
Dark Academy

Reincarnation brings me back to the age of eighteen when everything began. I am aware of what is now awaiting me at this point. I plan to alter my future. __________ Before long, it compelled me to join the Dark Academy, where magical beings of all kinds training to combat interstellar invaders. The Dark academy magical creatures forced the students to enlist in the Human Defense Force. I am Aria Hart, and I am neither a werewolf nor a vampire nor a Fae nor a witch. I am a called Rare a species born once every thousand years and is a hybrid of all the power. Join me for the Adventure of Mystery

Tracy_Tauro · Fantasy
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75 Chs

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Aria - POV

My heart plummeted in my chest as I heard the news that Vrerciks had created chaos in the Human world, and I was held back because I didn't have the powers left in me to fight Vrerciks. I was looking out of the campus from the Infirmary room.

"Don't be Sad," Xavier spoke softly, noticing my sadness.

"You have no idea how I feel," I snapped at his sympathy, which I didn't want right now. Colton and Hudson were with Dean planning how to take out Maggie for good, but I knew when she has the power and Dan's too, she can't be easy to defeat.

"Aria, you will get your powers back," Xavier spoke cautiously. 

"Seeing the past life repeating and my powers getting robbed again," I hissed, looking at my palms every passing minute. She tortured me as she robbed my powers, and the pain I felt during the process was so much agony that I couldn't describe it.