
Dark dynasty

Tangled in a world where she doesn't belong, Raven, a young girl, gets sold into slavery. As people may say, she is the devil's child, due to her odd white hair and different eye colors. Change comes her way when she meets Alexander, who buys her off from the slave auction. Alexander Hayes is one of the most feared and dangerous clan leaders of the dark dynasty clan. He kills without thinking twice and anyone who crosses him, gets what they deserve. His rival and sworn enemy, Colin of the clan, black phoenix, tries to conquer and take over all three clans including his. Colin sent spies and set off hidden traps in his district The lives of everyone in Alex's clan is threatened and Alexander takes actions leaving no stones unturned. Raven, however finds solace in this clan and joins in the war between these two powerful clans but what happens when she catches the attention of Colin himself? Will there be a truce over slave exchange or will Alexander fight for his slave?

Luna_grey005 · History
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9 Chs

Chapter 3 - One of the clans

It was quite a bumpy road, making me sway left and right with it. I sat close to the window so as not to occupy too much space. I looked out the window watching the trees pass by, trying to keep my heavy eyes open. I wrapped my arms around myself feeling a little cold. Looking over at my master, I saw he was staring out the window as well, his mask still over his face. I looked back at the window, gently resting my head on the side.

My eyes flung open quickly when I felt the carriage jolt. I had fallen asleep. I looked outside and there were a lot of people walking around going about their daily lives. Some were taking pictures with cameras; they were probably tourists. I guessed. There were houses around, from one of which I saw a young lady come out of. It looked somewhat like an estate. My stomach suddenly let out a loud growl.

"S..sorry master" I apologised deeply hoping he wouldn't punish me. I looked down holding my stomach as though it wouldn't prevent it from growling even louder.

The carriage soon pulled to a stop in front of a really huge building, different from the rest; one worthy of a nobleman. If I'm correct, then my master is one of the four clan leaders in the community.

He got off the carriage and I followed behind him keeping my eyes to the ground, not even looking at anyone.

My master muttered a few words to a young man beside him and he continued walking while I followed behind him. We got inside and I marveled at the beauty of it. There wasn't anything to look at but the height of the ceiling and the exceptional beauty of the carved works were most definitely enough to leave me gawking.

A maid walked by us and she bowed to my master. She looked rather too timid and as though she was scared. She looked at me and blinked. Who wouldn't be scared when no one could guess what was going on in his head? He had barely said anything since he bought me. Well, slaves are not people to hold conversations with anyway.

We arrived at a room and he walked in while I waited outside wondering what my duties would be. As a slave, my rank in the house would be the lowest, even lower than the maids.

"What're you waiting for?" The door opened to reveal my master. I jolted backwards in shock.

"Come in" he said and I immediately went in.

It was a magnificent bedroom lit only by the candles and torches. The furniture lay properly organized at their appointed positions and the air smelled like earth and a little bit of metal, even though there weren't metals in the room. There was also a properly arranged bed on one side of the room.

I looked over to my master and he seemed to be putting things together. He finally took off his mask and I could finally see his face. He was damn good-looking with his strong jawlines, chiselled cheekbones and hazel deep-set eyes. He released his long hair, arranging it properly so that it dangled to his broad shoulders.

He turned to me, looking me up and down and I looked down quickly.

"What're you wearing?" He asked his voice deep and masculine. I looked at myself. It was the dress I had changed into after the incident with Nick. I knew it wasn't to his taste but it was all I had.

"A dress, master" I replied and he turned around taking off his coat.

Ok, this is getting weird. Am I supposed to watch him undress?

He soon started walking towards me and I stiffened.

"Look at me…" he said and I obeyed slowly looking at me.

"Meet my eyes…" he said, his voice commanding and I was caught gazing into his deep hazel eyes, feeling like I was in some trance.

"Go to sleep," he said, his voice compelling and for some reason, I immediately obeyed.

I opened my eyes again to find myself on a bed. It was so soft and more comfortable than sleeping on the floor. I looked around and I recalled it was the room I was in with my master. I hopped out of the bed immediately, hoping my master wasn't in the room to see me on his bed. I must have fallen asleep again… how did I even get in his bed? My face turned sour as it dawned on me what really happened. I guess I finally know my duties to him.

I walked outside the room and was greeted by an elderly woman.

"Hello young lady" She said and I smiled warmly. Judging from her appearance, she was a maid but her attire was different from that of the girl from before.

"I am Madam Beth, the head maid of this humble abode. Please do follow me and I'll introduce you and show you to your room" She said with a smile.

On arriving at the kitchen area, everyone stayed busy with either washing the dishes, cooking, chopping, and other things. When they noticed us, they all stopped and arranged themselves in a straight line, facing us.

"This is Dianne…in charge of the dishes and purchasing needed items from the local market" Madam Beth said Dianne smiled at me and I returned it. Her thick black curly hair caught my attention. She was a black girl and her hair was just wow.

"Beatrice, the head chef"

"How do you do, mon Cherie?" Beatrice said all jolly and smiley. I smiled back, not knowing if I had to respond. I didn't even know what to say as I wasn't good with my words.

"Ian, assistant to the chef," she said. He was a big man with thick brows, small eyes and a heartwarming smile.

"Daizy attends to the captain's daily needs when he rings for her but assists with other duties when less busy"

Daizy smiled, waving at me with her hands covered in baking flour.

"And you…what's your name?" Madam Beth faced me…

"Uh..I…My name is Raven" I said looking at my feet, embarrassed.

"Raven" I heard Beatrice repeat.

"Love your eyes…" she said again, throwing me off.

"T…thank you," I said, feeling a little confident. No one ever complimented my eyes before. People in my community always said I was a demon child.

"The other maids are out doing their duties and you'll meet them from time to time" Madam Beth said.

"With that settled, I'll show you to the maid's quarters"

"Madam, you look good today" I heard Beatrice compliment, raising her brows teasingly.

"Thank you, Beatrice," Madam smiled, shaking her head.

I hadn't known them for long and I already liked them. I wonder what the others are like.

We walked for another minute or so and we arrived at the maids' chambers. It was a room with bunk beds at various corners, about six of them.

"This is where you'll be sleeping with five others. Don't worry, there's another room like this for the others so you need not bother about it being too clogged up" She laughed to herself.

"Well, I'll let you be, you can have a bath and get changed," She said, turning to leave.

"Madam?" I found the courage to call.

"W..what're my duties here? How can I help?" I asked.

"Oh, your duties are to the master. He tells you what to do," she replied.

"Anything else?"

"Yes…I have nothing else to wear"

"Oh good heavens, pardon me dear. I'll get you something" she said, rushing out.

I found an empty bed on the lower bunk and I sat down, feeling it. It was far better than sleeping on the floor. I looked to the side of the bed and I found a bell. I guess that's how I'll be called upon by my master.

Being here won't be so bad after all, would it?

A journey for the slave you wouldn't want to miss

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