
Dark Fire

Jason loves Claire for a decade but cause of unruly situation he married Kathy. They live together which leads to another and results Kathy's pregnancy. Before she tells Jason, Claire returned so he kicked Kathy out. As sweet naive girl she left with broken heart. After four years she shows up but nothing like before to get him down from his throne. Will she succeed in bringing him down or will she be caught up in unwanted truth and realize who she really is as well as Jason in act of revenge?

Leevit · Urban
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9 Chs

Happiness Shattered

Kathy Pov

I was never so happy as I am today in my whole life as well as anxious too while waiting for my doctor to show up. Once the door opened, I saw a tall beautiful doctor walking in with a soft smile. I stood up and smiled at her. She walked behind her desk and voiced, "Please, take your seat dear" I sat and turned to her.

She smiled wide and said, "Congrats dear you are five weeks pregnant". I gave her my best smile and replied, "Thanks doctor" She nodded and asked, "Where is your husband dear?" I smiled softly and said, "I am not so sure about my test results, and if I confirmed positive I wanna give him surprise so I didn't bring him here"

By hearing me she chuckled and said, "That's so cute but next time bring him for sure" I nodded excitedly and said, "Of course Doctor" She smiled softly and voiced, "Ok then let's see how your little bean is doing." with that she stood up and walked towards another door and I followed her. Once we got in she pointed to the single bed and said, "Lay on your back and tug up your tee dear" I did as she said.

She picked some white ketchup like a bottle and put some gel on my stomach, it felt so cold which made me shiver a bit. She used equipment on my stomach and strolled a bit then she suddenly pointed to the screen and said, "See, there it is" I saw a bean dancing. I smiled wide with teary eyes. She sighed in contentment. Then she pulled back the equipment and handed over tissues to clean me. She walked out while I dressed up presentable.

When I walked out she was frowning at the file she was holding. I sat on the chair and asked in a worried tone, "Is there any problem doctor?"

She shook her head and said, "Nothing serious Your blood level is lower than normal so you should eat fruits and veggies a lot to improvise and I will prescribe some medicine to have them on time. If you have any uncomfortableness call me immediately. Ok?"

I nodded my head with a smile and said, "Of course, doctor thank you" With that I got my report file from her hold and walked out with a wave.

If anyone told me that I will live a happy life two years ago I would laugh my ass off but now all I feel is happiness. I never thought I would get married and have kids someday cause I lived a trashy life from the day I remember. My name is Kathy, I am an orphan who lived in orphanage, not in a caring one but a bullying one. My childhood had many traumatic events so I grew up being a loner with social anxiety.

My only relief is even the bully orphanage sent all of us to school so I studied hard to get somewhere far from that hellhole. All I want is freedom. The wardens tortured us both physically and mentally thankfully not sexually.

I graduated high school at the age of sixteen cause I excelled in my studies. I moved out of that prison. I badly wanted to report that orphanage to police but I was afraid that they would come after me. I don't want any more mess in my life so I let it go.

I worked in a cafe where they gave place to stay in their kitchen. After saving some money I applied to college through a scholarship. I got a seat, why not I am smart and had high academic scores.

I took majored in arts and management. I worked part-time in the same cafe but didn't move out cause I knew if I did, then I could afford a palace which would cost money. After so many hardships I graduated with a degree at nineteen. They awarded me a young scholar. Still no friends as I said before due to social anxiety.

I soon got a job in an event management company as an intern. They provided studio apartments for employees so I moved in with the little suitcase I own. Thankfully it is furnished so I just got necessities for living.

I can't continue being socially introverted so I tried my best ro act civil with my co-workers and boss. I reached a higher position in a year as a team manager.

Many despited me, cause many seniors were working for years here without promotion but here I got promoted within a year. Many girls gossiped that I used my body to climb high on the business ladder.

It hurt me to the core but I shrugged it off cause that's not new for me. With promotion I got a 2-bedroom apartment too so moved in there. All went okay in my life. No friends but I had colleagues.

Then one day our company got an offer to organize billionaire Jason Alexis's marriage. His family is big short in the city, not only in the city but also around in world cause they were always in the world's market chart.

He was a known eligible bachelor in the elite world. So organizing his marriage is pretty big for our company. Our MD appointed me as team manager. I felt so pressured but as my nature, I wanted all flawless.

I did my job as perfectly as that the d best as I could. Alexis and Markel's family were impressed with me. But what we didn't expect is the bride didn't show up on time, and all went a ruckus.

I was so worried about something going wrong. My anxiety began to shoot up so I walked into a restroom that's where I met Jason who stood in front of a broken mirror with bloody knuckles.

Once I saw it my anxiety doubled. He rushed to my side, grabbed my shoulder, and said, "Shus". It was nothing but a command but his gentle smooth voice made me calm at that moment slowly.

After that, he looked into my eyes and asked, "Will you marry me?" By hearing him my whole body got paralyzed for a moment, I didn't know what to say. He asked again, "Will you?"

My mind screamed it was not good, to think rationally and call Markel's to find out what was wrong but my mouth ran out of words when he got an inch closer to me.

My mind again warned I should push him back and walk out but my knees were wobbling due to my edgy panic attack.

I licked my dry lips and met his eyes. It has so many raw emotions, the one that got me was the helplessness of being abandoned. I know how it feels so I nodded my head slowly. And without a second wasting, he dragged me to marriage hall. The crowd saw us holding hands and began to whisper.

He stood before the priest held my hand and asked, "What's your name ?" I licked my dry trembling lips and voiced, "Kathy". Before anyone in his family reacted priest began vows Jason said, "I do" without blinking.

Priest asked me, "Do you accept Jason Alexis as your lawful husband" I hesitatingly nodded and voiced in a timid voice, "I do" he slipped a ring which is loose on my ring finger. I did same to him then the priest announced, "I announce you both husband and wife. You may kiss your bride now".

He roughly grabbed me by my waist and kissed me like he was going to eat my lips. That was my first kiss and I didn't expect that gonna be this rough. He poured his frustration and anger into that kiss.

I felt like used but I couldn't stop. Then he dragged me out of marriage hall and to his mansion.

My memory lane snapped when my car stopped in front of the same mansion I living for last two years. I smiled and thanked my driver who opened the door for me, "Thanks Mr. Henry" he smiled and replied, "You are welcome dear". I waved and walked towards main door.

When I came here first time everyone called me Mam or Mrs. Alexis but I preferred my name cause all who worked here were older than me.

They hesitated at first but gradually all accepted my stubbornness and called me by name or endearment. I walked in and saw all gloomy and dull as I walked in first time in this mansion.

I wonder why? I changed many things in this mansion, all here loved me. But today it seems all odd. What happened? Did Jason's mom come here? Till today she hated me for no reason but Jason's father liked me so much that she had no choice but to act civil with me.

When I reached living room I saw Jason on couch talking to someone on phone. I smiled at him wide and walked closer to him to get his attention.

Once he turned and realized my sight he nodded his head at me while continue speaking on his phone. I smiled at him and sat on the single sofa hiding my hospital reports behind me.

I want to tell him after making some special moment. My railed-up thoughts got down when I heard Jason, "Kathy".

I smiled at him as brightly as I could. But he seemed off. He cleared his throat and averted his eyes elsewhere. I know he is nervous, so I moved a little edge to my seat and asked in a soft gentle tone, "What happened Jason?"

He sighed and said, "Kathy, Claire returned. I asked my lawyer to settle the Brooklyn villa and some sum of money in your account and he will bring divorce papers, sign them, and get packed and ready, Tomorrow morning you will be escorted to Brooklyn. Hmm?" With that, he stood on his feet and walked out.

Wait! What happened here? I was trying to process to wrap my head around what he just said. My whole world felt like collapsing in front of me, my heart broke into a million pieces.

I know this life is never mine but I never thought he would kick me out like I am nothing to him. Did he never a moment love me? Not even a second? Then why did he see me like I am his world sometimes? I came halfway and I was kicked out halfway.

What did I expect? When I have all unluckiness on me in this world. Okay, at least I have something to cherish he gave me not a villa or money but a life, that's enough for me.

My thoughts snapped when I heard a voice calling me, "Mrs. Alexis" I guess this is the last time I'm going to hear this. His lawyer extended a file before me.

I grabbed it from him with my shivering hands. Without reading anything I got a pen from him signed every single page and returned it to him.

Then he gave me another file and said, "This is Brooklyn villa's property paper and credit card with pin. This is your compensation. Miss Kathy"

I smiled bitterly at him and got that file too. He nodded his head at me and walked out. I sighed and stood on my feet. I picked up the file lawyer gave me and my hospital file and hopped stairs to reach our room.

Once I reached I got my old suitcase I brought here with me and filled it with some simple clothes cause the old clothes I owned were all disposed of by Jason.

After that, I placed the property file on the nightstand removed the loose wedding ring put it along with the file and my phone which he bought me, and wrote a short note to Jason thanking him for everything.

Then took the hospital file with me and walked down. All maids and servants with the head butler waiting in the living room.

Butler Davis patted my head gently and said, "It's ok dear everything gonna be good soon" I smiled at him. He is one sweet man who helped me so much here in his fifties.

He is like a dad I never had. I hugged him tight and let some tears shed. He consoled me by mumbling some sweet words.

Once I parted from him, head chef Laila hugged me and kissed my forehead. Then three maids in their thirties who had been my friends hugged me right together.

I had so much fun with them. When I parted from them my driver Henry patted my head and said, "I wish you all happiness in your life dear" I sniffed and nodded at him.

I wish I would have a life after this. I had nowhere to go now so I walked aimlessly through the streets. It began to darken around, and my feet began to hurt.

I felt thirsty too so I walked to the cafe and asked for some water. A kind lady provided me with some and I quenched as much as I could.

She observed me and asked, "Are you going somewhere, Miss?" I shook my head at her as no and a sudden thought struck so I asked her, "Mam do you have any work in your cafe?"

She smiled and let me in. I guess I returned to square one again. Wait! Did I dispose of the used pregnant kid from the dustbin? Oh God! Help me.

To be continued