
Dark Art

It's my first novel so go easy on me, give it chance with few chapters and you might even like it. I'd appreciate and support and criticism thank you and I hope you'll like this novel The novel is focused on more than one main characters and will equally as much follow the villans and villain's perspectives as much prespectives of the main characters. Every character has different ways of how they fight and goals. Some fight using brains, some get strong through hard work, some get lucky and get strong, some use weapons and others prefer to fight with dark arts their bare hands. The dark arts were something that was forgotten 4000 years ago but now they reappeared. As heroes try to learn them as fast as possible, villans are trying to stop spread of dark arts though out the world. As dark arts are the only thing that can hurt the creature that prevents everyone from afterlife. This book has some very gruesome stuff so if you're uncomfortable with alot of death in extremely terrible ways I'd suggest you don't read this.

Demid_Gaming · Fantasy
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25 Chs

The white hand of the afterlife part 2

As he stood there where the door once was looking at Marco and preparing to kill him he started coughing. He has already stood there for few minutes talking about how he was going to kill him but what he failed to notice was something under his feet where the door once was.

"What is going on" he thought, I suddenly feel pain in my chest and it's burning in my throat. His white hands behind his back started to lose shape as he continued to cough, at this point macro realized his plan had worked and quickly used his shirt to block his breathing as he ran toward the mysterious man.

Before closing the door macro dropped alot of cleaning products next to it which in turn has created a chlorine gas as they combined with rest of the things he dropped. As man was standing there he was inhaling it for few minutes without realizing as his white light made it extremely hard to see or smell the gas. But it was still there and it was killing him right now.

Macro knew this so that's why he went to a corner of a room where he wloud be safe from inhaling it. And now that he's seen that his opponent was dying he didn't want to give him chance to realize what was going on or to recover or maybe even do something unexpected that cloud potentially kill him, after all he knew nothing about this man or what was happening currently.

As Macro ran toward him making sure not to inhale anything he wanted to tackle him but man quizkly realized he was coming for him. So he made most of his hands disappear and focused of only 2 so he cloud keep their shape while being attacked by something unknown. He thought Marco used some unknown dark art so if he killed him this wloud stop, so he imidiately sent his remaining 2 white hands toward his throat and chest trying to kill him instantly.

"Dark art - The dark needle" before hands cloud reach him a small dark needle appeared in macro hand, and like it was part of him and he had been doing this with his entire life, he threw it with such precision that it went straight into the man's eye.

As man grabbed his now pierced eye he started screaming in pain and his white hands quickly disappeared since losing an eye was enough to make him lose focus on his whatever he was doing to summon those hands.

Macro now managed to tackle him out of the room where he was safe from gas and as they were falling down macro used his blindness art.

This time though since man was missing one of his eyes blindness lasted twice as long. Which gave Marco just enough time even though if was still only a few seconds he used those seconds to pick up a knife and stab the man still screaming and laying on the floor into the chest and killing him.

Moment man died white light disappeared and restoraunt went back to normal. People continued to eat like they never saw anything and man's corpse disappeared.

But macro had no time to think about any of that right now because he felt like he just learned something and something inside him just changed.

"I just learned 5 more dark arts from that" he thought. He ran outside the restaurant as people looked at him weirdly, outside he started looking at everyone like he was searching for someone. And that someone he quickly found after just about 3 minutes of running he saw a woman in park looking at a kid who just got hurt. She looked at the kid almost like she's enjoying that he's hurt.

"That's her" he thought, after killing that man I can now figure out who the others are like him, I can tell simply by looking at them. Why are they here who even are these people, unfortunately I can't get any closer to her just by looking from distance I can tell she's much stronger than him I just wanted to confirm this new power but now I need to get out of here especially if she can tell I'm dark arts user just like I can tell shes also special.

As he was running in different direction a certain man looked at him from top of a building, a man red and black and having long white hair and carrying a sword "so that's him" he said, "the new dark arts user" .

As he kept running he kept seeing more of these people he was surprised by how many he kept running into "was I living with these creatures beside me this entire time"? He thought while running and of course making sure to avoid all of them at all cost, even if some felt weaker than one he already killed he didn't want to take any risks as he felt he killed that man of luck before he cloud show his true powers.

Eventually he had to stop running as he saw another man about as strong as previous one trying to do unspeakable things to a child. He had weird feeling leading him here where Noone wloud find this man otherwise, he didn't want to fight any of them but he cloudnt let him do this and just walk away. He made a needle in his right hand and he was about to attack a man behind his back as he was tearing clothes of a child when suddenly white light appeared.

Entire sky became white for a moment and child dissappeared and man who macro was about to attack laid dead with his head on the floor, next to him stood another man with white long hair and sword in his hand.

"So you're the one everyone has been looking for, I finally get to meet you." man with white hair said.