

She was used as a product of bargaining and she had to marry a very brutal man who had six mates already and they were all dead. Phoebe was so scared for her life, yet she was bound to this mysterious hybrid. She knew surviving under a man that fed on blood was going to be hard. Will she be able to escape his grip or find a way to control him?

Oladimeji_Adewale · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Phoebe's POV 

Finally, it was time to return home after ten years of running. After ten years of joy seeing my family overwhelmed me. 

Not loving the hiding but then, what else could I do. I didn't seem to have a choice here. This was what I could do to save my family.

I breathe in the fresh air of my pack. The pack I had missed so much. How can I not be happy to be back after a long time. I miss my mother's cooking and the way my brother had taught me to defend myself.

I had been waiting for so long for my father to tell me to come home. Till now he didn't tell me the full reason why I had to be the only one to go hide and they stayed behind. This was really not what I could understand even with how smart I was said to be.

The driver came to pick me up and while driving through our pack, I saw the changes and I was so happy. It was a big joy seeing the skyscrapers, the beautiful estates and beautiful cars. Although my pack is a very powerful one and I know how envious of my pack other packs are in good vicinity, I must commend the growth.

I couldn't even wait to jump into the hands of my family. I know they would be surprised at how much has changed. Well not in body though. 

I had gone to live in a rural area where there's barely civilization so don't mock me if I don't know touch aside the education I have. Many things I've been thinking about I've not even seen aside in TVs. 

I got to my compound and saw that it had been renovated and things were different. Those guys were practically enjoying themselves without me.

"Dad, mum, Alex I'm home!" I shouted when I walked in.

Wow! The interiors look good. I am so glad to be home. Well I was expecting that they would all be waiting for me but getting to our mansion, I didn't even see any of them.

"Young mistress!" My nanny ran out.

Looking at the old chubby woman who had taken care of me till I left, joy glowed out of me. I rushed at her and hugged her.

"Nanny," I shouted.

She hugged me tight. Nanny Brenda and I are really close and she's just like a grandmother to me. Although as a werewolf, we slowly age and till now I didn't even know the age of nanny Brenda. No matter how much I tried asking, she wouldn't answer me.

"Good to see you young mistress" she said wiping her tears

Even with the way she was the one who took care of me since I was a child, nanny Brenda wouldn't call me by my name. I had told her to call my name but she wouldn't agree. It got to a stage, I got tired and let her be.

"Where is my family?" I asked her anxiously.

I couldn't wait to see them and also scold them for not coming to welcome me home.

"They are in the pack's meeting room," nanny Brenda replied to me.

I know what the meeting room is for and mostly the council of elders are the one who sits there to discuss pack's issues. Well aside from that, it has changed.

"I think an impromptu meeting arose today. They really didn't mean not to welcome you" she said.

I rolled my eyes but then I knew my family wouldn't purposely not welcome me. I'm the baby and princess of the house. They won't dare to do that. I will definitely nag them to death. That didn't change about me.

"No problem" I said with a big smile.

"Let's get you settled in, young mistress," nanny Brenda said to me.

I was taken to my room and it was kept just as I loved it. None of my things were tampered with. Well, I knew I was going to do a lot of shopping and get myself the latest thing. I had missed shopping a lot and I'm going to do it till I have filled all these rooms.

I know you would be wondering who I am.

I am Phoebe Wesson but most people call me Phy. It was supposed to be Elle but then that name wasn't so unique so I made them all call me Phy. I have been away from our pack since age fifteen and I don't even know the reason.

All I know is that my father told me that I need to go because the pack is in trouble. I left in a hurry that I couldn't even ask questions. I had thought I was going to a better pack a bit then I landed at the rural area of a pack so uncivilised and poor.

As a spoiled child, I cried my eyes out for weeks but at last I had no choice but to get accustomed to everything there. It wasn't the way through but I scaled through. Not a single moment didn't I anticipate going back home. Everyday I expected even if it is a three letter from my family but none came.

There was a time I hated them for abandoning me but then when my father's letter finally came in, it explained why he wouldn't write to me. I didn't understand the thought but I did everything he told me to do.

When my host told me yesterday that I was going home, I was almost rolling on the floor because of how happy I was.


I had freshened up and didn't even know when I slept off as I was waiting for my parents and brother to come back from their meeting. I opened my eyes and I saw someone seated beside me. It was my mother. 

"Mom!" I shouted, sat up and hugged her tight.

My mother wasn't saying anything but she hugged me. That's not the mother I know. She would have shouted happily. I released her from the hug and looked at her. It was then I realised that there were tears in her eyes. It was rolling down slowly.

My heart skipped as I saw tears in my mother's eyes. That's not my mother. She's probably the happiest woman on earth because my father had treated her so well and wouldn't let anything make her sad.

Or did my father change?

"Mom, why are you crying?" I decided not to give conclusions.

She said to me with a sweet smile. That's one thing I like about my mother. Her smile is so beautiful and captivating. Many times my father told me how that smile made him have a lot of competitors.

"I'm just so happy to see you, my princess," my mother said.

She touched my head slightly. That was a relief to me. I had thought something bad had happened. 

"Me too mom" I hugged her again. "Where is dad and Alex?" I asked her.

"They are waiting for you in the living room," she replied.

That's another good news to me. I jumped off the bed and ran outside, not even waiting for my mother.