
Dark Bound Heart

[ WARNING: mature content ] "I love you from the darkest part of my heart." ~~~~~~~ Leah is a tenacious young woman, with a loving heart. Despite the past traumatizing memories that hunts her both in her waking and dreams, she still managed to put a smile on her face and be happy. She was content with her life and everything was okay till a man she had only met once and barely knew, took her against her will and claimed to own her... Lucius had only two obligations: protecting his family and keeping his activities away from the council's prying eyes. Nothing was more important than these two obligations, until the night he met Leah. He felt drawn to protect her and make her his own, despite knowing the dangers involved... Will Leah be able to find a way to escape Lucius's possessive grasp? Or will she succumb to the same intense passion and desire that Lucius feels for her, even if it means risking everything? __ Excerpt "Do what on purpose?" Leah asked him with a slightly confused look in her eyes as she tried to pull away from him, but her struggles were completely useless. "Challenge me, so that I get excited," Lucius said as he continued to rub his nose on her nape, slowly savouring her scent like it was sweetest thing he had ever perceived. "I wasn't trying to excite you, I was simply..." Leah gasped, her statement cutting short when she felt Lucius gently nipping her neck. "W-What are you doing?" Leah asked, her words coming out slightly broken. "I don't know," Lucius said with an innocent voice like he was truly ignorant of his actions, as he sucked on her nape earning another gasp from her lips. "You tell me." __ Disclaimer: Cover image isn't mine. Full credit goes to the original owner.

Jena_Blackx · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Perfect distraction

Leah trudged into her apartment, feeling bone-tired like she had worked for a whole week without rest. All she wanted to do was take a hot shower and crawl into bed. As she made her way to the bathroom, she pulled out her phone and saw a text from Maria, her boss.

'Hey Leah, I have some personal work to attend to, so I won't be coming to work today. I already cancelled all my appointment. So you can take the day off. i will see on monday?' the text read.

Leah sighed. She didn't know why Maria had been acting all nice since yesterday evening. It just felt strange that Maria wanted her to take a day off for the first time ever. She decided to send a quick response after her shower.

Stepping into the bathroom, Leah turned on the shower and let the warm water wash over her tired body. Leah grabbed the bar of soap and started to lather it up in her hands. The warm water had opened up her pores, and she wanted to make sure she was getting the full cleansing experience.

She rubbed the soap all over her body, starting with her arms and working her way down to her legs. The scent of the soap was calming, and the sensation of the suds against her skin was soothing.

Leah took her time, making sure she didn't miss a single spot. She even worked the soap into her scalp, massaging her head and feeling the tension release.

As she rinsed off the soap, Leah felt a sense of satisfaction. Her skin felt clean and refreshed.

Leah turned up the heat a bit, letting the hot water run over her body. She closed her eyes and focused on the sound of the water, letting her mind drift.

After a few minutes, Leah turned off the shower and wrapped herself in a fluffy towel. She made her way to the kitchen and grabbed a box of cereal, pouring herself a bowl and adding some milk.

As she ate, she thought about the man she had encountered at the hotel that morning. The memory of his voice made her skin crawl, and she felt a wave of anger and frustration wash over her.

Leah finished her cereal and headed to her bedroom, feeling a sense of exhaustion that went beyond just physical fatigue. She lay down on her bed and closed her eyes, trying to push the memory of the man out of her mind.

As she drifted off to sleep, she felt completely calm. For just a little while, she could forget about the stresses of work and the unwanted advances of strangers. She was finally able to escape into the peaceful world of her dreams for a little while before it was replaced by nightmares.

Leah's dreams took her back to a time when she was just a small child, no more than five years old. In her dream, she and her twin sister Lydia were cowering behind a closed door, listening as a male voice banged on it, demanding that they open up. The male voice outside sounded harsh and angry.

"Open up, you freaks!" the man yelled, his voice echoing through the small house. "I know you're in there. You can't hide forever. Open this damn door now!."

Lydia was trembling beside Leah, her small body shaking with fear. "What should we do?" she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Leah could sense her sister's fear and helplessness, she felt the same way too, and it was overwhelming

Leah's heart was pounding, her mind raced as she tried to come up with a plan. "We need to escape," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Through the window. We'll go to Grace's house. You go first I'll be right behind you."

Lydia looked hesitant, she didn't want to leave her sister behind all by herself, but she knew her sister was smart and she trusted her. She nodded, and Leah quickly helped her climb out the window.

Leah was left alone, still hiding behind the door, as the male voice grew louder and more demanding. She could hear the doorknob rattling as he tried to force his way in. Leah's heart was pounding in her chest, and she felt like she was going to faint.

Finally, the door burst open with a loud crash, and Leah was confronted with the angry man's face.

Leah woke up with a jolt, her eyes struggling to adjust to the bright evening sunlight streaming in through her window. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, feeling slightly disoriented. Glancing at the clock, she realized with a shock that she had slept for nearly eight hours.

"Eight hours," Leah muttered to herself in disbelief. "How did I sleep for so long?"

Feeling a little groggy, she decided to read a book to pass the time. As she was settling in, her phone rang, and she peeked at the screen and saw that it was Ami calling.

"Hey, Ami. What's up?" Leah answered.

"How was your night at the ball?" Ami asked.

"Awful," Leah replied, shuddering at the memory of the man from the hotel.

"I'm really sorry. What happened." Ami asked, sounding concerned.

"It's a long story." Leah replied, rolling her eyes at the memory of last night.

"Well, I was thinking that maybe we should go out and have some drinks. George and some of his friends are planning to meet up at our usual club later tonight, and I thought maybe we could join them. It might brighten your mood a little," Ami suggested.

Leah hesitated. She wasn't really in the mood for a night out, but she didn't want to disappoint Ami either.

"I don't know, Ami. I'm not really feeling up to it," Leah said, her voice trailing off.

"Come on, it'll be fun," Ami cajoled. "We'll just have a few drinks and catch up with the guys. It'll take your mind off things."

Leah was still hesitant, but she finally relented. "Okay, fine. Let's do it. What time should I be ready?"

Ami gave her the details, and Leah hung up the phone, feeling a mix of emotions. Part of her was excited at the prospect of getting out of the house and seeing her friend, but another part of her was still feeling down and anxious after the events of the previous day. Nonetheless, Leah pushed those thoughts aside and stood up to get ready. Clubbing was just what she needed. It was just the perfect distraction for her mind.

Leah stood in front of her closet, browsing through her collection of dresses. She finally settled on a knee-length matte black gown that hugged her figure perfectly. The dress had a V-neckline and thin straps, giving it a touch of elegance without being too revealing.

She decided to leave her dark hair down, which cascaded in loose waves around her shoulders and down her back. She added some loose curls to give it some texture and volume. Her makeup was simple, with just a hint of eyeliner and a soft pink lip gloss.

Leah checked herself out in the mirror and smiled with satisfaction. The dress was perfect for the night and stylish enough to her taste.

She grabbed her clutch and headed out the door, a little bit excited to meet up with her Ami and the others.


Leah arrived at the club and joined the small line of just five people waiting to get inside. After a short wait, she made her way past the bouncers and into the club.

The bass was thumping and the lights were flashing all around her. The atmosphere was electric, with a palpable energy in the air. The club was split into two floors, and Leah headed straight for the stairs to the top floor. As she climbed up, the music turned lower and the crowd thinned out.

Leah took in the smell of the place. It was a mixture of sweat, alcohol, and perfume. The strong scent of alcohol was in the air, with the bar nearby serving up drinks to the patrons. The bartenders were busy pouring and mixing drinks.

When she reached the top floor, Leah spotted Ami and her fiancée, along with some of his friends. The area was more relaxed than the downfloor, with a few people sitting on the couches scattered around.

The lights were dimmer and there was a little less noise, but still enough to make a conversation challenging. The walls were adorned with neon lights and graffiti, giving the space a grungy feel.

"Hey guys!" Leah exclaimed, making her way over to them.

"Leah! So glad you could make it!" Ami said, giving her a hug.

"Of course, wouldn't miss it for the world," Leah replied, smiling.

Ami's fiancée chimed in, "It's great to see you again, Leah. How's everything been?"

"It's been good, thanks for asking, George," Leah replied, before turning to greet the rest of the guys but she was shocked at whom she saw sitting down right in front of her.