

Prologue - Dark Flames

Prologue - The Dance:

The waltz of Shadow and Flame. Everything burning and turning dark there is no trace of ashes from the flames and no trace of what is being consumed by the shadows. No one knows where the two came from, only this is certain, the beautiful dance of destruction lures, and hypnotizes everyone with awe as it leads to oblivion. It is ever eternal. . .

Act I - Meeting:

The two warriors locked in eternal battle. The silver claymore of the Shadow and the blazing saber of the Flames, the sound of clashing blades and flourish of steel is but a facade of their desire. For they wish not to fight, but are fated to be in eternal conflict. A fight that lasts a hundred years happens within a day, the two warriors halting their battle, defier of their fate, taking new paths, thus a new chapter begins. . .

Act II - Arrival:

As days went by, the wind has brought the two warriors to all different places both wondrous and unknown. The Eternal Tower, where all records of Time are kept is where our warriors meet again. Here the warriors search for answers to their past clouded with uncertainty and doubt. Time. A relentless and immortal being responsible for the course of events through history. It is Time who may hold the answers our warriors seek. . .

Act III - Enlightenment :

Doors open to a halls filled with records across history. The warriors start to look for answers the Shadow and the Flame searched but there was no sign of them anywhere in the records. Time reveals itself to aid them. The warriors ask of their past, Time answered in a doubtful tone saying that He does not recall any other identity the warriors have had in the past. The warriors left and seek a new beginning to their new found freedom and life. . .

Act IV - Departure:

The two warriors deciding to stay together in order to know more about their past, wandering the barren land, the two seemed as if they were not enemies, until one day when the Shadow drew it's sword upon the Flame. The battle began once more as their fate decrees. The battle lasted a long time, until all that is left is a tale of never ending battles and misery. . .

Act V - The Forgotten:

The dance of Shadow and Flame an old tale of endless sorrows and mystery. A tale of two warriors who defied their fate, carving out a path of their own to freedom. A long time has passed since the beginning of their tale and they have changed their fates once more. For all we know the battle has stopped but their tale will continue. No one knows where the two came from, and only one thing is certain, their dance of destruction leads us further into oblivion, for it is ever eternal. . .

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