
Dark Designs: Tales of Demons & Gods (Bimonthy Updates)

Waking up in Tales of Demons & Gods, surviving is one thing Leroy can do. After living as Liang Yu in Star Martial God Technique, he is able to pass off as a decent person when in this type of Dimensional setting. When he feels like it that is. It is a slow process to change things but it has been done before. Can he build a Safe Heaven in time while making sure those he cares about gain the strength they need to come with him, or will they fail like the others before him did? This is a Fanfiction that will have elements that do not exist in the original series. Events will not take place the same as several interactions for Nie Li. Which makes since he is not the person the reader will follow most of the time. Conversation hat was not covered in the original will be shown with different outcomes than the original author/artist wrote. Because it is a fanfiction which should be kept in mind. If you want no "forced" content, read the original. No profit is made from this.

Magmatide · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Talks and Deals

Later in the day-


"You wished to speak with me, Vice-Principal Sheng?" Shen Xiu didn't want to waste time with any nonsense. But a small matter may cause an issue later. 'The Sacred Family will not like what happened once they here about it. Just need to maneuver a bit of the finding and let the school take the brunt of it I suppose.'

Vice Principal Sheng observed the changes in Shen Xiu now that they were alone. From her cultivation itself as well as her demeanor it had changed abruptly. Verifying that she was leaving the Sacred Family was a better goal with her increase in teaching abilities.

'Nie Lie knew quite a lot of information today but so did Shen Yue. The only difference was in the way they acted. Nie Lie has a little resentment with the Sacred Family for some reason. And Shen Yue was exiled.' Not wanting to waste time, he made it quick. "Shen Yue has obtained the rank of Alchemist. I am sure the Sacred Family is very happy?"

"Shen Yue is no longer apart of the Sacred Family. As well as myself." Shen Xiu answered tersely. "Even registered a new clan. We may be small now but won't be for long."

"I am sure things are difficult for you all, allow us to help. Consider it an endorsement if you will." Vice Principal Sheng had a small hunch that needed to be explored as well. The letter from the unknown person and the change in Shen Yue was not something to pass up. "Has Shen Yue taken a master to teach him the skills in Alchemy?"

"No." Shen Xiu answered straight. "No one in the Sacred Family taught him either. A lot of his information was collected by himself. In his words, his skill is not that of a master just someone who dabbles so far."

"I see. Let me consider some matters or later then. But I still wish to extend a helping hand to you both." Vice-Principal Sheng still saw an opportunity available as well as not for believing her just yet. "I will recommend Shen Yue for the genius class as well as resolve the issue with the bet between you and that student."

"I thank you but that is not necessary. I will lose the bet unfortunately but it will give me time for other things." Shen Xiu did not doubt that Nie Lie would win the wager she just wishes it was not true. But this would allow her to focus on other matters. "I am the second in charge of the Dark Moon Family. That will take a lot of effort in the future."

"I see, I still hope you are willing to teach on the side. Not to many teachers pass our tests." Vice Principal Sheng had a few other plans still in the works so no matter for now. "Here is a small request order, I am sure Shen Yue can finish the order in no time."

Passing over a pouch and a request order, Vice Principal Sheng wanted to test the quality of his work as well as get in good graces with them. The Apprentice Exams was in two weeks and a lot was changing before it even started.


City Lord's Mansion-


Later in the day, Ye Sheng met with members of the City Lord's mansion to give a report. Across from was Ye Shuo, and several family guards. On the table between them was another letter signed by Liang Yu.

"This individual knows we have not made a move against the Sacred Family, how I do not know." Ye Shuo was not happy about this. Considering he was in charge of Intel did not make this easy. "Not a single trace so far on his location."

"After seeing a few things today among the current students, I do believe we will see something soon. What all did the letter say?" Vice-Principal Sheng rather deals with what was before them right now. "Any hints about information right now?"

"A few more members of the Dark Guild in the city. Some captured but a few escaped. Only one or two with small connections to the Sacred Family. Not enough to arrest them, unfortunately." One of the youngest in the room said. It was Ye Hong a member of the clan with a promising future. Part of the Genius Class helped with matters. Especially with the older members who were being difficult. "Shen Fei.. has made some strange moves in certain areas."

"What about the brother Shen Yue?" Ye Shuo wanted as much information as he could about the young man before moving further with his plans. "Is this all a trap set by them?"

"I do not think so. Shen Fei curses Shen Yue more than normal lately. I would try to get closer with Shen Yue but it would be to strange at this time." Ye Hong was charismatic and had a good little following. But even he could not work miracles out of the blue. "If he was in the Genius Class then maybe I could use that as an in. Plus it will cause issues with Shen Fei even more."

"That has been arranged." Vice Principal Sheng informed of the conversation with Shen Xiu earlier. A few were suprised he risked some resources on an untested Alchemist. But it was his own resources used so they couldn't say much. "It is an investment."

"Duly noted." Ye Shuo turned the letters around for the others could read. "The latest letter has information that contains vital information on Ye Ming and Ye Han. The Dark Guild has found information on the two and plans to take the chance to eliminate Ye Ming."

Unable to vet the information, those in the room were skeptical to act. The information that lead to capturing and taking out a few small bit of the Dark Guild forces was one thing, but to send a force to help Ye Ming was quite a risk.




Shen Yue was in his room cultivating and reading a few books over. The information from books in the library helped a lot. Just needed more time to read everything over. Astral Sense allowed him to read multiple books at once but he still needed to comprehend everything.

Dian Mu and Dian Rei were both studying in the same room. Little bits of spiritual energy were sent to them from Shen Yue. It was pure and refined already. Which allowed the two to cultivate it with ease.

Dian Mu studied Inscriptions and Dian Rei studied Alchemy. Both would be needed for Shen Yue to compare things with as well as share insights with.

Shen Xiu was studying at a desk. Every now and then she looked at the flame that had the medicinal ingredients inside it. She was no expert in Alchemy but she was sure that is not how you refined elixirs!

'He should just waste money on an Alchemy Pot and get it over with!' Shen Xiu was frustrated with her stubborn nephew. He did say she could spend her own funds but that was not going to happen. 'So stingy with his funds, how is this Dark Moon Family going to grow?!'

The process Shen Yue was currently using was slower but it allowed for a higher success. As well as let him see more of what was wrong when he concocted elixirs. Which was what he needed currently. The slight changes between Dimensions closed up more and more with time.

*Fwish!* A flare-up from the accumulated energy from the herbs alerted him to it finishing. With a wave of his hand, the liquid was poured into a few vials. With five irregular vials put to the side.

"Pour these into the pill molds I made earlier. THe purity of these are higher than what they were supposed to be. I need more practice on controlling my energy." Despite Shen Yue controlling his Flame Martial Arts flame during the process, the Flame Vortex Core energy still seeped in a little. "Grind up Holy Dark Grass with some water and add a teaspoon to each."

"Alright." Dian Rei decided to do it herself. Her brother could keep focusing on his work. "I will handle it since I will be an Alchemist in the future." The young servant girl was becoming more confident in herself.

"Very well." Shen Yue saw no harm in it. As for the five irregular vials put to the side, each had to much Flame Vortex Core energy inside. "Shen Xiu.. try this." He tossed her one and down one completely himself. The effects were about what he thought they would be. 'Tch! Even in this place, my creation does not do much for me!'

His displeasure was obvious on his face. The effect from the elixer was enough to boost his rank a bit. Easily slipped into the 2nd Rank of Gold. A much bigger effect on Shen Xiu however.

"It's to much!" Shen Xiu's veins bulged all over her body. Sweat dripping down her body in seconds. Despite the flames from body burnings the surroundings just a little, she was still able to sweat. "Why is this energy so violent!?"

Happy that the runes were placed down to keep things safe, Shen Yue walked over and placed his hand in the center of her back. The answer was very obvious. A cultivation deviation caused by her mind.

"To allow the Devil Heart to take root... why would you be so foolish?" Shen Yue shook his head in dismay. He supposes it was partially his fault for not catching what stress she was under, but not like he could do to much about it. "Is it Fear or Doubt that gripes you so much?"

"It is not Fear for me!" Shen Xiu snapped at Shen Yue. The pain is momentarily forgotten before gripping her again. "Damn it.. why do things always hurt with you!?" Her teeth gnashed tightly as blood dripped from her nose.

"If it is for the future.. then that is normal. Just not much you can do about it besides prepare." Shen Yue really couldn't relate to the matter. He worried for the future but kept moving forward. He didn't have the strength to always look back on things. That would lead to absolute madness if he dwelled on it. "Just calm down and focus on getting the energy under control. Transform with your Demonic Spirit, the additional energy can be used to make it stronger."

Feeling dizzy and nauseous Shen Xiu agreed. She felt ashamed a Heart Devil took root. It was a rookie mistake but to much was on her mind and things have spiraled out of control to much for her liking.

THe only good thing was that she was stronger and growing stronger by the day.


A few Days Later-


Shen Yue spent a good bit of time helping Shen Xiu. Her cultivation was recovering well enough as well as the advancement for the two servants Dian Mu and Dian Rei. The three would remain indoors until she was fully recovered.

That is what Shen Yue suggested. That was not followed at all. The very moment he left, the trio left as well.

As for the Alchemy request by Vice-Principal Sheng, it was fulfilled with him quite happy with the results. The payment was good enough that the majority of the funds were handed over to Shen Xiu for clan matters.

The next request required the Snow Wind Family to gather a few more herbs before putting the request in.

Status: Shen Yue Health 1200 Spirit Energy: 70,500

Power: 29 Defense: 23

Willpower: 30 Intellect: 30

Connection: 5


Flame Vortex Star Dragon: Gold Rank 2

Flame Martial Arts: Celestial Realm

Star Martial Arts: Celestial Realm

Dragon Martial Arts: Celestial Realm

Metal Seed: 4th tech level

Fire Body: 4th tech level

Astral Sense: 5th tech level

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