
Magnetic eyes..


The newday begin but capri, Jason are still in bed...

Hoody comes to wake him up. He said "Today is good day so let's start our training wake up.. "

But they didn't wake up, so hoody pour some water on both of them, wake up..

Hoody said you two take your breakfast and meet me at River Bank.. Then he left the place.

Jerryna served a breakfast . After they went to riverbank..

At riverbank hoody said "so you both of them arrived".

Jason : what kind of training you going to teach us?

Hoody : first both of them take off your clothes____.

Capri suddenly take off his clothes, he standing with his underwear without shyness.

Jason : you idiot.. what are you doing?

Capri : come on Jason this is a part of training, if you take off your clothes you can became a strong warrior... This is hoody training...

Hoody got tension and knocked capri head, he said " stuipd allow me to finish my sentence. Take off your clothes and wear this heavy armour".

Jason : capri you are pathetic!!

(Hoody noticed a strange birthmark in capri centre of his chest... )

Capri : I am sorry..

Then they wear the armor, but that armor nearly 80kg weight.

Hoody : Now jump into the water and try to swim on opposite direction of water flow & reach other side of river.

Jason : wearing this type armour and swimming is not possible..

Hoody pushed both of them into river...

They tried to swim but water flow was so strong. They can't do that first day passed and second day they can't cross the river...

Evening time both of them were sad, so jerryna comes to cheer them... The three of them went to shopping.

Jason inner thoughts are what is the benefits of this training did we wasting our time?

Jerryna : don't think over.. work hard today that make you strong..

Jason smiled..

They got all vegetables, fruits and returning to the home. Jason & jerryna are going in front of capri. But capri walked slowly because of over training.. Then suddenly someone crashed on Capri.

Capri collapse and fell into the mud. Jason &jerryna didn't noticed they went. All the vegetables are wasted and capri hand hurted.

Then Capri hear a sweet voice.

" Are you all right? "

Capri suddenly turned back, that was a beautiful young lady.. She look like angel, her eyes are magnetic, her lips look like slice of orange piece.. Totally she was very beautiful..

Capri stunned of seeing her beauty..

She said " I am sorry, I didn't see you were coming, i can help you to buy the vegetables instead of waste one"

Capri : No.. No.. No pro__blem th_at was_waste one.

Capristart blabbering.. Because he never see a such beautiful girl before..

The girl notice capri hand hurt. So she use her magic to heal capri hand. She was Nature magic user, so she can heal the wound. She used her magic on capri that wound healed quickly.

That girl give a two magical hibiscus flower to Capri and said sorry. Then she start moving.

But Capri didn't understand what happening?.. He was totally stunned by seeing a girl very closely, her eyes make him nervous... He wants to talk to her but words not coming out, so finally few words comes out...

Capri : excuse me... What's Your name

That girl slowly looked capri they both are in eye contact and she replied " Yathri" and I am a guardian..

Capri : cool.. You are a guardian? That was amazing..and I am going to attend the guardian exam for become ah elite magic user..

Yathri : oh.. Sounds good..

Good luck!

Then see you in a guardian headquarters. Make it fast and pass the exam...

Then yathri left that place..

Capri was out of world.. Then he went home jerryna & jason asked "what happened to you? why your body fully covered with mud? And why are you? carrying a hibiscus flower on your hand "

Capri didn't bother about Jason question he fell on bed. He thinking about the girl, her eyes are disturbing him whole night..

In next morning they continue their training... Capri put more effort to cross river. He imagine Yathri standing next side river Bank and she make eye contact to capri. He remind her words make it fast .

That word motivate Capri make him train hard finally he crossed river & reached other end.

Jason & hoody are shocked...

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Filler chapter

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