
Dark Art

It's my first novel so go easy on me, give it chance with few chapters and you might even like it. I'd appreciate and support and criticism thank you and I hope you'll like this novel The novel is focused on more than one main characters and will equally as much follow the villans and villain's perspectives as much prespectives of the main characters. Every character has different ways of how they fight and goals. Some fight using brains, some get strong through hard work, some get lucky and get strong, some use weapons and others prefer to fight with dark arts their bare hands. The dark arts were something that was forgotten 4000 years ago but now they reappeared. As heroes try to learn them as fast as possible, villans are trying to stop spread of dark arts though out the world. As dark arts are the only thing that can hurt the creature that prevents everyone from afterlife. This book has some very gruesome stuff so if you're uncomfortable with alot of death in extremely terrible ways I'd suggest you don't read this.

Demid_Gaming · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Battle of the lowest 2

As blast of light were coming towards Adrian, he used holy art to make them completly miss him.

Art of freedom - free will

However for some reason it didn't work, "What? Why is nothing happening, something must've happend to Fabia." he thought as light blasts were about to hit him and he didn't have time anymore to use his own art.

He tried to dodge but to no avail, as blasts exploded around him with extreme heat, burning him even more severely. He tried to get out of flames and this time barely any skin was left on his body that wasn't burned. As he was trying to get out of the heat and flames, Leo appeared in front of him and punched him so hard his fist went through his stomach. "Until the end" black flames appeared as leo said that. Explosion of black flames inside of Adrian appeared so strong it took Leo's hand as well. Leaving Adrian with massive hole in his body, just barely still connected.

Leo imidiately used the same attack on his other hand, covering it in black flames and going for his head this time. However Adrian jumped trying to dodge, but he was only half successful. He managed to save his head but not the rest of the body, as Leo's hand managed to cut away small part that was holding Adrian together, cutting him in half.

Adrian top half fell few meters away and not even couple of seconds after he fell, he heard words that froze him in terror.

Holy art - sun - undying star.

Another massive sun appeared and went for him, he used his hand to try and stop it, but it was slowly melting it away as only bones started to remain in his hand. Hands were very important for algos as they needed them to use the holy arts. And now both of Adrian hands were useless and he couldn't even use his art anymore.

Leo quickly grew his wings as well while Adrian was struggling to survive and formed a blade out of dark flames and flew towards Adrian, with intention of cutting his head off.

Adrian couldn't even heal as flames were small weakness of every algos, as heat managed to slow down their healing process by few times.

"Damn you! You useless annoying pest, I'll get rid of all you and Noone will be spared!" Adrian yelled as Leo approached and sun was melting rest of his body.

It was clear who was going to win here but as Leo approached, Adrian spoke once again.

Dark art - Mind - el-

Leo froze for a second, an algos using dark arts? That was unheard of so he instinctively froze as to keep his distance, since he heard a "mind" part. Mind dark arts were ones of the most terrifying for algoses, at least they were back in war. As one could take over your closest ally in matter of seconds and get him to stab you in the back.

For one second, one second that Leo froze the created a perfect shadow. In front of him and the Mel who was in the sky, blocking direct view from Mel and her sun. Adrian used that second to focus all his healing into his hand and making sun disappear. As Mel couldn't keep her eyes on sun it stopped being supplied with holy art for a second and it was much easier for Adrian to get rid of it.

And indeed Adrian couldn't use the dark arts, he was bluffing to get Leo to stop and block her direct view. And now that he had his hand back...

Holy art - authority - presence of the afterlife

On the other side, Fabia was also currently struggling to survive. As the hole in her head was currently being filled with Noah flames, her brain was being burnt alive and she couldn't regenerate it easily.

She was about to use her holy art when Noah quickly threw her out of house smashing her into the floor. Noah jumped outside as well, as she was already getting up. She tried to use her holy art again when Noah's chains wrapped themselves around her arm she was gonna use to use her holy arts.

Her arm was brought down forcefully and being burned with flaming hot chains. But this however made her other hand complely free, as she brought it forward to defend herself.

But it was quickly cut off completely by the man still flying in the air. As he just used his holy art to cut her hand off as unlike her, he wasn't getting interrupted using his arts.

Noah now approached and used the endless blaze on his arm and put it through Fabia's stomach, burning her alive from the inside.

"Damn you, YOU DARE!" Fabia yelled as she broke free of her chains and grabbed Noah by the arm. Imidiately veins started to explode on his arm and he was forced to quickly jump back, as she regenerated her other hand, her body still had a big hole in it though.

Dark art - flame - Phoenix's tear

A small flame quickly enveloped Noah's arm and as quickly as it appeared it disappeared. But it burnt all the wounds on his arm imidiately closing them and healing him.

Holy art - freedom - Lost freedom.

She made small circle with her fingers and pointed it towards angel of terror in the sky. He imidiately was brought down from the sky by what seemed immense gravity. He crashed into the floor and his bones started to pierce his own body.

But he didn't let himself fall down without a fight, as the moment he fell he used his own art to twist and rip of both of Fabia's hands again.

"Up THERE! Destroy it" he yelled towards Noah, as he looked up to where he was when Fabia used her art, he saw a small floating blue orb.

Dark art - flame - uninterrupted fire

He shot small rainbow like ball of flames toward the sky. Fabia saw this and quickly used all her registration on one for her hands and used her art and shot some type of white bird to stop the flames before they reached blue ball.

However angel of terror quickly used his own art to get rid of the white bird. Annoyed Fabia flicked her wrist toward the ground increasing gravity 10 times. But flames quickly reached the ball destroying it and letting man free.

Now freed he flew up into the sky again and together with Noah they attacked her with Noah throwing flames at her and him throwing some kinds of knives at her.

She touched the ground with both her hands now regenerated and ground arose blocking both attacks. Angel of terror however simply flicked his wrist turning that ground into dust, and revealing Noah who was running towards her.

By using ground to block that attack, she blocked her vision and failed to notice Noah who now approached her.

His hands covered in endless blaze and went for her head, she probably could've still used her holy arts to stop him as she raised her hands in time. However doubt and small bit of fear made both of her hands explode, as feeling fear in the presence of angel of terror has great consequences.

With her hands gone, Noah grabbed her by the head, this time not needing to gear her using arts on him and firstly crushing her eyes with his fingers of fire.

After smashing her into the floor, the bone like structure arose from the floor by the angel of terror, piercing her body as it was burned alive.

She wasn't giving up and even with her head being in danger, she still focused on regaing one hand and flicking it towards the angel, making him fly backwards through the buildings.

Noah quickly noticed this and ripped her arm out again, and used endless blaze to set her on fire even more.

She was stuck on bone like structure, being burned alive by rainbow flames, inhaling rainbow smoke and having part of her head still gone as both of her arms also torn apart.