
Dark Archive Necromancer

Skalain, a man from Earth, abruptly awakens in a dimly lit stone room, disoriented and bewildered. As he gathers his senses, he realizes something is drastically different about himself. The world around him feels infused with an inexplicable aura, and he senses a powerful presence within him. Before Skalain, a mysterious system materializes, shimmering with arcane symbols and pulsating with an otherworldly energy. Skalain, driven by an insatiable thirst for understanding, delves into the depths of this newfound necromancer's system. - System, Villain & Chaotic-Neutral & Evil MC No Harem -

Adenlia · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Chapter 6 - Dark and Light

Skalain gathers some dry wood and arranges it into a small circle on the ground. He then conjures a small flame with a wave of his hand, carefully igniting the wood. The fire crackles and dances, casting a warm glow in the surrounding area.

"I feel great, I presume."

Skalain thought.

As he sits near the campfire, Skalain reflects on his recent experiences and the choices he has made. The decision to acquire ancient language mastery as his reward fills him with confidence.

He knows that mastering the ancient languages will unlock new knowledge and open doors to hidden secrets within the temple and beyond.

"Now that I have the ability, I should have no problem reading ancient tomes."

The soothing sound of the nearby waterfall provides a tranquil backdrop to Skalain's thoughts. The cascading water creates a gentle mist that mingles with the cool night air, creating an atmosphere of calmness and serenity.

Skalain takes a moment to gaze into the dancing flames, feeling the warmth against his skin. He is grateful for this moment of respite, where he can rest and recharge before continuing his journey.

As he sits by the campfire, he pulls out one of the ancient tomes he discovered in the hidden room. The pages are weathered and yellowed with age, but the words inscribed within hold a wealth of knowledge waiting to be unraveled.

Skalain begins to study the text, immersing himself in the ancient language and symbols. Each word and phrase brings him closer to understanding the secrets of the temple and the world he now finds himself in.

"The name of the temple I was in before was "Dark Archive Temple", It was built ten thousand years ago by a mage named Eldran."

"Eldran was a dark mage, and after messing with many people throughout his life, three organizations that are light mages and despise evil mages grouped up and took his life."

"These three organizations were Secret Light, Oceansinger Academy, and Blessed of Earth."

Skalain took a deep breath and commented.

"From their names, it is not hard to understand what kind of mage they are and what their focus is."

The night sky above him is a tapestry of stars, their twinkling lights adding a touch of magic to the scene. Skalain feels a deep connection to the universe, realizing that he is but a small part of a vast and mysterious cosmos.

As he continues to study and practice the ancient language, Skalain's determination grows. He knows that this newfound mastery will be an invaluable tool on his journey.

Skalain also found a map in the tomes he gathered, and he started looking to understand his location better.

The campfire crackles and pops, casting flickering shadows on the nearby trees. Skalain takes a moment to appreciate the simple beauty of nature and the solace it provides in this unfamiliar world.

With his campfire burning brightly, Skalain settles in for the night, knowing that tomorrow will bring new challenges and discoveries. He drifts off to sleep, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation for the adventures that lie ahead.