
Dark Dragon

The world is doomed to fall to the Drogs. Evil supernatural beings who even magic can't easily kill. A man decides to unearth a past terror. The dark dragon. But will the new addition to earth army be enough.

TomzyGabs19 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Issue 5: The Royal City

Royal Palace- Interior Part

The palace of the Sorcerer Supremus was of grandeur and had explicit taste. The interior had many decorations of flowers like roses, lilies, sunflowers amid others. It also had ribbons which added to the beauty. It was tastefully furnished and brandished.

There were pictures of various people in frames covered with roses. The palace was wide and contained several rooms, a big hall, a kitchen and others

The palace was protected with spells to ward off evil. It also had transport jamming spell which only the king or sorcerer Supremus could withstand. The king of Afsha Royal City was Reas, his palace was close to that of Dim's, the king had magic which was dangerous in the wrong hands, 'solar magic' but he didn't know how to control it and so he puts all his hope on the most powerful warlock, Dim Roselei an energy warlock, the sorcerer supremus. Though he didn't show it but he hated Dim and he was fond of saying, "I Afonso Reas Trevor depending on a mere commoner."

Dim, Darkon and Conrad suddenly appeared out of a portal in the king's palace. The guards began to choke from the dark aura of Darkon. Dim looked at Darkon and he shrugged reducing his aura. A high warlock in charge of protecting the king comes out of a chamber. "The sorcerer supremus and his entourage can now go in and have audience with the king."

"Thank you Pyrona." Dim replied. The trio entered and Darkon was amazed by the beautiful things in the throne room. The place was double layered with stairs left and right and had twenty four guards, twelve on the right and twelve on the left surrounded it. Two warlocks stood on both sides of the king. Darkon grinned seeing how the king was guarded fiercely.