
Dark Desires:Fangs in love

Once bitten, forever sorry

Juliet_Titi · Urban
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8 Chs

Moving II

It was two days later and they were ready to leave at dawn. A lot of their neighbors came around to say goodbye and see them off. Noah sold the house and farm as well as the birds. They hoarded all their belongings into Noah's old truck and went away to the city. Ari even slept off during the journey and woke up to the smell of a new environment. He saw a beautiful city with very tall buildings that kissed the sky and colourful streets with people dressed in fancy outfits walking around. All he could do was marvel at human inventions. A large billboard displayed Welcome to Los Angeles.

"Wow,this place is super cool"

"You're happy,right?asks Bexlie

"Why wouldn't I be? The city is sure my favorite place. And I'm glad to have you two as my parents."

"Aww that's so sweet my boy" Noah said

(Giggles)"Hihi,he took after you. Such a sweet talker"added Bexlie

Ari's POV

The duo in front of me kept chattering and being lovey dovey with each other while I was just looking around. We reached our destination at noon and unpacked till night fall. Night in the city was super cool. It was like daytime at night. The whole place was just beautiful.