
Dark Designs: Tales of Demons & Gods (Bimonthy Updates)

Waking up in Tales of Demons & Gods, surviving is one thing Leroy can do. After living as Liang Yu in Star Martial God Technique, he is able to pass off as a decent person when in this type of Dimensional setting. When he feels like it that is. It is a slow process to change things but it has been done before. Can he build a Safe Heaven in time while making sure those he cares about gain the strength they need to come with him, or will they fail like the others before him did? This is a Fanfiction that will have elements that do not exist in the original series. Events will not take place the same as several interactions for Nie Li. Which makes since he is not the person the reader will follow most of the time. Conversation hat was not covered in the original will be shown with different outcomes than the original author/artist wrote. Because it is a fanfiction which should be kept in mind. If you want no "forced" content, read the original. No profit is made from this.

Magmatide · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

The Reward for those who work hard.

"I can not believe you." Shen Xiu paced around the room angrily. Everyone but Shen Yue looking away from her. "That is the resource you want to give them!" On the board was a diagram of the Meridian (Neuro Network) of a cultivator. She did not see the bottle drawn on the side at the bottom with instructions.

"Yes. It will turn the students into able body Demon Fighters or Demon Spiritualists. As well as offer them and their families recruitment into the Dark Moon family. A scholarship if you will." Meridian work was something easy to do with medical knowledge. Not many here did that and if memory served, not many outside the Tiny World knew how to do so. "It is time for the family to shine. Do you have a better suggestion?"

"No, I do not! But this is to much!" Shen Xiu was worried that they would be attacked on all sides by enemies and allies to retrieve the method. "This is a way bigger target on the back then before!"

Playing defense and safe was only good when resources were low. That was not the case anymore. The recruitment phase was slow but the undesirables were already weeded out a good bit.

"Accept "this" in the form of elixirs." Shen Yue smiled at her. Raising a vial that contained a rune inscribed piece of glass inside. "One obtained from the "ruins" at that. Enough of the bottles from there will help sell it. Considering most are at the Bronze Rank, it can be passed off that it only works on those at that Rank."

"We cannot take Bronze Ranks into the outside." Shen Xiu frowned. "Those we have trained so far are just now getting to a good point. Maybe wait a little more?" She was met with a frown from Shen Yue. "Why do we need strength so quickly? The Dark Guild is not that big of a threat to us particularly."

"I agree with teacher." Dian Rei said. It was one of the few days she was taking a break from her work. And wanted just good news. "The Alchemist Association is allied with us business-wise, that a large amount of protection. As long as we do not make anymore enemies of the top families, things should be fine."

A few of the Alchemist and Inscription members of the clan agreed. But none of the fighters and those who were in charge of security improvement said anything.

Huyan Lanruo said nothing. She could tell were the small lack of understanding was coming from. Shen Xiu was content with the knowledge she had and the strength she achieved over the last few weeks. Complacency in regards to how strong the members of the big families were, as well as her older brother Shen Hong.

Considering the head of the Sacred Family was just a Peak Black Gold Rank and she herself was not far away from surpassing him entirely, coupled with his "son" Shen Yue having more strength and growing stronger rapidly, she believed it was enough.

*Boom!* A bit of compressed blue-white flame appeared and exploded in the area. It was to get their attention from foolish thoughts.

"The Tiny World, the place we currently are in is a pocket Dimension of sorts." Shen Yue passed a harsh look once over all of them. Making sure he got their full attention. "With the information, I had before plus what I obtained from the ruins, things are bad."

"How bad?" Shen Yue did not get a chance to go over everything written down yet.

"The Demon Beast Riot, what lead to the death of the majority of humanity was caused by a Demon Beast reaching a higher Realm of cultivation and unlocking Divine Wisdom. Several Legend Rank experts tried to take it down but instead pissed it off." Shen Yue drew a diagram while writing the description down from those who lived back then down. "They were to weak and were killed for it. But the pain did not stop there."

"Umu, what could be worse?" Dian Mu asked fearfully. Despite knowing the answer.

"The Demon Beast learned the value of numbers. The lower Demon Beasts in the Continent obeyed the call to arms, so to speak." Drawing cities that looked like the Snow Wind Empire all over, it was still odd that humanity lost to the beast for most of the following war. "One beast lead them and wiped empire after empire out. It is laughable if it was not true. But the downfall was also on humanity's side."

Drawing humans meeting up with others and then getting sent sway, due to food, numbers, or overall distrust towards one another, they only added to the trouble. Unity was better than splinter factions fighting.

"The current condition of Glory City should help you all understand this."

"Like now, we fight amongst ourselves." Shen Xiu said somberly. "We are not working togethor inside Glory City. As well as not working together with the other settlements across the continent. In fact, the majority of the city believes only Glory City is left. With a few aware of people living outside within the mountains due to patrolling the area. Not to mention the few noble families that know of the Dark Guild."

"Is that why you are heading out after a few weeks of the school year ending?" Ye Hong asked. Several documents found in the City Lord mansion pointed to this, but it was heavily suppressed and on a need-to-know basis.

"Correct. There are people to recruit and to help give homes to." Shen Yue nodded a little. A small smile on his face. "But it will be dangerous, that is why I waited this long to go. You will need to be very strong and ready to kill for this. Kill your fellow man despite what your heart tells you."

"So who are our enemies and allies?" Huyan Lanruo asked. She was after all representing her family a great deal here. "The Huyan family stands with you. This I guarantee. Only a few think that you are an upstart with a reputation built on lies. But profit for the family keeps them in place and the medical treatment provided has brought the older members in line quickly."

"The Snow Wind Family may not be an ally but we are defintely not your enemy. I am doing my best to bridge the gap but they are more content to just purchase elixirs instead. At a cheaper price maybe?" The elders were clear about wanting him to try and have Shen Yue bring back down the prices. But a glare from Shen Xiu meant that was a no-go. "OK, Ok!"

Putting his hands up in defeat, he backed off on the matter.

"I am working on the Hong Yue Family. The auction house, we have not really visited besides putting up some items for sale. Which has earned us quite a bit of funds along with our Alchemy sales. The clothing with Inscription Patterns is selling well to. The work provided to the Commoner Families is a big hit." Shen Yue spoke evenly to them. "Of course this deadlocked a set of funds that pretty much keeps going back and forth. But trust in the community is increasing faster."

That was understandable.

"The Divine Family, lead by Patriarch Chen Zhenglong are acceptable defenders. As the stalwart shield of the Snow Wind Family, they will support them until something terrible forces them apart. The Alchemist Association is to wrapped up in Alchemy recovery. To guide them would take to much time and effort. We will just assist them for business matters even further in the future." Shen Yue's voice came in clearly to each of them as they walked. "The Winged Dragon Family will... most likely do as needed but the change in the Family by Xiao Ninger will go a long way. Keep a close eye on them."

"The Sacred Family?" Ye Hong asked. "Surely they have some people still loyal to the survival of Glory City. Right?" He was met with silence on that matter.

"After this test is over I will enter into the Divine Border and take something that is currently wasted inside. Lanruo, Ye Hong, and the Flaming Snake will come with. Everyone else is to continue working hard with daily tasks." Shen Yue took a moment to make sure they all understood. "After that, I will return and activate a "Field Test" on the barrier around the compound and the West Gate under the Dark Moon Family's control."

"A test?"

"Yes. A good bit of our fighting forces will come with this excursion. One to test them in the outside world and the other to test our allies in Glory City." Shen Yue was only somewhat optimistic.

"Chen Linjian, what about him?" Huyan Lanruo asked. "After you left us to continue exploring the ruins, he has shown increased interest in you and the Family. Not willing to become a lackey of you due to his family status, but.. I think we can bring him over in a way."

"That is something for you to handle." Shen Yue felt she was more than up for the task. "Make sure not to disappoint yourself when conducting this business." Her pink moved about as she nodded. "Now time for our forces really."

As they broke apart, only Shen Xiu, Dian Mu, and Dian Rei following with. The others went back to work and returned to their various families.


The 15-


15 guards stood in front of Shen Yue. Mixed between men and women of outcast kicked out of their family from within Glory City. They trained hard and studied hard to make it as officers in Shen Yue's Dark Moon Family Guards. The cream of the crop.

"Each of you have made it to the 5th Gold Rank through pain, suffering, and extreme methods." Shen Yue said eyeing them each carefully. They were proud which was well deserved. "But I am still going to need you to push more and climb higher."

*Clap! Clap!* A small clap to the side, Shen Xiu signaled for Dian Mu to come out with their rewards for graduating Officer Training. The entry phase anyway. Armor freshly forged to suit each of them. With weapons well on its way in the future.

"The Inscriptions will help when cultivating as well as hiding the wearer's presence a little. The durability can defend against "one" strike from a Legend Rank." They were passed out by Shen Xiu as Shen Yue kept talking. "The first test was well enough that I made another gift. Made from jewels and a little bit of Alchemy."

From his Internal Space, 15 gemstones with lesser runes than that of what he developed from the Abstruse Gemstone shot towards the guards.

"This will speed up your Cultivation by 1.5x and help with purifying when cultivating." Shen Yue clarified. "The Flame is a little of my Soul Force, consider it me watching over you at all times a little." He gave a small smile but most of the guards looked down. "What is it? Would you prefer more money?"

"I don't think that is the issue." Shen Xiu smirked. She wanted to mess with her nephew but decided against it considering the occasion. "I think they are just grateful."

"Thank you, Patriarch!" One guard said. Followed by the rest after they wiped tears away. They were looking down to hide the building tears that formed earlier.

"No thank you." Shen Yue shook his head smiling. "I have a long list of things I am demanding from you all. And it will only grow to catch you up to what I need you to be. Each of you are studying various professions while keeping up with your cultivation and personal lives. But the rewards will continue. As long as you improve."

The officers nodded happily. Never had they been helped so much and valued so highly. The education from Shen Xiu overseeing their studies was usually reserved for the Nobles. But a few of them knew it was even higher than that.

The knowledge they acquired seemed even out of this world.

The power of the Flame Vortex Core increased in power as new Connections formed.

Status: Shen Yue Health 2000

Spirit Energy: 2,661,000

Power: 32 Defense: 27

Willpower: 33 Intellect: 34

Connection: 21


Flame Vortex Star Dragon: Black Gold Rank 5

Metal Seed: 5th tech level

Fire Body: 4th tech level

Astral Sense: 5th tech level

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