
Best Friends

"hey jade where do you think you are going ;you are the vp of this club did you forget and please give me a hand will you" says sam as jade is about to walk away

"I know by the way why are you doing this alone, I mean you could have asked someone's help from the club" says jade as comes up to help him as carlos is coming out of live room for changing his dress as he is also a part of council.

"well for your kind information apart from me, pres., you, amy and monica there are no members in the club as of now and new people will be enrolling today; did you forgot that all these activities will be there and studies will commence tomorrow" states sam

"oh I didn't, fine let me help and I also have to pick things up from GR." Says jade and it took about one and half an hour to finish everything. As Sam and she packed everything up carlos came up and said "good job guys and jade after the break please come and help in the enrolling process" he requests

"not possible pres., as I also have to go to council, there is a lot of work and henry can't do it alone; I can only come after 13.30; is it okay with you?" asks jade

"alright I know how busy you are, so come at that time" he accepts

"alright then see ya' around" says jade as walks away towards the cafeteria while messaging in the chat group which the trio created 'come to eat something, I am feeling some real hunger; waiting for you there :)'

Mia and ginny have already reached by the time she got there as her club is a bit far away from here and she also had to drop things in her locker, waving at them as she reaches "oh finally having some food lets go fast or I might faint here itself" urges jade

"what didn't you had your breakfast as you are really appearing to be starved for days" asks mia

"no I didn't, just took a glass of milk and went to pack everything up as I was really getting late and had to reach school early but got delayed by having an argument with mom" answers jade

"oh come on lets get going" said ginny interrupting them by coming in between them and she holds each of their arms and drags them in. coming in they stare at the buffet present and a lot of crowd is here as lunch is going on; they take a plate and help themselves with food. Jade takes ham burger with fries, salad and coke; mia takes spaghetti with meat balls and her favorite mimosa; and ginny takes noodles with fried pork which has a Chinese taste and lemon soda.

"lets go there, that place is empty" says jade as they nodded they walks towards that place and sit down.

"finally lets dig-in guys" prompts ginny while they get started "jade was everything okay during the live" asks mia

"yeah and your boyfriend was also fine if that's what you are worried about" answers jade as mia continues "oh I know he is fine just you didn't seem well this morning so I am asking"

Jade pauses for a moment before saying "I am fine just a bit of headache that's all as I just came from Paris and didn't had time to rest; I also had to prepare for today and yesterday I was with gin, we spent entire day watching movie and spending time with her in mall" she answer "and yes a bit of jetlag as well"

"why didn't you say no when you weren't feeling okay" asks ginny

"well you didn't hang out anywhere during this time and we also had plans before vacations, this Paris trip was a little unexpected so I felt bad for you and decided to join" answers jade which touches ginny "wow jade how thoughtful of you, unlike a certain bff of mine who completely disregarded us" taunts ginny

"well I just landed yesterday evening at 17.00 so you can't expect me to come with you and I couldn't take too as I was with my coco and those cousins of mine are really not responsible enough, you are also not acquainted with them unlike jade" mia defends herself

"okay so are you showing off that you have a boyfriend and we don't" scoffs ginny

"no man and we do have a lot of talks to do so how about a night stay at jade's house" proposes mia which jade immediately rejected "nah not today as I really need rest and sleep which I am lacking because of jetlag" "but…." "no means no please mia I really am tired , some other day perhaps"

"alright but we can atleast talk after school as today it is ending early at 14.30" compromises mia as she finishes her meal

"fine with me drop by my house after school" offers jade with small smile

"perfect then, you got car right?" mia inquires

"nope mom dropped me today but I guess you brought your Porsche today?" she confirms "yeah so after school meet in the parking lot" said mia as they are getting up from their seats with plates and walking towards the disposal area and exit the cafeteria

"okay so I'll drop a message in family group so whosoever is free can pick me up from jade's house" says ginny as they go in different directions.


After the school in the parking lot

Mia starts her car as ginny sits in the back seat leaving the front one for jade as mia is calling jade "where are you…okay…will it take time…no two mins., okay reach fast babe; she will come in 2 mins lets wait by the way the souvenirs I brought have already reached jades house, Marie would take it …I just messaged her" informs mia and ginny nod as jade is reaching the car with henry mia lowers the window before kissing him.

Jade enters the car as they break the kiss "bye coco take care see you tomorrow" she bids him before driving.

"isn't it too cheesy… seriously mia I mean can't you just say his name" jade comments with an eye roll

"non babe what's the fun there and say it when you get your bf….only then you would understand" mia answer with an teasing undertone

"alright stop you both and tell me is everything prepared jade for aunt myra's wedding" ask ginny which made lose her smile and reminded her of her morning conversation with her mom that made her frown

"what happened everything okay jade?" asks mia seeing her frown

"yeah fine and its alright gin ; who is coming to pick you up" she changes the topic smartly

"Glenn after his university classes and jade are you still picking up science after school in MIT" ask ginny

"yes you know how much it fascinates me and I am gonna become a car designer and operator as speed and cars are my passion and bike as well…I love it all" answer jade with a beautiful smile etched on her face as she is truly happy for the first time today after everything as the car reaches her home and mia parks in her underground garage as there is always a free space for guest's convenience there as they get down from the car.

Going up with the help of elevator they enter the house as marie greets them before informing "miss mia your things have already arrived a while ago and the food is ready"

"ok lets sanitize before eating" jade said as marie helps them and they gratefully nod going in the dine-in for 5 people and seating themselves up as chicken pot pie is serve and began eating in silence and only after finishing their caramel pudding they stood up going to jade's room.

In jade's room shades of violet, white and silver pallet could be seen. It is a sophisticated big room with a comfortable king size bed a window side study table, large bookshelf and a room connecting to a large wardrobe and washroom with a big balcony with garden view.

It is a beautiful room and comfortable too as she comes from a wealthy family, while mia's family condition is similar to jade it is not the same for ginny as she is a Chinese-American with a middle class family but it really isn't a problem the trio.

"come first let me give you souvenirs I brought from NY" said mia as she gives tees with watches of same design as say "I have same too lets where it some day" and jade and ginny nodded their heads.

"oh I also have wait" she walk in her wardrobe before picking up two paper handbags and gives them "channels latest hair products ….limited addition"

"nice show us the dress for your birthday as well" both of them said simultaneously

Jade brings a bag, opening it a red and black dress is seen with unique hand intrigued design it is a very beautiful and expensive dress customized for her by her granny.

"I am really excited for this Sunday as dad will come and on Monday its my big day" said jade cheerfully

"are you excited to meet your father or your birthday?" ask mia knowingly and when jade stares at her hard she just chuckles

"dud her father of course" answer ginny and all three of them laugh together

"guys I have to leave now as glenn is here and he just messaged me" said ginny going through her phone

"I will leave as well jade you rest girl see ya' tomorrow and do take your bag from my car" mia said as they both are leaving

"ok give to marie as it will go to laundry and bye guys meet you tomorrow in school" said jade bidding them off.