
Dark Designs: Tales of Demons & Gods (Bimonthy Updates)

Waking up in Tales of Demons & Gods, surviving is one thing Leroy can do. After living as Liang Yu in Star Martial God Technique, he is able to pass off as a decent person when in this type of Dimensional setting. When he feels like it that is. It is a slow process to change things but it has been done before. Can he build a Safe Heaven in time while making sure those he cares about gain the strength they need to come with him, or will they fail like the others before him did? This is a Fanfiction that will have elements that do not exist in the original series. Events will not take place the same as several interactions for Nie Li. Which makes since he is not the person the reader will follow most of the time. Conversation hat was not covered in the original will be shown with different outcomes than the original author/artist wrote. Because it is a fanfiction which should be kept in mind. If you want no "forced" content, read the original. No profit is made from this.

Magmatide · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Departure Part 1 But trouble back in Glory City

Waking up from the deep cultivation a few days later, Shen Yue got dressed and went to walk around the house. The previous incident with Ye Hong was a bit of a risk still when he thought about it. But him dying and the Dark Guild or the Sacred Family finding any of the things on his person was a problem.

He didn't get to far before he was stopped by Shen Xiu. The two not having seen each other in a few days due to Shen Yue creating pills that were requested by the Divine Family, Snow Wind Family, and supringlsy the Winged Dragon Family. With the Alchemy Association paying to have him instruct a few of their younger members.

Halfway through after they understood enough about his teachings, he had Dian Rei teach them. They were reluctant in the beginning but she was nicer when explaining compared to when they got it wrong when he did it.

"What are you doing this early?" Shen Xiu asked already closing the distance between the two. "Not causing trouble again little man, cause that would be bad. Things just settled down outside."

"Out for a walk. Also, stop with the little man part. It just sounds wrong. In case you have not noticed, I cause trouble to suit my needs." Shen Yue gave her a warm smile. Considering he was taller than her caused Shen Xiu to frown. She enjoyed it when she was taller than her nephew. "How did the studying go the last few days? Understanding more of what I wrote?"

"I understand. However.." Shen Xiu's eyes moved about a little before resting back on him. As if she was afraid someone could eavesdrop on their conversation. Being paranoid did help with some things anyway. "I like what is written but I am having difficulty with coming to terms for the first time in a long time. The people of this city look at me with fear for my past actions, respect for my teaching ability, admiration for my strength, and can't but help to be captivated by my looks."

"Heh, you are right." Shen Yue gave her a once-over. Which immediately caused the woman to blush. She shivered a little not associating the hungry look with that of a teen. But that of an adult male. "You should really stop enticing, it is bad for one's health."

"I am your aunt!" Shen Xiu rolled her eyes. She still was fighting habits. "My clothes are not that bad."

"Whatever you say." Shen Yue was thinking about some plans to make some more money. Clothing came back to the forefront of his mind. "Did the material for the clothing project come in?"

"Yes. Actually went ahead and opened to stores. One here in the west part of the city and the other in the center. Everything sold pretty well. All the wares are gone with various women vary happy with the support. We took down orders for patterns and Insrcption requests as planned."

"That is good. Then I suggest a few more tailors are hired or you can do them yourself." Shen Yue stopped at her ugly expression. "I was only layin' the groundwork for it. I said that. Dian Mu is in charge of Blacksmithing when it kicks off and Inscrptions. That is why I said it would have been better for small orders for later miss greedy."

"Money makes the world move. And the proceeds already allowed us to hire more people to clear the area to the west more." Shen Xiu countered defensively. "The ground has been dug up in key areas following the double pattern as you instructed. We are ahead of schedule by three months!"

Shen Yue froze in place. That was good news and bad news. If no demon beasts attacked at all that meant something was amiss. things needed to change up some.

"Pull back on expanding and focus on building the wall and defenses along the perimeter. The few miles obtained is more than enough." Seeing her confused face he elaborated. "I wanted to claim more of the land to be on the safe side. But what we have is still good enough already. Focus on defenses and having others tear up the soil and clear out the trees and rocks."

"What about the mountain that was split?"

"Have workers start mining. separate them into different stacks as needed and make sure safety is kept in check. As for thieves..." His eyes turned cold as fire and lighting danced in them. The point was clear. "..string them up and beat them to near death. If we cant have honest workers then examples must be made."

"I understand." Even she thought he was to lenient. The Sacred Family would have tortured and killed them outright. "I will pass this on to the City Lord's office. See if they have some guards that are looking for extra work to do patrols."

As the two ironed out details, others made dangerous plans to remove obstacles. As well as families arguing over matters that need addressing.


Winged Dragon Family-


Xiao Ninger sat staring out of the window in a daze. A letter on her desk from Nie Li about leaving for the expedition was rea over before left alone. A letter from Xiang Yue was on top asking her to look out for the Dark Moon Family while he was out. As well as hoping she studied the Fire Body Technique well.

"Haaa, Nie Li didn't even invite me to come along. Even with my strength having increased it was not even mentioned." Sighing a little she glanced back at the letter on top. "At least Shen Yue gave a reason why. Even asked if I had someone I could trust to watch over his family that I should come with. I love Nie Li but he loves Ye Ziyun. Shen Yue treats me like a friend and has taken advantage of me. But I still feel something is off about him."

Feeling someone moving towards her room, the young teen changed her demeanor a little. Her eyes hardened as the servant came in.

"Miss, Master asked for your presence in the Main Hall for a discussion." The servant felt as if he was looking at a demon beast that would kill him in an instant. "I will let them know you will come when finished!" He made a quick retreat.

"Tch, that so called father is looking for me at this late of an hour. No doubt for foolish nonsense with the family." With her memory sharp and intact she rembered how they were going to pressure her into the marriage with Shen Fei. But thanks to something happening that was barely mentioned anymore. 'Are they wanting to try and gain my resources or sell me off again? I never realized how much my family disgusts me so much. It was still the right choice to leave when I did last time.'

Moving to the gathering hall, Xiao Ninger actually put on some clothes just in case things went south. As well as having a sword on her hip to help emphasize a few points. They were not dealing with a little girl that they could sway.

Not a single one in the room was older than her or fought battles as dire as she had. let alone all the trouble she went through to get stronger. Some in part from the decisions made by those in this room.

"Winged Dragon Family Patriarch, is there a reason you called for me?" Considering this was more of a business matt, this way of address was more suited than calling him, father. "I was deep in thought when I was interrupted."

The room was quiet for a moment. The old men who looked a little distraught paid close attention to the way she carried herself and posture. Headstrong and confident.

"Sorry for interrupting your training. But you were called here because there is something to ask of you." Xiao Yun Feng said with his eyes closed. Only somewhat ashamed he could not protect his daughter from this. But the Winged Dragon Family always put family interest ahead of everything else.

"Whoever needs to ask something of me should have waited until the morning instead of late at night. It is a good thing I am awake." Xiao Ninger looked around at the elders in the room. Some met her gaze with a smile. But a few looked away. "At least some of you know the meaning of shame."

"Niece Ninger.." One of her uncles, Xiao Yi started to speak. The man was eyeing for the position of the family for a while along with a few others. "I heard that you spent a huge amount of money to acquire Purple Haze Grass."

"Ah, so you have been spying on me then." Xiao Ninger eyebrows arched. "Considering I made those purchases on my own and with people I trust, it begs the questions how you "heard" as you say." Her accusation was ignored but caused a few to become nervous.

"Humph! The price of Purple Haze Grass has skyrocketed by several hundredfold. Almost reaching billions of demon spirit coin." Xiao Yi let the words sink in a little for those in the room. The value of the herbs would help pressure the others to help in convinceing his brother. "With so many Demon Spirit Coins, our Winged Dragon Family's comeback wouldn't be long."

"Pfftt! Hahaha! You must be joking!" Xiao Ninger stopped him before he was able to continue. "Out Winged Dragon Family? You mean your Winged Dragon Family it sounds like." Her hand moved to the sword by her hip. "You seem to misunderstand, I bought the Herbs using my own money. You might have been able to buy some yourself if you didn't spend money on buying some spies to watch me."

"That is right, this is her own matter." Xiao Yun Feng stated. Suprised at his daughter's change in behavior but not wanting her to get out of hand. He made a note to make sure he speaks with her later regarding her attitude. "No matter how much Purple Haze Grass value increases, we can not just take it from a member of the family!"

He spoke more as a father than a Patriarch. It kept the little respect Xiao Ninger had for him alive. If in her original life he stood up for her like this, maybe she would not have gone into that forest back then.

"But shameless people and those who seek their own profit are not changed with just words." Xiao Ninger kept her eyes on those who moved a little agitation. 'First to make a move on me will die, just need to worry about the second and third that attack. This young body is just ugh!'

"Ninger you should understand.." Xiao Yi stood up agitated. "the family situation is difficult now, if you can hand over a portion of the Purple Haze Grass, there will only be benefits!"

"Ninger, you have always been sensible, I have no idea what has gotten into you lately." Another Elder added in to cause some trouble. "Coming in late at night and going who knows where is dangerous and bad for your image. I hope you can consider the big picture."

"That is right. This contribution will help with the Family's Revival!" Xiao Yi said plopping back into his seat.

"Pathetic Xiao Yi," Xiao Ninger said with utmost disgust. Her words stinging the ears of those listening. "I used my own money to buy that Purple Haze Grass, this matter does not concern the Family do I make myself clear?"

"Little girl.." Xiao Yi gripped the seat as he tried to control himself.

"Pathetic Xiao Yi," the smile on her face sent chills down the spines of those in the room. An unfathomable pressure slowly left her body and started to suppress the Elders closes to her. "let me say this, Herbs, Pills, and Armor usually bought by yourself, are they all submitted to the family?"

"You..." Xiao Yi's face twisted in disgust. "How dare you talk back to me?!"

The elders all had the same thought. When did she become so assertive and resistant? The marriage was one thing but this was something more.

A few elders, those close to the pressure exuded by her decided to backtrack. They looked at her nodding their heads. The Patriarch hesitated before speaking.

"What Niger says has weight to it." His role as Patriarch and father was causing conflict. "I think this is not a family member's obligation."

A few elders shook their heads agreeing. Very enthusiastically at that. But the matter couldn't be left alone that easily.

"Everyone, this is not something compared to a normal matter." Xiao Yi was desperate as he spoke. His word slightly rushed as he was losing control of the situation. "A few hundred pounds of Purple Haze Grass can be sold for Billions of Demon Spirit Coin! With so much money, it can alleviate the Winged Dragon Family Crisis!"

"We wouldn't be controlled by the Sacred Family anymore!" The last elder that backed Xiao Yi spoke up. "The issue with the marriage proposal was already a problem and has caused such an issue." He looked at Xiao Ninger and was forced to look away right after. His brown hair blocking his right eye which he tried to use when peeking back at her. "I.. agree that the Purple Haze Grass can benefit the whole family."

The elders started to mumble and argue amongst themselves. Xiao Xinger just continued to listen and remember who were the cowards in the group.

"Pft, nothing but vultures. Almost none of you carry the majesty of the Winged Dragon in their souls." Her words cut deep as the members consider themselves pretty high up there. Internally the changes from Shen Yue's spirit energy introduce to her settled with her own in every way. "Thode herbs were bought on behalf of a friend and given to him before the price went up. Good luck on finding him and getting the herbs back."

"What!?" Xiao Yi shouted in shock. The smile on Xiao Ninger's face caused his blood to boil. "What is the background of this friend?! Tell me!" His demands were ignored the same as when he ignored her.

"Patriarch of the Winged Dragon Family, if that is all, I have a matter to attend to." Xiao Ninger turned away to leave. ' My memory just had to pick up now of all times. I despise this family so much! Wanted to sell me off to cover your own inadequacy now you want to rob me! Bastards!'

But some words caused her to halt.

"I hope this is not an excuse caused by a father and daughter pair." Xiao Yi stated. He was grasping at straws now. If he could cause more trouble towards his brother's position then it would be easier to remove him later. "If this is not the case, I apologize. But if that person is your friend, then you can ask him to return the herbs back."

"Not a chance you vermin!" Xiao Ninger's spirit energy started to rise once more. "The interest of the Family is a good way to be greedy is it not? I am sure the family's ancestors look on in shame at a wretch like you."

The elders dared not say a word. The Patriarch tried to put an end to this once and for all.

"Xiao Yi, this matter is best put to rest. Even if we ask him to give it back and bring shame on the family since you are worried about that so much, there is no guarantee his will give it back."

"Humph! If the other party doesn't have any background, this does not really pose a problem." His words came out very easily. As if he has done this type of robbery several times before. His family members looked at him with great distaste. "I am sure he will spit out the herbs easily enough."

*Boom!* The air was disturbed in an instant. Spiritual energy surrounded everyone in the room causing them to plummet to the floor. The blood flow in their bodies started to slow down causing internal damage.

"Blood.. suppression!" Xiao Yi muttered out suprised. They stared in horror at Xiao Ninger who radiated power. 'Such a powerful soul force!'

"What.. did you.. just say...?" Xiao Ninger took slow steps as she moved to him. The sword already in her hand shaking from the pressure over it. "Care to threaten him again?" The disgust was replaced by pure malice.

Despite herself and her decision to change things with Nie Li, the memory of her sacrificing her life to shield persisted. Any threat to his life was not something she could let slide right now.

"How about I finished what the Sacred Family started to do?" The sword raised high as behind her large wings appeared as the Soul Force turned into Soul Forming. Yet nothing could be done by those in the room. Each of them felt their body press further into the floor. "Best I end you before you become a threat to Glory City as well!"

*Fwoosh!* A wave of spirit energy wrapped around Xiao Ninger forcefully. But it could not prevent the Soul Forming from continuing. The Winged Dragon that appeared circled the room a few times before returning to her.

The room went quiet as they wanted to cheer from the talent she displayed but also cowered at how close they came to dying. One thing was clear, the Winged Dragon Family would not be the same.

Status: Shen Yue Health 1300 Spirit Energy: 100,500

Power: 29 Defense: 24

Willpower: 30 Intellect: 30

Connection: 5


Flame Vortex Star Dragon: Gold Rank 3

Flame Martial Arts: Celestial Realm

Star Martial Arts: Celestial Realm

Dragon Martial Arts: Celestial Realm

Metal Seed: 4th tech level

Fire Body: 4th tech level

Astral Sense: 5th tech level

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