
Dark Art

It's my first novel so go easy on me, give it chance with few chapters and you might even like it. I'd appreciate and support and criticism thank you and I hope you'll like this novel The novel is focused on more than one main characters and will equally as much follow the villans and villain's perspectives as much prespectives of the main characters. Every character has different ways of how they fight and goals. Some fight using brains, some get strong through hard work, some get lucky and get strong, some use weapons and others prefer to fight with dark arts their bare hands. The dark arts were something that was forgotten 4000 years ago but now they reappeared. As heroes try to learn them as fast as possible, villans are trying to stop spread of dark arts though out the world. As dark arts are the only thing that can hurt the creature that prevents everyone from afterlife. This book has some very gruesome stuff so if you're uncomfortable with alot of death in extremely terrible ways I'd suggest you don't read this.

Demid_Gaming · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Flame dark art

"Dark art - flame: Endless blaze.

Moment he said that a flame started forming in palm of his hand, a flame made of all different colors purple, black, red, white, etc. A flame formed withing seconds and spread out thru his entire arm. A surprised nurse had no time to react as he grabbed her face with his burning hand and smashed it into the floor so hard a hole was made in the floor, moment her head hit the floor flames from his arm went down to his palm and started burning her alive.

As she started screaming white needles appeared and went thru his hand where his flames once were, suprised he let go and tried taking few steps back but unfortunately with his leg almost cut in half he just fell on his back. Surprisingly he was not longer able to feel any pain thanks to him rejecting it completely.

After he had let go of her face she stood up with her entire face burned up and only one eye remined after those flames burned the other one. "You dare, you dare, you dare, you dare, you dare, YOU DARE!" she said many times "YOU DARE DO THIS TO ME"

After she spoke with so much anger you cloud see veins on her burned face, a hundreds of white needles appeared beside her floating ready to pierce and kill Noah on the spot. "You will pay the ultimate price for hurting me like this, I wish you cloud feel pain for eternity like rest of us but unfortunately you dark art users are immune to being trapped after death so you go to who knows where when you die." after saying that nurse clapped and needles went for Noah at incredible speed ready to kill him.

That wloud be certain death to any human on earth but she's forgotten Noah is no longer a regular human, he's now a dark arts user and as needles were heading for him Noah quickly casted another dark art.

Dark art - flame art: Endless blaze

Once more his arm became engulfed in flame but this time he waved his arm and flames spread thru out the air in front of him, making a flame wall that melted all the needles that were coming for him.

It was at this moment that nurse realized this wasn't a regular human, as she never dealt with dark arts users since she existed only for 15 years after her reincarnation she only had powerless humans to deal with that she cloudnt even interact directly with, completely safe from all the dangers.

Noah on the other hand had memories on how to fight just by knowing about dark arts were they memories of his ancestors or something else he didn't know nor did he care. For now he just wanted to kill her and get out of here, since he cloudnt get close to her to fight her physically he had to resort to dark arts.

So he quickly started to cast another one, unlike Marco who had only 2 when he first learned about them Noah had 3 dark arts.

"Dark art - flame: Devil's chain"

Imidiately after he said that a burning chain appeared out of the floor, it was so hot a normal chain wloudve melted at this temperature, but this one stood as strong as any other chain while bright red from flames.

Chain quickly wrapped itself around her body as she tried to cast some spell or something but she didn't get chance as chain wrapped itself around her arms, crushing her bones and burning flesh of her bones. While she screamed being held in place burned alive Noah didn't give her chance to try anything and quickly casted endless blaze as well and sent it flying towards her.

Numerous flames of different colors combines with chain crushing her bones quickly burned her alive. But flames were creating much more smoke than regular flames and these seemed to be more poisonous than regular smoke, as it was in different colors as well. While she was forced to inhale it parts of her skin started changing colors, her eye melted, a purple tumor like thing appeared on her left arm and started sucking her blood.

Noah in horror watched what the smokes were doing to her and tried to crawl to the door before he inhaled any of the smoke as well. Since once dark flame was casted he no longer had any control over it, it was just a regular fire that treated all equally. But it didn't seem like he was going to make it in time entire room was about to be filled with smoke.

But moment she died white light flashed and entire room went back to normal. Smoke was gone whatever of her body was left quickly started turning into white particles and his injurys, well they were still "kinda" there. Where he was cut with scalpel all that remained was a deep scar. It seemed like his illness was gone too as he walked up to mirror he looked healthy as well.

He got some basic information about "afterlife" and 3 new dark arts after killing that woman he now had 6. He went out of the hospital and indeed he saw more of those creatures like that woman, though they weren't as common as they were in Italy since practically Noone was aware of his existence here. After an hour of running he only saw 2 of those and they all seemed pretty weak, so he managed to get home without any troubles.

But before he cloud enter house he felt something holding his heart, he saw it in his mind a white hand of afterlife was holding it.

He cloudnt reveal himself to his family he realized as cold sweat formed on his face. Just the fact that I'm healthy wloud give them a hint about "afterlife" and it's enough to trigger some kind of curse. He thought, he didn't know what kind of curse it was but all he knew was that he wloud die in exactly 1 minute and 32 Seconds if he went inside right now...