
Dark Blood-hp fanfic

Just an AU of the harry potter series something I return to every now and then maybe...

HuaXia · Fantasy
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1 Chs

The Devil

My earliest memory was when I was two. I was sitting by a beautiful woman with hair as black as the night that complimented her piercing purple eyes that glowed in the dark victorian room. The beauty of the woman, however, slowly faded as she was engulfed by a bright red flame that slithered and used its mouth to devour her. Her pained expressed as she looked at me made me feel complexed.

As the serpent dimmed and the woman turned to ash a man in a silver mask with a black pattern on it matching his dark robe emerged. He walked in a noble manner before he scanned the area as if looking for anyone else. The man then inched ever so close to me as he once again lifted his wand before it was flung away by another man who had a slightly skinny body with silky white hair and shimmering purple eyes with thin red lips, which were extremely handsome even with the tears that fell across his face as if screaming in agony.

After the handsome man had exchanged many flickering blows that filled the room with the many colors of the rainbow. The skinny man had then used a spell that casted what seemed to be ball of lightning which allowed him to win making the masked man's body fly across the room with no signs of life. The handsome man ran towards me shouting something that I could faintly hear but heard as he neared.

"Tr-Troy! Are you ok, I'm so sorry!" The man shouted with his voice that had a shaky and worried tone to it while his tears continued to ball out of his eyes.

I remember him giving me a hug that seemed to last for a decade before he released me but was suddenly hit by a green light by a woman who had a strange yet psychotic laugh as she waved her wand around as she floated the handsome man's body away before setting it alight.

Of course as an infant my natural instinct to see all my loved one die before me was to cry yet strangely I didn't. Maybe it was because before I could grief I was interrupted by a woman.

"I guess daddy couldn't protect his family after all, guess the great Runelight family will end tonight after the boy goes but not before I have my fun." She said in a voice that resounded in my ears and even at that young age it gave me a feeling of imminent death as she rose her wand with a crazed look in her eye with a strand of hair covering the other.

"Stop Bellatrix we need the boy!" A high yet cold voice commanded that sounded as if the devil himself was speaking. The woman looked towards the direction the voice came from before placing her wand back in its sheath with an annoyed look plastered on her face.

As the room fell silent for a moment as a hooded figure made his way towards me and as I looked up to him all I saw were dark, red eyes turn bright red, as they then resembled blood. And in that moment before passing out. The only thought that crossed my mind was 'That was the Devil...'

Now here I stand, in front of the infamous Hogwarts Express, ready to attend my first year of Hogwarts and experience a new life after those hellish years...


Love interest: I'm open-minded be it harem, OC etc

This is a harry potter AU fanfic

I came back to this after god knows how long just to write something else while I was trying to write something for my other fanfic. I was just confused on what to write and I thought looking at something else I wrote of a different genre and proofreading it would be fun so yh thats why this is updated thats it though. Unsure if I will do anything else for this guess we will see later on in the future.

Hope you enjoyed.

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