
Dark Bound Heart

[ WARNING: mature content ] "I love you from the darkest part of my heart." ~~~~~~~ Leah is a tenacious young woman, with a loving heart. Despite the past traumatizing memories that hunts her both in her waking and dreams, she still managed to put a smile on her face and be happy. She was content with her life and everything was okay till a man she had only met once and barely knew, took her against her will and claimed to own her... Lucius had only two obligations: protecting his family and keeping his activities away from the council's prying eyes. Nothing was more important than these two obligations, until the night he met Leah. He felt drawn to protect her and make her his own, despite knowing the dangers involved... Will Leah be able to find a way to escape Lucius's possessive grasp? Or will she succumb to the same intense passion and desire that Lucius feels for her, even if it means risking everything? __ Excerpt "Do what on purpose?" Leah asked him with a slightly confused look in her eyes as she tried to pull away from him, but her struggles were completely useless. "Challenge me, so that I get excited," Lucius said as he continued to rub his nose on her nape, slowly savouring her scent like it was sweetest thing he had ever perceived. "I wasn't trying to excite you, I was simply..." Leah gasped, her statement cutting short when she felt Lucius gently nipping her neck. "W-What are you doing?" Leah asked, her words coming out slightly broken. "I don't know," Lucius said with an innocent voice like he was truly ignorant of his actions, as he sucked on her nape earning another gasp from her lips. "You tell me." __ Disclaimer: Cover image isn't mine. Full credit goes to the original owner.

Jena_Blackx · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
48 Chs

Bury Deep

As Lucius, Alexander, and the huge man approached the main entrance to the building, they suddenly perceived the scent of blood, not just the usual smell but a uniquely divine one. Lucius gestured for the man to wait there while he and Alexander advanced towards the main door where the scent was coming from.

When Lucius pushed the door open, the sight that greeted him sent him over the edge. Two vampires were drinking from Leah while the other four were baring their fangs hungrily at the sight.

Lucius's eyes turned blood-red instantly, and with lightning speed, he reached the female vampiress who had her mouth latched onto Leah's neck. He flung her across the room, and she crashed into the wall. The male vampire seemed oblivious to the danger as he continued drinking Leah's blood from her wrist. Lucius grabbed him by the back of his neck and pulled him away from Leah, who was already unconscious.

Alexander swiftly moved to catch Leah before she hit the ground, cradling her gently in his arms. Meanwhile, Lucius forcefully tore off the head of the male vampire. Blood spurted from the decapitated neck, staining Lucius's shirt and splattering across his face. He dropped the lifeless body, which landed with a dull thud, blood pooling around it on the floor.

Turning his attention to the second male vampire, who had been holding Leah. The vampire looked like he was about to piss his pants due to fear, he tried backing away from Lucius but Lucius swiftly caught his throat and ripped it out before he could even take two steps back.

Lucius turned to the remaining vampires and snarled at them to back away, and they immediately moved back, but their taste for blood was still evident. Leah stirred in Alexander's arms, slowly blinking her eyes before she fully opened them. Her eyes widened in horror when she saw the blood and savaged bodies lying on the ground. She felt something hot and wet on her cheek, and her hand slowly came up to her face to wipe it.

Looking at the palm she had used to wipe her face, she noticed the bloodstain. She started breathing heavily when she remembered that she had been attacked by those vampires. Her breathing only increased to heavy, rapid gasps.

"Hey, hey..." Alexander called, tapping her cheek repeatedly.

Lucius turned in their direction, the darkness in his eyes reducing its degree.

"What is wrong with her?' he asked, concern evident in his voice even though his eyes were still lethal.

"She's having a panic attack," Alexander replied as he carried her securely in his arms. "I'll take her back," he said and vamp sped out.

Alexander didn't want anyone in the house to witness her in that state, so he opted to follow through her room window. Fortunately, the window was unlocked. Alexander gazed at Leah who looked calm.

It appeared that the rain had roused her from her panic attack, as she was no longer gasping for breath. Instead, she was staring dazedly at the puncture marks on her wrist left by the vampire's fangs.

He gently lowered her down and made her sit on the bed.

"I'll go call someone to tend to your wounds," Alexander said, and she simply nodded in response before he left.

Although, Alexander would have healed Leah by himself, but he decided not to because the scent of her blood was also affecting him. He had been able to hold himself before, due to his strong self-control. He had been able to resist the scent and even hide his taste, but he didn't think he could hold on for long.


Back at the other building, other vampires had come down from their rooms due to the scent of blood they had perceived earlier downstairs, while the vampires who had been watching the other three vampires feed on Leah were trying to explain themselves to Lucius, who didn't seem to be listening to their explanations. Now that Leah's scent was no longer clouding their brains, they were thinking more rationally.

"I swear on my dead mother's soul," one of them said, dropping to his knees, his eyes already brimming with tears. "I had no idea the woman was yours. If I had known, I would have intervened. I would..."

"Shut up," Lucius snapped at him coldly, wiping the blood off his hands and face with a towel. The man immediately fell silent.

The brown-haired man who had attempted to dissuade the vampiress from feeding on Leah also attempted to explain himself but closed his mouth when Lucius shot him a deadly glare.

Lucius continued with what he was doing as if it were the most important thing in the world. His eyes snapped to the vampiress he had thrown against the wall earlier. She appeared to have regained consciousness and was slowly standing up from the shattered debris on the floor.

Lucius averted his eyes from her, focusing instead on cleaning his hands as if he hadn't seen her. The vampiress's eyes went wide when she saw the bodies of her two companions sprawled on the ground.

Lucius threw the used towel to the ground and moved towards the woman with lightning speed. Before she could react, he grabbed her by the back of her neck and drew her closer.

"P... Please..." She tried begging for her life, but Lucius sank his fangs into her neck almost immediately, draining her while his nails dug into the back of her neck.

The vampires around him had a gobsmacked look as they watched the scene.

In a matter of seconds, he had completely drained her and even ripped off her head. Lucius dropped the woman's lifeless body to the ground and started striding towards the door. Some vampires who were in his path quickly moved away.


After Leah finished bathing, the maid who had prepared the bath also dressed her wounds and brought some fruit for Leah to eat, since she did not have an appetite for solid food.

"Do you need anything else, ma'am?" the maid asked politely as Leah settled onto the bed.

"Yes, do you have any aspirin?" Leah asked the maid, as she pressed her fingers on both sides of her temples.

"I do, ma'am. Should I get it for you?" the maid asked.

"Please do. My head is hurting really bad," Leah replied.

The maid nodded before leaving the room. She returned shortly with the aspirin and a glass of water. Leah took the medication and water from the maid, downing the medication in a few quick gulps before returning the glass and container to the maid.

"If you need anything else, just ring the bell," the maid gestured towards the rope hanging on the wall by the side of the bed.

Leah did not realize that the room had a service bell. She thanked the maid, who nodded before locking the window and turning off the side lamp, and finally leaving the room.

Leah covered the duvet up till her nose, as her mind ran with different thoughts. She was leaving this place first thing in the morning, and no one was stopping her. She didn't care about Lucius' explanation for kidnapping and manipulating her. Non of that mattered to her anymore.

Today's events had reminded her of something she had tried to bury deep inside her. It had stirred a memory she had kept hidden inside her head, something she had forgotten.