
Dark Art

It's my first novel so go easy on me, give it chance with few chapters and you might even like it. I'd appreciate and support and criticism thank you and I hope you'll like this novel The novel is focused on more than one main characters and will equally as much follow the villans and villain's perspectives as much prespectives of the main characters. Every character has different ways of how they fight and goals. Some fight using brains, some get strong through hard work, some get lucky and get strong, some use weapons and others prefer to fight with dark arts their bare hands. The dark arts were something that was forgotten 4000 years ago but now they reappeared. As heroes try to learn them as fast as possible, villans are trying to stop spread of dark arts though out the world. As dark arts are the only thing that can hurt the creature that prevents everyone from afterlife. This book has some very gruesome stuff so if you're uncomfortable with alot of death in extremely terrible ways I'd suggest you don't read this.

Demid_Gaming · Fantasy
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25 Chs

True terror of memories

As Marco finally got to sleep in a bed in a hotel after so long of sleeping in a forest, he fell asleep in just a couple of minutes.

However he was quickly woken up as he heard someone enter his room. It was Charlotte which was weird, as she just went to sleep in the room next door. "Can we talk? I need to tell you something important." she said while peeking through the doorway.

A young girl with blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes was standing there waiting for him to let her in. Charlotte who he was only now noticing what she actually looked like since they actually had some free time to relax.

Marco nodded his head and she quickly entered, he felt bad for her as her boyfriend Matthew was still in hospital and in critical condition. Even if it wasn't anything important he felt that he should at least listen to her so she doesn't feel lonely.

However what he didn't expect was that moment she got close to him, she kissed him. He tried to resist and ask what was she doing, but she just pressed harder and didn't let him pull away. As he was about to use his arms to pull her away, his eyes glowed purple for a second and he stopped resisting.

She continued to kiss him and soon she was on top of him taking his clothes off. Whenever he tried to resist he felt weak as his eyes glowed purple and he just had to give up. Eventually he managed to break free for a second as she made purple arrow and pierced his leg.

However he was only free for couple of seconds, as the arrow soon melted and entered under his skin, he was once again under her control.

She took him back to bed and they made out for the entire night. Once it was morning Marco's eyes were completely glowing purple without turning back to normal.

"You will remain by my side to protect me and die for me without a second thought, right Marco? " She spoke in slow and soothing voice, as Marco simply nodded his head.

While they were making out the entire night she was also rewriting his memories. To him she was now his owner as he was simply her slave, that would do anything without any question.

She read rest of his memories learning about his grandpa and everything he knew about the dark arts. "if I want to survive this I must make use of everyone and everything." she thought feeling a bit guilty doing this while Matthew was in hospital.

She was soon interrupted however as entire hotel room they were in exploded. Macro managed to defend her with his darkness but he did sustain few injuries and wasn't in particularly good condition to fight as he hasn't slept the whole night.

Charlotte was kneeling behind the Marco looking around what caused the explosion. They quickly noticed the algos that couldn't look older than 12 years old, but they knew he was much older than that.

Algos that looked like a small boy smiled and said." to think I'd be able to find you before the 9 letters, I'm surely going to become most famous algos after I kill you."

Macro didn't want to ask any questions and just wanted to protect Charlotte at all costs, so he spoke in much more deeper and slower voice than his regular one.

Dark art - darkness - sinner's whip.

Dark whip formed and went for the boy's head but with one flick of his wrist, the whip was sent in oposite direction.

At least that's what it seemed like to him, however he failed to notice a small arrow pierced in his leg that was quickly dissolving. After a couple of seconds he was starting to see true reality that was happening. His face split in half by a dark whip and him falling towards the ground.

As he was trying to regain control of his flying, last this he expected to see was Marco falling down. He had jumped trough the window and was about to catch him mid air.

Boy however noticed him just on time and was about to raise his hand to use his holy art. But Marco was faster as 8 needles quickly pierced his hand and making him mess up his art.

As last resort he tried to move out of the way so Marco would hopefully fall to his death, but as he tried to move he was caught in hundreds of black webs all around him and couldn't dodge as Marco fell on him, with dark blade formed in his hand that he quickly stabbed him with in the back.

Even though he was being controlled, the wya he fought and thought were still the same. As Marco was still trying his best to win by simply outsmarting his opponent.

With black blade if his back going throughout his stomach they fell onto the ground together. But boy wasn't dying yet, he was strong enough to be able to survive such attack. If they fought fairly boy was much stronger and could've won easily, but unfortunately for him Marco was just way smarter.

Before Marco finished him off, he heard a voice in his head. It was his mistress's voice as she told him not to kill him, she wanted to read his memories first.

Marco quickly wrapped him in his dark webs not to let him escape as they waited for Charlotte to get down to them.

Charlotte quickly read his memories and froze in terror. "The After-A, After-T and After-R are coming here to find us. Apparently there's also another dark art user in this city and he managed to find us by finding traces of dark arts of people I erased memories off. He just kept following them until it lead him to the hotel and noticing our presences, luckily since Matthew was in come and heavily injured he couldn't sense his presence even though he was at the hospital.

Boy was extremely pissed off as she found out everything about after ranks coming here and he'd probably be in alot of trouble if they found out he was the reason they now knew.

"You can kill him now Marco." She spoke and without any hesitation, Marco created a new dark blade and went to stab him and to kill him.

However this time boy redeemed himself and managed to outsmart Marco. While his memories were being read he spent that time healing his previous wound. And now as blade was about to stab him it first went through the strings wrapped around him. And it that single second that his hands were free, he used his holy art.

He created a massive blinding light and in a second he disappeared. "Dammit, how did you let that happen Marco! " Charlotte said after seeing he was gone, once the lights disappeared.

Boy however still got wounded, as it took him a second to disappear, that second was enough for Marco to drive his blade in half of the way to his heart.

" What in the world is that bullshit power, that bitch had a damn mind art, no a memory. This is crucial information if I bring it up to the 9 letters I might even get rewarded even if I told them about after ranks coming here." boy thought as he was crawling with his wound in some back alley slowly regenerating.

He soon saw some man coming towards him from the oposite end, so he quickly used his algoses powers to be invisible to regular humans and he continued crawling.

However he soon froze in terror when he heard the man say:"an algos?"

"He can see me?" the boy thought in terror as he looked at the man more closely now. Moment his eyes saw his face, he felt true fear for some reason.

"You might have fought some other algos over territory and lost, but it doesn't matter. Now that you've seen my face you must die. " Man spoke without his mouth moving.

He raised his hand toward the boy on floor. Y-you're that new dark art user who we've been looking for!" boy spoke fearing this human alot more than anyone else, he knew this man was insane in diffent way than anyone else.

" Yes" man replied, "My name is Jean Hart." after he said the last part his hand was fully raised and he spoke, pointing his hand at the boy on the floor.

Dark art - blood - bloody artist.

Quickly every vein on boys body started to explode, covering his entire body in red blood. Even his eyes and hair were completely red in seconds, boy started to cry but instead of tears more blood was coming out.

Dark art - blood - reversed flow.

After that boys blood started to boil and melt him, in a few seconds nothing was left.

"Hmm, he was pretty strong. Just killing him alone gave me a new dark art, whoever got him this wounded for me I must thank them. " Man said to himself.

He continued walking, but he didn't walk for long as his bloody man appeared next to him and said with fear: They're here! 3 after ranks just entered our city" he said looking in approximate direction of where they appeared.

On the other part of the city both Marco and Charlotte froze in fear as they felt enormous presences enter the city.

Next to Matthew who was in deep sleep, the man made out darkness appeared and looked through the window next to Matthew bed.

"How lucky, it seems like those dark art users who escaped me are in this city as well, but I only feel 2 of them one seems to be gone." Takeo said.

"It seems like it's really the truth about what they say dark art users are somehow drawn to each other. " Adrian said

"I don't care about them, I only care about finding the man who almost killed my brother. " Said the small girl who was with them.

"The after-r is here as well." Said the bloody man looking very worried.