
Dark Designs: Tales of Demons & Gods (Bimonthy Updates)

Waking up in Tales of Demons & Gods, surviving is one thing Leroy can do. After living as Liang Yu in Star Martial God Technique, he is able to pass off as a decent person when in this type of Dimensional setting. When he feels like it that is. It is a slow process to change things but it has been done before. Can he build a Safe Heaven in time while making sure those he cares about gain the strength they need to come with him, or will they fail like the others before him did? This is a Fanfiction that will have elements that do not exist in the original series. Events will not take place the same as several interactions for Nie Li. Which makes since he is not the person the reader will follow most of the time. Conversation hat was not covered in the original will be shown with different outcomes than the original author/artist wrote. Because it is a fanfiction which should be kept in mind. If you want no "forced" content, read the original. No profit is made from this.

Magmatide · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Bring more into his Camp Part 6 Depature

A quick meeting was had between his forces upon returning. After some reflection, and Huyan Lanruo's testimony, no charges were brought up on Shen Xiu. However, she was removed from several plans and given a small leash to operate.

Thankfully three Officers were already trained up to take on more workloads. The Alliance with the Alchemy Association was strained, with a few wanting to have the branch removed from the Dark Moon Compound and the shared formulas taken away.

As for the Winged Dragon Family, when it was time to bring up renewing the Alliance between them, they would not be as favorable as before. Which would also weaken and any with the Snow Wind Family.

As for the Plateau, one family agreed to what was required. Patriarch of the Tianyun Highland Plateau, Xiao We and his sone Xiao Kuang were the first to do so. THe rest of the family getting processed after.

The doctors drew blood, fingerprinted them, checked for allergies, and then administered basic shots. After countless years of eating grass soup and only a few pieces of meat every now and then, their certain organ issues.

Just Vitamin deficiencies here and their. Mostly contributing to them not becoming Demon Spiritualists. But as Warriors, they were pretty damn decent. By the end of the day, the people were then explained the defunct in their bodies the improvements needed where and how long.

"The food you have given us is more than enough to set us right." Xiao We stated. The laws were a little to much for himself but not for his son and the younger members. "I think you for accepting us. Hopefully, my son becomes a fine Officer under you."

"He will. I will make sure of it." Shen Yue smiled brightly at the man. "He has some rough edges but a great capacity to learn. As for our people that remain here and the neighboring area, they will be watching. Just to let you know."

"So we are under watch."

"If you didn't rape and murder for food that was not needed, I really wouldn't have to put you under that." Shen Yue said neutrally. "Common decency goes a long way. Your people need a little correction, but that is on you."

"Thanks all the same." Looking to the side, he watched as his son came in. Eyes going wide as he could feel the increase to his cultivation already. "Black Gold Realm..."

"Father!" Xiao Kuang was cheerful and downright giddy. "I outlasted all the men in our tribe!" He actually had a full set of clothes on now. "We are going hunting tomorrow to help determine what Demon Spirit will suit me!"

"Good..good.. my son." Xiao We nodded proudly. "Make sure you listen to him well. I assure you will become a Legend in no time." A little bit of talking and they excused themselves to go and celebrate. "I will make sure to handle the food provisions out carefully."

Food that could was handed over to Xiao We to distribute as he saw fit. Knowing that the forces station here would be watching, he knew not to be cruel. A few medical and science teams would remain behind to help with development and watch overall development.

Getting use to the high altitude was the biggest for most of them to adjust to.

The 2nd Officer came over but she was not alone. She had Yun Ling with her. Her bright blue eys shining with confidence.

"So.. you found a lover you want to take back?" Shen Yue arced a brow at the two.

"Pfft!" Lu Ning spat his wine out suprised. A few others looking at the two females. Yun Ling was so embarrassed she fainted. Luckily the 2nd Officer caught her. "I .. I understand that our laws don't prevent it, but I didn't know their was Sapphist in your ranks."

"Ehem! I like men to!" The 2nd Officer clarified. "I brought her as I checked her over recently. She is perfect for cultivation and is very honest. And..." She started to get flustered with all the people looking at her.

"Well, ok. Has she been processed?" Shen Yue took a sip from his wine. He didn't mind either way if she just wanted to pass a few techniques to her. She the emphatic nod, he just asked a few more questions. Finding out the 2nd Officer wanted him to train her personally. "Well...I suppose I can do that. But her regular training and education will be done by you."

"I understand."

"She has to finish the Officer program and her scores have to be better than yours."


"Well, she is training to be a personal bodyguard and receiving some training from as well. She has to score better than you on the performance tests." Shen Yue wagged his finger at her. "She would technically a next generation Officer considering all the changes implemented."

"I will make sure she is ready!" The 2nd Officer nodded taking the fainted young woman away. 'Master Shen Yue needs more people he can trust. Do not need another incident like what happened recently.'

"What's the next step after getting back?" Lu Ning asked.

"Deal with the Demon Beast Horde." Shen Yue stated. The rabble-rousing quieted down at that. "Forward scouts reported unusual activity. So reorganizing of our military is needed. One of the other reasons it is such a good idea to have this location built up."

"The defensive outposts, are all heavily reinforced." Lu Rong, a cousin of Lu Ning said. "I would be happier if they were reinforced more."

"In what way?" Shen Yue asked.

"More troops to perform sweeps. Bigger walls for defense." Lu Rong was worried since expansion from Glory City doesn't really happen.

"Well, I think you are forgetting that each of out citizens have a protection on their persons as well as the outposts have barriers in place to ward of Demon Beasts and outsiders." Shen Yue scratched his chin in thought a little. "Once the increase of Legend Realm at the 5th Rank increases in our soldiers, and the standard Militia members is at the Gold Realm, a lot can be done."

"The trained Beast Unit, when will it be ready?" Huyan Zong asked. A member of Huyan Lanruo's family. "I know those White Cats captured will go over well. Also, the Flame Snakes have increased in number."

"True, but we need more trained in understanding the Demon Beasts. So far, none have gotten to acceptable levels." Shen Yue countered. "I have my hands full with the Vortex Horses, Flame Snakes, and Scarlet Flame Foxs currently. Now with these With Cats, we will be at capacity unless we expand back in Glory City."

"The endowment method, we can use that." Huyan Zong said. "I understand the pain is unbearable and the chance of death is high.. but I am willing to go through it."

"That would have been possible before coming here, but my Fire has increased. As well as my overall Spirit Energy." Shen Yue stopped that train of thought. "Also, those who couldn't go through the Lava Bowl have no chance of surviving."

Deflated, Huyan Zong sat down. A few were downcast as they came to realize the problem with expansion with a group of elites but not overall numbers.

"Do not get to down in the dumps." Shen Yue spoke to perk them up. "When we get back, their is a Refining process I can try on those willing. However, failure will turn you into a vegetable. By voltage.. therapy."

"Gulp!" There was a collective swallow.

"There is some time to iron it out more. So.. increase by 13% or 14%" Shen Yue added in.

"Long as it is not from 1.00%" Lu Ning muttered. Seeing as Shen Yue didn't say anything he had to ask. "It's not 1.00% right?"

"Hah, nah like 15.00%." He took a sip from his drink. Discussions went on a little more until a disturbance could be felt at the perimeter. Several members felt it before Shen Yue even made a motion about it. "Company, so late in the night."

Gu Yan came in giving greetings. He gestured for Shen Yue to come with him to have a small discussion. He followed leaving the others to their merriment. Outside, Yang Xin and Yu Yan were waiting.

Yang Xin looked at him then finally couldn't help to let him know how she felt.

"I am defintely attracted to you Shen Yue.. but your methods and your plans.." Yang Xin shook her head sadly. "..I can not follow that path. You can remove the Black Star Tiger if you wish."

"I do not wish to do so. We still have an Alliance. But I do wish you the best of luck on your endeavors." He waved her off not really seeing a reason to remove the Demon Beasts from her. "It is getting late."

"Wait, I .. that Spiritual God Shango, he said I would need your help to be safe." Yu Yan said fretfully. Her fists balled tight at having to depend on him even a little. She already cultivated to the Silver Realm Rank 4 already. "I have techniques I can trade to you."

"If they are Fire based, I don't need them at all." Shen Yue swirled Flames around his hand. His Aspect of Fire engrained in it. As well as his understanding of Law. "You don't have much you can help me with I am afraid."

Leaving them there, Shen Yue went inside to sleep. Not noticing Shen Xiu having watched from the outskirts. Or not really caring she did.

Status: Shen Yue Health 2800

Spirit Energy: 29,781,000

Power: 42 Defense: 43

Willpower: 40 Intellect: 42

Connection: 63

Laws: Lightning, Sound (Thunder), Metal, Death

Flame Vortex Star Dragon: Legend Rank 5

Metal Seed: 7th tech level

Fire Body: 5th tech level

Astral Sense: 6th tech level

Sword Attainment: 2nd tech level

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