
Dark Designs: Tales of Demons & Gods (Bimonthy Updates)

Waking up in Tales of Demons & Gods, surviving is one thing Leroy can do. After living as Liang Yu in Star Martial God Technique, he is able to pass off as a decent person when in this type of Dimensional setting. When he feels like it that is. It is a slow process to change things but it has been done before. Can he build a Safe Heaven in time while making sure those he cares about gain the strength they need to come with him, or will they fail like the others before him did? This is a Fanfiction that will have elements that do not exist in the original series. Events will not take place the same as several interactions for Nie Li. Which makes since he is not the person the reader will follow most of the time. Conversation hat was not covered in the original will be shown with different outcomes than the original author/artist wrote. Because it is a fanfiction which should be kept in mind. If you want no "forced" content, read the original. No profit is made from this.

Magmatide · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Departure Part 3 A small bout and gaining more?

Removing Yang Xin after some of the Flame Vortex Core energy washed over and entered her, Shen Yue waited a while for her to digest everything. The cubs were bewildered on how their mother's smell came from Yang Xin.

Laying against her legs, the cubs started to drift off to sleep. All but one. One of the males kept staring at Shen Yue who was using the energy from the male Black Star Tiger to push his cultivation. Despite the wounds and losing its Crystal, their was enough energy in the body and strength in the bones to help him.

*Boom!* A wave of spirit energy swirled around Shen Yue as he stepped into the next rank. The cub sniffed the air mistaking him as its father and jumped on him. The ambient energy mixing with he little cub letting it step into the Silver Rank easily.

Aware of the little passenger, Shen Yue cultivates the parts of the Beast Manual to create a pact the same as he did with other Demon Beasts. With energy from the male tiger having mixed with his own, it made the process even easier.

Another matter also took place. The statue of the Qilin manifested itself from the shadows. It poured out into the tiger making it smarter and stronger than before. Which in turn allowed Shen Yue to understood more of the Beast Manual.


Trouble rears its head-


Yang Xin woke before Shen Yue. The cubs lazily getting up as well. They were quite comfortable having taken the energy produced by the process that joined Yang Xin and their mother. They looked at Shen Yue oddly the same as their brother did but thought nothing of it.

"Ahhh, yes I am. This was really comfortable and nice. We should do it again sometime." Shen Yue stretched getting up. His eyes only looking to those who waited in the forest for a moment before he continued unbothered. "Do you have a way to take them with you with out causing an issue?"

"No, I don't." Yang Xin didn't think of that matter. Considering how they heading on an expedition it might be troublesome. "DO you have a way?"

"Haa, I do but this is only temporary. I suggest you not mention it to others, it would be quite troublesome if they knew you could do this." Shen Yue touched her forehead and imparted the knowledge of letting her store the cubs in her Soul Realm. It was the same as making an Internal Space, but it would do. In this way, the cubs with be with their mother when she needed to travel or escape. "I suggest you pick up some beast techniques or communicate with he Black Star Tiger mother."

"Um, humm." Yang Xin was dazed as the technique as she went over the method then stored the three other cubs away. She could feel them moving inside her soul anxiously. "If I am not careful, they could start devouring my soul force!"

"Grrr!" A growl left her body as the mother tiger made the cubs settle down. The made Yang Xin really grateful. "You have much to learn about young ones human." The tiger chastised.

"It is not human! I have a name!" Yang Xin stomped a little angry. Both she and the tiger started talking ignoring Shen Yue who looked off in the distance at the treeline. 'I am sure he can handle them no problem, not much help I can do until I have control of myself.'

"Ah, more resources for the picking." Shen Yue smiled as he turned. The tiger cub sat on his shoulder growling. Already sniffing the change in Shen Yue's scent. "I wonder who sent you all her to die like this?"

A burly man walked out followed by two others. Each of them dressed in furs like wild men. They didn't fool anyone with those get-ups. Shen Yue knew they came from the north part of the city. The biggest giveaway was the smell as well as the hairstyle. Anyone paying attention could see the lack of dirt and the fact that the hairstyle was typical of the members of the Tie Mei family did not go unnoticed.

"Such a calm young man. To stupid to know when he is in danger." He looked at Yang Xin's figure excitied. Not knowing who she was under the disguise just made it even better. He would cry later if he could if knew how dangerous attacking her would be.

"Go ahead and meet up with the others. I will be there shortly." Shen Yue locked his Astral Sense on a few others in the area. None posed a threat to Yang Xin and Gu Yan and the other members' camp was not to far away. "Considering everything you have been through recently do you think you are ready to kill these stupid idiots without it causing any problems for you?"

"No.. I don't." Yang Xin did not like that he was right. But she also wanted to see the fight to help narrow down if he was Liang Yu. 'Tch, how did I gain a boon and still feel like I am missing out on something?' The Black Star Tiger was not understanding and just observed its offspring and took in the scent that Shen Yue carried the smell of its mate.

"Good then head back. I need the training anyway." He circled his gi and was suprised the Black Tiger spirit energy hadn't vanished as most others would by now. Then he sensed the presence of the Qulin statue. 'Great, my spirit energy kicked up by not really quality improving. Is it more Beast related this time or something for my body?' Shen Yue smiled at her before walking towards the "robbers" that looked amused.

"See you soon." In a flash, Yang Xin was gone. She didn't do anything fancy just a simple movement technique bolstered by the effects of the Black Star Tiger. It left an afterimage of her that then dissolved. 'Really gonna have to get use to my body like this. I feel like I am bursting at the seems.'

"Hey! Where did she go?!" The burly mad bellowed angrily. "We want to have our fun with her before selling her!"

"Wow, even the Tie Men family has some filthy grunts. That does not bode well for your family at all. But oh well. Not like the Patriarch is that much better." Circulating his energy, Shen Yue wanted to use his Demonic Transformation but decided against it. 'I need to test my body more and more first. No need to waste just yet.' Shooting off like a flame burst he landed next to the other two behind the burly man.

*Fwish!* Fire erupted around his hands as he attacked. The Metal Seed was not used due to the tiger cub just in case.

*Schlik, schlik!* Shen Yue's hands turned into flaming claws as he ripped both men's chest open before they knew what was going on. The furs may have been a quick disguise but they were actually nothing like the pelt's made from actual demonic beast fur.

"Grr!" The tiger launched off him and started tearing into the humans. The handicap was to let it gain some experience. Considering the two were fighting for their life immediately after, it would be a close one. "Raawwr!" A roar caused the two to freeze long enough for the cub to pass through both of their legs.

*Scrch! Scrch!* The legs of the two were cut wide open by the the tiger cub. Rolling on the ground in pain was the worst thing they could do. The demon beast pounced on them scratching and biting at every oppturnity.

The burly man-made to turn around seeing his two brothers getting butchered, he transformed with his demonic beast in a flash. It reminded Shen Yue of an Armadillo. A hardened shell over the back and guards around the legs and arms at the joints.

"I will kill you!" He rolled into a ball and launched at Shen Yue. The earth gravitating towards him as he built up momentum.

"Of all the thing to turn into.." Shen Yue was almost speechless. He reared back and channeled spirit energy into his feet. Planting himself firmly he gave a kick. 'I may not be great at soccer but I won't miss such a big target!'

*Fwoosh!* Shen Yue's foot was encased in fire as it propelled forward. He kicked so hard the momentum after making contact caused him to flip.

*Booom!* As if a cannonball went off, his opponent was launched into the air. Flying high as the spinning already caused him to be confused somewhat, the attacker unfurled eyes spinning.

These three were not the only people to fight against, however. Two more were in the trees ready to attack as soon as there was a chance. They waited to long, however.

"The little tiger is doing pretty good." Shen Yue turned to look at the demon beast running around the two who tried to crawl away. At first glance, it looked cruel but the beast only attacked when it had an opening. Any time it was about to be hit, it jumped away. This works to ware the opponent down faster and keeps it safe. "Now for the other two."

*Fwip!* Shen Yue raised his hands up then cut the air. FLame darts shot out and sailed towards the two in hiding. Before they could blink, five holes appeared in their bodies. they died without even getting the chance to do anything.

"You even have some items on you, how nice of you to donate to the Dark Moon Family like this." Storing the items in his Spacial Ring, the bodies were tossed into the Flame Vortex Core. He then moved onto the two the cub had finished off and did the same. "Good job little one."

"Purr." The black tiger cub gave a purr of happiness. It hopped up onto Shen Yue's shoulder and started to clean itself. Blood was all over its fur. "Meow?" The ears of the demon beast twitched a little as it looked up.

"Oh yeah." Shen Yue watched the leader of the group plummet down like a meteor. He smashes into the ground making a crater as well as dying in the process. "I should have paid attention to high he went. But... dang."

In the hole, the body was mangled with bones sticking out in all the wrong places. But waste not want not. The body was stored in the Flame Vortex Core as well. Shen Yue walked way like it was just another day for him. Which it kind of was.


Meeting up-


Shen Yue and the cub were a ways from the camp. Stumbling upon a nest he was just getting ready to investigate when Movement stopped him.

Chen Linjian and a few others walked out.

Nie Li walked out from another spot. He just checked and smelled fresh beast urine. Remembering that it was that of the Fox Bear it was best to tread carefully.

"Shen Yue, there you are. Thought you were never going to show up." Linjian said a little annoyed. He caught Nie Li moving in the corner of his and was doubly shocked. "Nie Li, what are you doing over here?"

"While I was practicing earlier, I smelled a strange odor. A bit worried I came over to check it out." Nie Li stood up putting the branches down. " I think some beasts might be nearby."

"So that's how it is. Two people from my side found something similar to a beast's nest while searching the forest. So we came to check it out." His lackeys were just as suprised Nie Li was out here by himself. "So what do you think we should do?"

"On the side of the trunk, there is some fur residue. Also with the nest not being stacked, I deduce that it should belong to the demon beast called Fox Bear." Checking over some hairs, he pinched it then blew on it. "The adult fox bear is more than four feet in height. This nest is pretty big, a whole population of fox bears may be nearby."

"A good chance to whittle down a threat to Glory City." Shen Yue muttered. A few turned to him in shock. "It is not rare for Demon Beasts to charge the city. Around this time the Fox Bear should be waking from it's hibernation cycle. Perfect time to cut them down while they are weak. The food and security it provides will go a long way to some of the families in Glory City."

After seeing how many struggled to get by recently, Shen Yue would rather use the demon meat to help them stabilize some. Which would allow more works and warriors for the future. He would not spend a lot of money providing for people like he did in Star Martial God Technque.

Status: Shen Yue Health 1400 Spirit Energy: 130,500

Power: 29 Defense: 24

Willpower: 30 Intellect: 31

Connection: 6


Flame Vortex Star Dragon: Gold Rank 4

Flame Martial Arts: Celestial Realm

Star Martial Arts: Celestial Realm

Dragon Martial Arts: Celestial Realm

Metal Seed: 4th tech level

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