
Dark Archive Necromancer

Skalain, a man from Earth, abruptly awakens in a dimly lit stone room, disoriented and bewildered. As he gathers his senses, he realizes something is drastically different about himself. The world around him feels infused with an inexplicable aura, and he senses a powerful presence within him. Before Skalain, a mysterious system materializes, shimmering with arcane symbols and pulsating with an otherworldly energy. Skalain, driven by an insatiable thirst for understanding, delves into the depths of this newfound necromancer's system. - System, Villain & Chaotic-Neutral & Evil MC No Harem -

Adenlia · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Chapter 16 - Fanel Fabric

Tomorrow morning, Skalain wakes up and goes down to eat some breakfast.

Luckily for him, a complete breakfast with cheese, meat, and everything else only costs one copper coin.

The monetary system of the whole continent was simple and dependent on silver, copper, and gold coins.

10 copper coins and 1 silver coin

10 silver coins and 1 gold coin

Skalain also asked where he could buy some clothes for the waitress and heard that there was a place called Fanel Fabric that sold good-quality clothes for a good price. After finishing his breakfast, he left the inn and went to the Fanel Fabric.

Skalain stepped into Fanel Fabric,

Rows of colorful textiles adorned the shelves, inviting Skalain to explore the vast array of options.

"Of course, I am just here to have some basic quality robes and clothes."

A friendly shopkeeper man with a gray-eyes and well-tailored suit greeted Skalain with a warm smile. "Welcome, mister mage ! How can I help you today?"

Skalain returned the smile, his eyes scanning the assortment of fabrics. "I am in need of some new clothes. Something practical yet comfortable."

The shopkeeper nodded understandingly. "Certainly, we have a wide selection for you to choose from. Are you looking for anything specific?"

Skalain pondered for a moment, his mind contemplating the different styles and materials available. "I seek garments that can withstand hard journeys and provide comfort."

The shopkeeper gestured towards a section of the shop, beckoning Skalain to follow. "Of course! Allow me to show you our collection of sturdy fabrics"

As Skalain perused the assortment of fabrics, his fingers brushed against the sturdy weaves, gauging their texture and strength.

"These are quality clothes that even I can tell."

After careful consideration, Skalain made his selection. "I believe these four sets of clothes will serve me well. How much do they cost?"

The shopkeeper tallied the total, calculating the value of the chosen garments. "For these four sets of clothes, it will be one silver coin."

Skalain nodded, reaching into his pouch and retrieving the agreed-upon payment.

"Thank you for your help. These clothes are exactly what I was looking for," Skalain expressed, his voice filled with genuine appreciation.

The shopkeeper smiled warmly. "I'm glad I could assist you. May these garments accompany you on many great adventures."

Skalain left the Fanel Fabric with a sense of satisfaction.

Having good clothes was an important thing in this world and in his past world. Skalain knew that good clothes not only provided some sort of comforting sense it also increases standing and social status of one person.

Skalain remembers the times when he was in Earth.

As he did not had good clothes. Most of the time people would look at him like a monster and not even glance at his side at all. These kind of experinces are always there and never will be left until the time of the changes are comes. In these times, as much as dont want to abide the social rules.

Skalain knows for a simple fact that people judge the book by it is cover.

With his purchase secured, Skalain took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a second as he thought.

"I should start preparing to collect the needed materials for myself."