
Dark City.

- Fanfic -

Shadow_killerhz · Urban
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4 Chs

Reborn in Naruto with a bloodline.

In a white space is a 17-year-old young man, in front of him is an old man who seems to be approximately 50 years old, he has a monk's robe and similar accessories.


So, did I really die?

That's right, you died, and sadly it was my fault.

Mn, how was your fault ?.

Eeh, well, you see, I was doing some experiments with some worlds and dimensions when an enemy from centuries and millennia ago came to face me, as a result I had to destroy everything I was doing to fight it, but I also destroyed you by accident.

Eeh, why was that?

Well, that is no longer important, now as compensation, I will give you three wishes and a bloodline, which will have the Skill / s that you want.

Eeh, will you really give me wishes and stuff? if so then there is no need to worry about destroying me. [Heh]

Yes, don't worry, just ask and that's it, come on, come on, go ahead.

In that case, my wishes are ... Eeh, let me think.

- Two hours later -

Well I made up my mind, and my wishes are ...

- I want to be reborn in the world of Naruto.

- I want this universe to be protected with a barrier that no one can damage it or enter without my permission, only for those from outside the universe itself.

- I want a mission and reward system that also has a system store, it does not have to be a smart one with an AI just that it is quite intuitive.

And for my bloodline ...

- I want a lineage that is able to copy techniques / Jutsus or even bloodlines of other people, also that every five people that I copy let me get any extra Skills that are not the current target, be it regeneration or Telekinesis, whatever I want .

Well, that's it, I think it will be enough to survive in such a dangerous world for the weak.

Okay, since you made your wishes I hope everything is settled, now if you allow me or not, I will send you on your trip, take care.

Yes, and by the way, what was your name, he forgot which one you said.

Hehehe, I never said it, just call me ROB and now I'll send you.


And so my space around disappeared and I disappeared with the ...