
Dark Designs: Tales of Demons & Gods (Bimonthy Updates)

Waking up in Tales of Demons & Gods, surviving is one thing Leroy can do. After living as Liang Yu in Star Martial God Technique, he is able to pass off as a decent person when in this type of Dimensional setting. When he feels like it that is. It is a slow process to change things but it has been done before. Can he build a Safe Heaven in time while making sure those he cares about gain the strength they need to come with him, or will they fail like the others before him did? This is a Fanfiction that will have elements that do not exist in the original series. Events will not take place the same as several interactions for Nie Li. Which makes since he is not the person the reader will follow most of the time. Conversation hat was not covered in the original will be shown with different outcomes than the original author/artist wrote. Because it is a fanfiction which should be kept in mind. If you want no "forced" content, read the original. No profit is made from this.

Magmatide · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Heading to the Banquet Part 1 Searching for her

The fighting lasted a few days. The rotating guards around the West and South gate were bored as no enemy arrived to deal with at the first day. They were repurposed to run an expedition to reinforce the guardposts.

Despite the misgiving most had about the Dark moon Family, a lot of that went out the window when the Officers, soldiers, and Shen Yue himself came cutting through the battlefield. From the back end no less.

Catching the beast in a pincer formation and dropping casualties to nonexistent the final days. Shen Yue received an "injury" during the fight. A member of the Sacred Family had actually tried to cut him down during a particular fight.

Snapping the neck of the would-be assassin during the battle and kicking the body into that of an adult Fox Bear had a few shocked. The cut across his clothing looked worse than what it was. The blood was from the different Demon Beasts but they thought it was his own.


Sometime later-


Shen Yue kept his time in the compound the entire time not going out. Working at the hospital on his people and the veterinary hospital on the more critically injured Demon Beasts kept him busy. The Formation advancements were getting there as well. In improvement as well as development towards the different outposts up to the Plateau.

Currently, he was talking with Lu Ning and Huyan Zong. The request to move a larger military detachment permanently into the Plateau needs some more work. The Demon beast Horde covered more area than they thought after scouts checked things over.

Coupled with the fact Shen Yue threatened a lot of them with his Dragon Roar previously just helped proved more Demon Beasts had grown and moved about more than they thought.

"I think this will be enough for now. The Vortex Riders and the Sikong Flyers are more than enough for patrol between the areas." Lu Ning got up to go. "I will continue to work on the building plans for better defense."

"And I will make sure to push my studies more of the Beast Manual." Huyan Zong got up to leave as well. "The reputation of the Dark Moo Family has skyrocketed since the Demon Beast Horde battle. As well as that of the houses of Lu, Sikong, Ye, Du, Wei, and ...."

"Hiss!" The Flaming Snake moved in its sleep a little. The size had grown enough in its Internal Space that it creeped a few out. It ate a lot of Snow Beasts when coming back.

"We will head out." Lu Ning chuckled. "Take it easy Shen Yue."

"Alright, don't work to hard you two." Shen Yue picked up the reports regarding a few of the Court Matters regarding military, civilian, and merchant behavior. "Not to bad, only a few problems. The guards are getting better at determining situations. An increase in criminal law should help. But.. I don't have any more knowledge on that myself. I am going to bring that up to Rexford next time we speak."

Finishing up a few hours later, their was nothing that needed to be overturned or checked again by himself. It was passed over to the committee to handle now.

"Hmm, oh well." Shen Yue left the room then sealed it back up. Heading outside to take a walk around the Dark Moon Family Compound. The moment he was outside, he was suprised to see Yang Xin in the vicinity. 'Well, at least she is not jacked up. But looks a little fretful.'

"Oh!" The Mother Black Star Tiger alerted her immediately. "Patriarch Shen Yue, you have come out." Yang Xin greeted him respectfully as she headed over. A few from the Alchemy Association following with.

"How goes everything?" Shen Yue said neutrally eyeing each of them. They had grown stronger noticeably. Which was good. "Your pill making has improved some." They looked at him oddly trying to figure how he knew. "The nose, a simple bath won't get rid of the medical smell around you all. Or your clothes unless you keep it separate."

Embarrassed, for no real reason, the Alchemists sniffed themselves. They could smell the different scents in the fabrics. Yang Xin was able to smell it more than most. Her eyes flashed as a formula she was working on popped back into her mind.

"Excuse me!" She darted off in a flash to go back to the branch and work on the recipe again. "I can't believe I forgot such a simple thing!" Ignoring the protests of the Mother Black Star Tiger, she kept going.

'Go back stupid! It is to your benefit!' The Black Star Tiger rampaged in her soul realm. But the restrictions prevented her from doing any harm. With the cubs patrolling with the other Alchemists members, not much else she could do. 'Grrr! Stupid workaholic!'

"Well.. unexpected." An older Alchemist said. "Anywho, I hope your recovery went fine and you are doing well."

"Yup." Shen Yue nodded. The injuries were healed the first day, so... yeah. "Those acquired from the Abyss Prison Realm and the Plateau, how is that going?"

"So far so good. They are healthy and helping in every way. The kids are flourishing under the setup of those school guidelines you gave us. The Alchemy Association is grateful to be the second full schoolyard."

"Good. With 3 graduating classes actually changes in the community will be visible." Shen Yue nodded. "Well about 45 years anyway for the first set of changes to really hold and take root. The stupid saying that children are the future has some merit. But the present is all that matters for the "true" living."

"I agree with you, should we allow open enrollment next year?"

"No. They are stuck in their ways and I will not let them poison the water well so to speak." Shen Yue denied that motion outright. "Glory City.. has fools in charge that value tradition more than what is right. Now, if you want to fund that program into the Institute on your own.. go for it. But our direct curriculum.. hell no. Keep the idiots stupid. Makes it easier for our kids to maneuver in the future."

The directness did not sit well with them. If he would have said it nicer they would have been ok. But no, always the blunt truth with his plans.

A few others made it over to them. Duan Jian was one of them with Huyan Lanruo. Making small talk with them and the Alchemists now, they exchanged information was not worth much.

"Take care of yourselves." Shen Yue waved the Alchemists off. Turning to his people he gestured for them to walk with him. "So, how long have you to been fooling around?" The question came out neutrally as could be which made the two unnerved a little.

"It..just happened" Duan Jian said. "Then it happened again."

"Not like we are serious or anything." Lanruo fretted a little.

"We aren't?" Jian asked. Lanruo shot daggers at him to shut up. "Lying will make it worse." The young man shook his head not willing to go that route. "I am serious about her and Sikong Hongyue. She knows and understands. Considering her father had so many ... lovers."

"As long as all parties involved understand, I wish you all the best. Do not let it interfere with your work." Shen Yue stopped at a food cart. Picking a few fruits before storing the others purchased away. "Delicious, keep up the good work."

The stall keeper nodded happily. A few others mindful that Shen Yue always purchased fruit when he did a walk around. Always tasting and give a compliment.

"Slight rotation when doing field duties to keep a problem from happening of course." Shen Yue would not let them run "ops' together, that would be stupid. Not until they had a firmer control of their emotions of course. "The matter about the internal issues, report."

"Right..." Huyan Lanruo smiled at Duan Jian and started up. Her funny feelings regarding Shen Yue were gone. Which was more than enough for right now. ".. no disharmony between the forces per se. Those from the Sikong family, the ones with wings particularly are disgruntled."

"They take better orders from one of their own or from me." Duan Jian frowned as he felt the flare-up from Shen Yue. The disregard during any exercise no matter how small could cause an issue let alone when done in the field. "They received a pay reduction as per policy. All those involved after the investigation cleared."

"Good work." Shen Yue smiled at that. "Stay the course and everything should be fine enough. If they step out of line again make sure the punishment continues to fit the offense. If they do something unthinkable.. or a hint of one forms, let me know."

"Of course." Duan Jian nodded in understanding. "The other matter..."

"Haa, I really say we talk about it more with her before telling him." Huyan Lanruo sighed heavily dreading this topic. "Shen Xiu has met with members of the Sacred Family. She has gotten a few on her side it looks like trying to sow discord in the Family."

"Hmm." Shen Yue popped a piece of fruit in his mouth. "Has she put anything in the Operations Unit to support this activity?"

"A little but.. we asked if she needed help but she said it was personal." Huyan Lanruo really didn't want to report on her teacher and friend, but she had her duty all the same. She has removed a few of the elderly servants and the disenfranchised from the Sacred Family. Mostly through bribes."

*Woosh!* A small burst of wind appeared as one of the officers arrived. The 24th Officer was newly appointed and focused on stealth retrieval. Only reporting to Shen Yue as head of the Operations Unit.

"None of the "material" or "good stuff" we have of course." The 24th Officer stated. "Sir, she has only used her personal funds and items purchased from the Alchemy Association for this work. Also.. she has gathered quite a number of female students to take in from Glory City altogether. All students that were abused or ran out of their homes."

"Grr, dammit!" Shen Yue's spirit energy flared out for a brief moment. They felt the increase he made before it was wrapped back up. "Have you lost track of her a few times or seen strange techniques being used?"

"Well.. besides the one you have passed out.. yes." Hongyue Lanruo muttered thinking it over. "She has also inquired a lot about the activity you have conducted behind closed doors. Refusing to bother you most times actually."

"What do you wish for me to do sir?" The 24th Officer didn't know what was going on just yet but defintely found it odd. 'First I have seen him personally agitated like this. What will he do next?'

"Nothing, switch to other duties... I will talk to her now. Duan Jian, you are in charge, I am emotionally compromised currently to lead effectively regarding OPS." Kicking off the ground, Shen Yue switched his clothing out turning into his Liang Yu get up. "Good job, all of you!"

*Bzzt!* Turning into a streak of lightning and he was gone. Leaving them dumbfounded, they could only wonder what was about to happen.

Several In Glory City reported they saw a white streak flashing about. Mostly attributing it to lightning and trick of the light, quell the cowardly that is was a Demon Beast.

Status: Shen Yue Health 2800

Spirit Energy: 29,781,000

Power: 42 Defense: 43

Willpower: 40 Intellect: 42

Connection: 63

Laws: Lightning, Sound (Thunder), Metal, Death

Flame Vortex Star Dragon: Legend Rank 5

Metal Seed: 7th tech level

Fire Body: 5th tech level

Astral Sense: 6th tech level

Sword Attainment: 2nd tech level

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