
Dark Dragon

The world is doomed to fall to the Drogs. Evil supernatural beings who even magic can't easily kill. A man decides to unearth a past terror. The dark dragon. But will the new addition to earth army be enough.

TomzyGabs19 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Issue 14: Darkon's Srory

After his transformation, he realised he had been tricked. Instead of becoming a dark wizard as he expected. He was a dark dragon who could change to human. A dragon-ling. He could now use and create dark magic based powers. His facial appearance and body physique had also changed. He was now muscular and more handsome than before. He lied to his parents about his changes and they easily believed him. They still treated him like trash. He started avoiding Azrael because he was sure Azrael would know what had happened to him. He also didn't want anyone to know about the rare ability. Unknown to him, he had unleashed Drogs, dark creatures from the dark arts book, into the earth which would later become a global problem in a millennial to come.

He sneakily goes out at night to train himself and he discovered and obtained new spells. He found out that once he transformed to the dragon, the dragon soul would take over and it will take all his will to return. He decided to transform less and focus on his magical abilities. All this time he didn't tell Azrael about it. He wears long overalls to cover his muscles and so his parents didn't know he had changed bodily. He hoped he would be able to tell his best friend his secret one day, but not soon.

One day he was angered by a customer. He as usual was serving rice ball soup when another man shouted at him to bring a rice ball soup. "Hey dumbass bring me the rice ball soup, am starving ere." The man yelled and everyone laughed out loud in mockery. He obediently did as he was told but another man placed a foot on his way and he stumbled and fell breaking the plates and spilling the meal out. His father got angry at him.

"Bastard! Do you have any idea how much that costs!" A bolt of lightning was sent to his chest and he gasped in pain. "Didn't you see his legs or has foolishness damaged your eyes!" His father raved not bothering to check if he was okay. This was too much for him to bear and he was clouded with hate and anger. The dragon soul made him more angry. He stood from the floor, his eyes closed and dark energy floated around him. His hair stood in an erect form. He spoke with a deeper voice which sent fear into the men's hearts. "I have tolerated these foolish acts of you old men for far too long, it's time I deal with it." He opened his eyes which were glowing red. "Darkness Manipulation Magic: Dark Cloaked."

The store got shrouded in choking darkness and the men began to grope and feel their way out. Surprisingly they couldn't use magic. It had been sealed. They yelled for help but nothing could be heard. Mico smiled evilly as he saw the futile efforts made by the men who had tormented him all his life. It was payback time.

"Darkness Manipulation Magic: Dark Spears Of Injustice!" Black spears appeared and sunk into all the men including his father, they screamed and Mico heard steps. News had gotten to the capital about a darkness enveloping the shop and the new Sorcerer Supremus, Azrael Drakeshire was dispatched. The darkness was wiped off by Azrael who was awed to see the bloody scene. "Mico what have you done?" Mico looked at his friend and saw his dressing.

"Guess you became the Sorcerer Supremus before me eh, but I no longer care, I have powers now, I am strong to take care of myself."

Azrael ordered the soldiers with him to arrest Mico but they died few metres before meeting him.

"Sorry Azrael, I will go to the world and judge it my own way. Let's meet one day in battle. And I am not Mico. I am Darkon and I am The Dark Dragon." After saying that, he vanished in a puff of dark energy. Azrael was saddened by this, he had just become the Sorcerer Supremus and his best friend had become The Dark Dragon. He will find a way to stop him even if they had to fight against each other. He wept for his friend.