
92. Jared Leto/ Reader, Chris Evans/ Reader #3

(Y/n) was running down into an alley. She was hoping that this would work for hiding. She was still about 5 or so blocks away from Chris's home. Hiding cause she knew someone was following her. It was already dark and her cellphone had all but died out. 

"You know princess this'd be easier if you just came to me. I hunger for what is between your legs. I want you and I will have you!" said Jared.

"Your fucking crazy following a pipedream. This won't end with me being with you. Even if means running from you. Like forever." said (Y/n) tearfully.

"Please you think I will love them. That I will be able to touch them. When it is you that I crave and love." said Jared.

"You can't say you love me. You can't think that I will want you. I don't love you like I love Chris." said (Y/n).

"Says your fucking wet that one night I had you in my bed. Or was that fake adoration for me." said Jared.

She was backing out and away from this alleyway. Jared was gaining on her and that scared her. That he felt no remorse for his actions. Like he didn't care for her comfort. 

"Jared just find someone else to love. I was only a fan that adored you. But this would be toxic and quick." said (Y/n). 

"You know you seem to think this is to going to go your way my sweet. But just think what I can and will do to your Chris. I can call a hit on him and not even blink a tear afterwards. You tied up in my basement and fucking you. That will be the ultimate cosmic fuck you to you. That you had the power to stop it. You playing around like this." said Jared harshly.

She stopped to think about what he was saying. He did have those strings he could pull. He could do it and not even be sorry afterwards. She sat on that dirty alley. Crying and clutching herself. Not even hearing that Jared was sat by her. 

"I know it's a bit much now. But just think you'll have saved him or yourself that pain. Just think yeah it'll hurt for a bit. But just know I do love you." said Jared menacingly. 

"If I come with you and stop fighting this. You'll promise to not hurt him?" asked (Y/n) weakly.

"I promise and hey we can even be married. You'll have me as your husband. And maybe down the line have kids." said Jared with mirth.

Her heart was breaking right now. She didn't want to leave Chris. They were engaged to be married soon. He was away on a press tour. He wouldn't be back for a couple of days. But it'd only take a couple of hours to get out. Jared helped her up and to his car. Going to where Chris Evans home was at and helping her pack. He even let her write a letter as a farewell. 

"Just think by this time next month. You'll be Mrs. (Y/n) Leto. Fans will cheer us on and you'll be possibly pregnant. But that will be that and you'll be mines." said Jared.

"You are such a sadistic asshole. And I wished I never sought out your company. You'll never have my love." said (Y/n).

"Oh sweetie in time you'll see things my way. You'll even come to thank me. Your lucky I love you." said Jared.

Chris had came home and was surprised that it was empty. Maybe his fiance was in the bedroom sleeping. He knew that he had came in late. Venturing into his home office to see a letter on his desk.

Dear Chris (My Love), 

I'm so sorry that I have to leave this way. But I can't marry you. Jared has taken me with him now. He threatened to have you killed. And I couldn't bring myself to have that happen. Do me a favor and forget me. You were right things don't often end up the way we expect. Guessing now is one of them. I will forever love you with a love that burned for the ages to come.



Chris felt like his whole world was tearing up. He saw that the engagement ring was there. And balled up onto the floor and cried his eyes out. He was angry that asshole had found a loophole to get to her. But he was damned if he'd just sit there and let some asshole take what was his. Even if it meant getting dirty like that asshole was with her. 

Jared and (Y/n) had made it to a cabin. He had this place ready for the last week. His cock twitched in his pants. She sat by the bar and cried silently so.

"So what now?" asked (Y/n) sadly.

"Now we are going to eat. You go and get cleaned up and I'll have some food done by then. I know you'll be smart this time and not run. You know the consequences of even doing so." said Jared sternly.

She went and got washed up for a late lunch. As she got out. She saw that he had made turkey bacon melt sandwiches with fruit and chips with beers. They sat and ate there meal and kept quiet.

"It's beautiful here and I could use to that bit." said (Y/n) casually so.

"Yes we will enjoy being up here. Making memories and making new one's. You'll in time love me like I love you." said Jared.

A big part of her died inside. That this man that she had adored had became something she'd not even grace. But now she saw the lust and love in him for her. And it's was going to be the eternal flame now.