
Dark Designs: Tales of Demons & Gods (Bimonthy Updates)

Waking up in Tales of Demons & Gods, surviving is one thing Leroy can do. After living as Liang Yu in Star Martial God Technique, he is able to pass off as a decent person when in this type of Dimensional setting. When he feels like it that is. It is a slow process to change things but it has been done before. Can he build a Safe Heaven in time while making sure those he cares about gain the strength they need to come with him, or will they fail like the others before him did? This is a Fanfiction that will have elements that do not exist in the original series. Events will not take place the same as several interactions for Nie Li. Which makes since he is not the person the reader will follow most of the time. Conversation hat was not covered in the original will be shown with different outcomes than the original author/artist wrote. Because it is a fanfiction which should be kept in mind. If you want no "forced" content, read the original. No profit is made from this.

Magmatide · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Skyblaze Sect: Moving in the Sects Part 5 Meeting Ying Yueru

"What I say next, don't ask." Ying Yueru said to Nie Li so calmly it was a bit crazy. "Things shouldn't now; I won't tell even if you ask."

Lie Li was at a loss for words.

"What does this elder sister want to tell me?" Nie Li decided to play it safe instead of saying what he wanted. She knocked him on the forehead causing old memories to come back once more. "Master..."

"It's strange, isn't it, how do I know this?" Ying Yueru smiled warmly as she closed her eyes. "The cultivation of Divination allows me to see through so much but doesn't allow me to see through a few that intersect with you. I can see through falsehoods in Tim and Space, and calculate All Destiny normally."


"Although in order to Calculate them, it consumed 60 years of my life before I stopped."

"Why are you calculating those around me?" Nie Li was pensive. "You ask me and I will tell you everything!"

"No, you are still in the "Game." I on the other hand, was already outside the Game after the calculation." Ying Yueru was still all smiles at this. She did see someone call out to a person named Shen Kong in fear. "But you are not the last to join the Game. Be careful."

"I understand." Nie Li gave a simple nod thinking the newcomer in the Game was Shen Yue. "Being in the Game.. is my Fate in this life still not related to my Free Will? I even lifted the Crisis in Glory City."

*Bzzt!* A lightning bolt appeared in the room. Shen Yue leaned against the wall joining the conversation in person so to speak. Ying Yueru did not tense up but Nie Li did. Not liking the intruder coming in during his special time with his Master.

"You did not change the Fate of Glory City." Shen Yue's voice was disguised to match his actual original voice on Earth and contained an accent neither heard before. "It is still in danger with those low Cultivations the people have there."

"What!?" Nie Li felt the same feeling of unease from the person in front of them that he felt from the Nether Master and Venerable Redsoul. "Your lying!"

Shen Yue gave a shrug of believe what you will. He was no fool in thinking the Demon God Sect will change more from their plans yet. The changes in the Draconic Ruins Realm are nowhere near like in the Tiny World.

"The matter in Tiny World, I can not speak on yet but I do know your plans to gain control of the Sect Master position here is very important." Ying Yueru tried to see through Shen Yue but got nothing. The protection of a Champion was way more than what she was capable of doing to see his future. 'I can feel a Charge of Divine Lightning shielding him his cultivation as well!'

"Yes, its true that is the first step of my plan." Nie Li answered after some time. Since the visitor was not going to leave by the looks of it. "This step must be completed to defeat the Sage Emperor."

"Yet you are a displaced Time Traveler to coin a phrase to describe you. Family.. well not really those, you barely helped them along even in this life. Friends.. you didn't really have those in your original life but you in this life have a few. Your lover.." Shen Yue rubbed his chin thinking it over.

"You know nothing.."

"She died in the wilderness right? But not really your lover, kind of "hey we are dying", and you were there to lean on for emotional support." Shen Yue grinned as he changed postures. "A bit of a Emotional Predator there, let you get in them clothes real quick.. before she died anyway. Damn shame, cultivation or common snese didn't help save her."

Nie Li shifted into his Fanged Panda Form and fired a blast of Darkness out at half power. Ying Yueru didn't have the time to react to his attack at all before getting ready to speak to hold him back.

*Boom!* An explosion of energy circled the room.

"How nice." Shen Yue had grabbed the blast with a raised arm and crushed it in his fingers. "A single focus of the Darkness Law has gone a long way for you. I am impressed. But.. you need to grow stronger to keep from getting killed, if you had stayed in the Tiny World for a few more years, it would have been for the best, mind you. As well as everyone in the Draconic Ruins Realm."

"Nie Li.. calm yourself." Ying Yueru's voice echoed out, sending a calming effect. "Remember to be Virtuous Like Water." As her energy traveled out, it hit against Shen Yue but was rebuffed by the use of Astral Sense. 'He grabbed the Water Law without effort!'

*Ripple!* The waves swirled into a ball of water that was brought up to his mouth and sucked through the mouth covering. A delicious meal of energy, different from all the people that cultivated Water Law in his group.

A byproduct of her viewing the future, Time Law energy was mixed inside. Giving Shen Yue a nice little increase in it to use for himself.

"Wait for me to become the Patriarch of the Divine Feather Sect first." Nie Li stood up leaving. Only a passing glance to Shen Yue. "I will protect you, Master."

'A check of his strength.. not to bad but that means he hasn't gotten to far with the Pot. Haa, need that meal of energy inside it.'

As the door closed behind him, it left two people who shouldn't be alone together.

"I', am afraid I can't wait for the day when you become the Patriarch." Turning to give full attention to Shen Yue, Ying Yueru showed a little fear. "Are you here to kill me?"

"No, just to talk a little. You know some things that I need to know. You cannot Divine me no matter what you do. As well as a few others. Just burning away more vitality really." Shen Yue took out a notebook as he started asking questions. His first one already had Ying Yueru scared. "I need the best entrance in the Lighting Roar Mountain Range and the nest of the Infernal Lightning Winged Snake."

After remaining quiet for a few minutes, Ying Yueru couldn't help but ask why he needed to know and what he planned on doing with the information. The trade of information did not go well at all between the two.

She was basically a fucking airhead. Viewing and going through so many lives and calculating answers yet as an individual was lacking in every way. It was making him sick being in the same room as her.

'If I could use my Corruption Aspect on something like her.. it would be quite the accomplishment for my Cultivation.' A flare of purple shined before vanishing in his eyes. 'Hah, if her Demon Bloodline was not so diluted by whatever methods they are using on her, I could use my Beast Law to dig into her.'

"Since we are on able to come to terms.. what wil you do now?"

"Huh, leave of course. I need to finish exploring. Bye bye now!" Shen Yue turned into Lightning leaving the Divine Feathers Sect Terriotory. 'It is getting easier to come and go and the projection is consuming less every time.'


Weeks Later at the Divine Feathers Sect-


Long Shuyun tried to convince Ying Yueru to stop her viewing of the future. To no avail so it caused a deeper look and heavier hand to be done to her.

"What a stupid woman." Shen Yue frowned at her. "You are going to cause problems and get yourself killed, so much for caring about life."

"I do not know who you are but.."

"Her husband and someone who actually was trying to save your useless life." He pointed at Long Shuyin. who gave a little smirk at the admission. "Do not look into Nie Li further, the Sage Emperor will send lackeys after him to take him out, let it be."

"The Sage Emperor, how do you know of him?"

"That is not up for conversation. If you do not stop your actions, I will kill you. Do you understand that?"

"The Divine Feathers Sect, are you willing to go to war with them?"

"For my plans.. I will wipe out the entire Draconic Ruins Realm." Shen Yue's eyes flared as his power engulfed the room. Bushing against Ying Yueru forcibly. "Fact of the matter I wouldn't have to do this at all if he didn't even come here."

"What's that suppose to me?"

"Ask him." Turning to his wife, it was time he stopped the talks with them. "Are you sure about what we spoke about before?"

"For now, yes."

"I see. I will depart." As Shen Yue faded away, he gave some final words for his people there. "Your safety is the highest concern, let those who are fated to die, die."

"Ying Yueru, you know the secrets of Nie Li and plan on taking that fate upon yourself." Long Shuyin spoke sternly. Hand raised stopping her protests and excuses. "He is not worth dying over or doing this. If you agree to let this go, you can have a life the same as everyone elses."

"I have made my decision." Ying Yueru gave a simple nod. She shook a little as the damage had already been done. "There is no going back."

"You stupid child!" Long Shuyin lost a bit of her temper. "You moving the Fate Points to yourself will just get you killed!" She shot over grabbing him by the throat, prying her mouth open. "Drinks this! All of it down now!"

The difference in strength was to much. Ying Yueru sputtered a little but the Core Star Elixer flooded her body and went to work on its own. Making the difficult choice was not to hard for her to make at this point.

*Bang!* YingYueru's entire cultivation in the Divine Arts was destroyed forcefully. Under the guidance of a much stronger cultivator, she was completely suppressed and would not wake up until Long Shuyin permitted.

"I am going into Sealed Cultivation for a while, if any come looking for her, she is with me!" Long Shuyin dragged the other away determined to find out what she knew and if the plan would work with the changes. 'He said this elixir can help cut off Divination! But how do I make sure of it!?'

Ying Yueru stopped fighting after she felt the change in her body. The Demon blood inside was getting burned away by the Star Core energy instead of her cultivation base further. A few Dragon scales appeared on top of the arms as well.


The disrespect-


The Dragonseal Family kept their tongue back on the matter of what happened recently. Long Shuyun said nothing as Shen Yue said he would deal with the matter himself if things get harry, which would allow Long Yuyin to still pull some strings with the Dragonseal Family.

"To think you would disrespect the Tiny World by doing this." Shen Yue's eyes radiated malice more than anything. "You disciples are so bleagh for this!"

"Are you really upset?"

"Nah, you all are fine. Just stay healthy. Just stay away from the other members of the Dragonseal Family, they are not sane at all." Shen Yue relaxed getting rid fo his pretend anger at them marrying onto the Dragonseal Family. "Any who, I am here to take a few with me for exploration."

"To where?" Long Shuyun frowned but seeing as he was just a projection, she figured they wouldn't get any private time together anyway. "Some of my stronger people will go with."

The ladies called affectionetly by Aunt Xie and Aunt Lin came over. They gave him a heated look but kept it at bay. The time spent during the Dragonseal Ritual fresh in their minds still.

"Tis a secret dear wife." Shen Yue gestured for Long Yuyin, Xiao Yu who was visitng, and Gu Lan to come with him. "We will be traveling with a few others so it won't be to boring for them."

*Bzzt!* In a flash of blue white lightning, the group was gone. Long Shuyun immediately contacted him trying to figure how he did that.

'Oh, well I was really there this time, wasn't a projection.. you couldn't tell?' Half way to his destination, he stopped to make sure know one was following them. A quick check then placingthem in his Internal Space, he shot off in a diferent dirction hitting a Warp Pad he buried. 'I figured you would have when I passed the resources over.'

'I assumed you used a inscription to teleport it there!' Long Shuyun was upset she didn't notice it and even more upset he didn't just say anything. If she knew he was really there, she defintely would have contacted her mother who wanted to meet him in person. 'Next time, let me know!'

'Alright.. you sounded a bit..' Stopping for a moment again, he sent out his Astral Sense then the Hearth Method to check. Nothing around, he changed back to Shen Yue. People in his Internal Space would already instruct the others to change out of hteir clothes and switch to something else to prevent tracking and spying. '.. I will bring you something back that looks shiny.'

'I am not a animal!' Long Shuyun thought back to him. Calming herself, she dropped a bomb on him. You better make sure to protect all of them. 'Xie and Lin have a suprise for you anyway, so make sure to speak with them when you are able. Its in regards to the arrangement of the Power Marriage we have.'

*Woosh!* Pulling the people he spirited away out, they looked around trying to figure out where they were. Dressed in armor and hoodies that helped conceal their idetities better.

'Hmm, okay.' Coming back across his camp sometime later, the others were already packed up and ready to move out. "How was everything while I was gone?" Shen Yue asked Duan Jian who immediately reported in.

"Nothing actually, everyone spent the time just talking and finding they have some things in common." He was suprised to see so many but didn't care in the least considering who they were. "Did go well on your end?"

"Nope, that girl is... bleh. So change of plans, heading to the Endless Widlerness, then breaking into the Palace to get all the resources." Shen Yue told them of hte change of plans with Duan Jian agreeing to take a team and deal with the Sect Missions to help the situation better.

Yan Yang decided to accompany him and have his forces go with Duan Jians people. One to keep an eye on them and two because he didn't want them losing a life going with to the Endless Wilderness.

Status: Shen Yue Health 3600

Spirit Energy: 168,497,891

Heavenly Energy: 54,020,487

Power: 63 Defense: 66

Willpower: 63 Intellect: 57

Connection: 2218

Divine Spark: Lightning 4-Fate, Sound 4-Fate, Metal 4-Fate, Beasts 4-Fate, Blizzard 3-Fate, Primordial Chaos 4-Fate

Flame Vortex Star Dragon: Heavenly Star Realm 1-Fate Star (Fate Soul 54)

Metal Seed: 8th tech level

Fire Body: 7th tech level

Astral Sense: 9th tech level

Sword Attainment: 4th tech level

Heart Method: 7th tech level

Liang Yu: Soul Puppet- Divine Spark: Soul 6-Fate, Hell 4-Fate

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