Nick asked, walking back to Raven, crouching a few feet away from her.

" Because there's no need, you only wanted to protect the people you care about, now I'm tired. " Raven quickly said, a bit nervous on what to say.

" OK, night, Raven " Nick said, walking back towards the door, opening it, and heading back to his house.

Raven fell on her side as one, though screamed in her head.

' WHAT THE HELL I AM GOING TO DO NOW!? If they know too much, he'll kill me, well it's not like tried that before. ' Raven tried to calm and fell asleep on the floor in a corner once more.