
Dark Hades

Ryan a 17 year old boy discovers the truth about the reality and begins discovering the new system which he only have and the overpowered mechanism.

Chronolock · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Reaper Of The Night

Somewhere in California, a large organization which lies underground and rules, committing hideous crime.They were having a match for entertainment of their leader. Two guys were fighting in the arena and everyone else were cheering the person in red short pant.

*'Hey, Did you heard that this guy took out the commander of the northern east single handedly.'*

*'Yeah!! That's why he is the second leader everyone look out after our leader.They say that he will soon become the next boss of our organization.'*

*'Man their is no one who can challenge this guy. I'm jealous of him though,why only the bad guys get whatever they want..'*

Before the match even started the winner was already decided.The person who won the match was none other than Rover. The right hand man of the Aldean. Aldean is the boss of that organization and not even the local police can do anything about this organization. But unfortunate they are, they were unknown what was coming for them in a few minutes.

*'And the winner is Rover!!!!'*


*'Cheers for the Rover.'*

As he was exited he wanted to fight more because he didn't get the thrilling which he wanted. Then he started looking in the crowd and noticed a person he never new and challenged him to fight him.

*'Hey you, the person in the suit come out and fight me.'*

The person was wearing a fine suit with a vintage watch and gloves on his hand. He entered the arena but instead of fighting Rover he yelled and asked *'Who is Aldean here?'*

The crowd got silent and nobody said anything.The Rover approached him and said*'Who are you and what buisness do you have with our boss?'*

The guy didn't answered to Rover instead he pointed his fingers up towards in the dark and said *'Are you Aldean?'*

Then the light's were turned on where he pointed his fingers.It was a man in his late 40's and he was fatty and gross looking. That man then said*'Yes I am Aldean. And what do you want from me.'* Then the guy says *'So at last you were hiding here. You know what , you are good at hiding. I was frustrated that I couldn't find you anywhere but at long last you were hiding in this shitty looking place.'*

They both were gazing eachother and then Rover shouts out and says*'How dare you say something infront of our boss, Death should be the appropriate punishment for your arrogance.'*

And then Rover moves forward to punch the guy in front of him but within a second he disappeared and the next he knew his head was flying in the air. This created a shocked mood in the atmosphere and then Aldean got furious and shouted*'How dare you kill my men infront of me. Boys don't show any mercy and bring his head to me.'*

As he said his mein to kill him everyone started approaching towards the man to kill him and then suddenly all the lights got shut off and the next thing Aldean knew he hears all the screams of his men. One by one every single one of them were killed. By hearing of those screams Aldean thought in his mind 'Shit! What the hell is happening?My men's are getting killed and the only thing I can do is hear them screaming in pain. I should first get out of here and then think of a way to deal with him.'

As he was going to escape the lights were turned on and the man was standing in front of him was none other than the guy who was in the arena. His gloves were covered in blood and then he approached Aldean and said*'Don't you know who I am ?'*

Aldean said *'Wait wait, don't kill me I think I know you, you are that guy who goes and hunts the criminal in night and they call you Reaper of the night. Please spare me I can give you anything you want. So please spare my life.'*

*'You see the head quarters said that I should bring you alive but I don't feel like letting you live. So please die. '* He said those words by smiling to Andrew. And then the light turned off and Aldean's screams were the only thing which was echoing all over.

Then the man got out of that place and saw a agent was standing beside the car. He approached towards him and said*'So it's Prime Minister isn't it?'*

The agent replied*'Yes ,Sir Arthur. Sir has ordered me to bring you and this time it's not a small problem,the whole nation is in a crises.'*

And here we come to know that this guy is the one which PM talked about and he looks so handsome.

Next up we can see Arthur at the Prime ministers office. He was standing in front of the Prime Minister. The room was filled with full of tense. Then the conversation starts between them

*' So how is it going Arthur? I heard that you killed another person. You can't just go and kill anyone you know.'*

*'Instead of wasting time and waiting for courts order I saved time.'*

*' It's waste explaining you, So let's just move towards why have I summoned you here. Cady explain everything to Arthur.'*

As Cady explained everything to Arthur it made everything confusing but at the same time it's some what made clear to him that it's something that is far from humans knowledge.As he watched the video footage of the incident Arthur saw something strange and asked Cady to rewind the video again and again.PM asked *'What is it Arthur?Is their something wrong with the video?'*

Arthur replied*'Truth to be told it's kinda hard to believe this thing.But didn't you saw something strange in the video?'*

*'What do you mean? What Strange?'*PM asked Arthur.

*'The light in the sky keeps getting bigger and bigger the time passes and it's forming glitch also.'*

*'Now that you mentioned it ,yeah you are right. The lights keep getting bigger also it's strange that its forming glitches.'*

Arthur says *'I think something big is gonna happen that we are still unknown.'*

And then Arthur moves towards the window to see the live timer in the sky and it says*'17 hours 45 minutes 15 seconds remaining until the simulation shuts down.'*

Next morning....

*"Beep! Beep! Beep!"* Rayn turns off the alarm and gets up early.He opened his window and asks himself*'Why the hell did I get up early today when it's Sunday and on top of that it's 04:00 a.m.'*

He then washed his face and got ready for morning exercise. When he got out of his house he saw that timer and thought in his mind 'It's that timer again and what is that light ' the timer displayed*'9 hours 40 minutes 35 seconds left until the simulation shuts down.'*

Rayn then searched on internet and got many articles and most of them said "End of the world","Timer of humanity's end","Why isn't PM's saying regarding this,is it true that humanity is going to end."

He begins to get frightened and started to search internet for more information. And then something strange happened,he saw a crack in space.He got confused and thoughts 'What the hell is that thing in the playground?' It was strange because something like this he never saw here. Their was people around him he asked a random person*' Hello sir,do you see something strange here?'*

The man replied '*What strange?'*

Rayn says*' I mean haven't you saw this crack ?'*

The man got furious*'What in the world are you talking. Did you hurt your head? Kid's this days only know how to waste time. Get the hell out of my way.'*

The person leaves and this made Rayn clear that this is something which only he could see. He didn't waste any more time and tried to reach out that thing with his hand and when he touched that a bright white light flashed and Rayn got electric shock all over his body but it wasn't electric rather than it was like all of a sudden a lot of information was put inside his brain. And some images popped up in his mind,it was a strange thing and then he suddenly removed his hand from it.He was confused like*'What just happened?'*

He felt strange and when he saw his right hand he saw that a black line appeared which was not on his hand earlier. He got panicked and left that place and soon the crack also disappeared from their.

He reached his home , shut his door and begins thinking 'How on the earth this line popped up out of nowwhere.' He was thinking about the line but then he suddenly heard some noise.

A distant voice approaching and it says*'Those who are in this area please be informed that they should stay in their home and do not leave their residence.If you disobey or don't follow the rules then a fine will be charged. '* These were the people from the government.Rayn says *' The world is going to end and now they want us to shut and lock ourselves in home.'*

Meanwhile in PM's office, PM was watching news regarding the incident and wanted to know what is the current situation,*"Citizens are panicked and we still haven't heard any information from Parliament.What is the Prime Minister doing when the world is going to end."*

PM's secretary Cady enters in room and says*'Sir, What do you intend to do regarding this matter?'*

PM replies*'Make a press conference at noon and tell them that PM wants to speak to them.'*

*'Yes Sir, I will arrange a press conference.'*

As Cady was leaving PM says *'And also before the press conference arrange a meeting with all the nations Prime Minister immediately.'*

As the time's ticking every minute the fear of Earth's end is haunting every people on the planet. What is going to happen next, to know more stay tune for the next chapter and feel free to leave comment.

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