
Dark Abyss...

It only took one look at her to know demons haunted her. Her eyes showed the pain she has endured and her body reflected the cruel way life had reduced her to a broken shell. ... "What group of rogues are they?" he asked as he raked his eyes over us. "Most were born rouges, others were chased out of their packs for minor crimes. They won't be a problem." The beta said, aiming the last part at us. Nobody would be foolish enough to cause trouble within the king's palace. It was a death wish.    The alpha began from the other side of the line where the strongest stood. I could hear positions being given to the wolves by the male as he crossed the line. His rough voice put me on edge. I shut my eyes in fright as I felt him stand in front of my trembling body. I was the last to be judged; I was the weakest link. The sound of his growls almost brought me to my knees. Tears ran down my cheeks as I held back a sob. Why do I always have to cry, why am I weak? "Mine."

Christerbelle_ · Fantasy
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7 Chs

New Start



That's all I've known.

Once it plagues a mind, it never leaves. It corrupts the light inside until there is none left.

It leaves no traces of the existence of light.

It's a master on its own.

Darkness was my haven. The dark held danger and fear. It was the color of death.

Unlike darkness, the light showed promise. It reflected a bright future. It brought forth safety and certainty.

I only saw light as deception.

It hid all that was evil. It brought a sense of false security covering up all that takes place out of sight. It revealed all secrets made in the dark.

The dark...It holds all monsters. It does not hide its danger. It fills dread in all hearts. It's honest. It shows everything for what it is without deception.

It reflects my life for what it is.

A void...

An endless cycle...

And most of all it showed the color of my heart.

Black was the color of my heart...



Raine's p.o.v

I've always envied the rain. It came regardless of the moment; in sorrow and joy. It washed away all that was left behind. But it couldn't do one thing, wash away memories.

I watched the droplets of water as they slid down the glass. They slid in no particular direction, taking turns at any point. They had freedom; Freedom that I longed to have but couldn't get.

I watched everything. From the landscape that appeared to be moving as the bus moved to the trees that were being swayed by the wind. They numbed all my feelings, closing off my past and silencing my present. I felt nothing; no emotion, no memories, no awareness of my surroundings.

The sound of gravel on the wheels of the bus brought me out of the state bringing me back to the cruel reality. My heart constricted painfully. Tears clouded my vision but I held them back in. I didn't want to seem weaker than I was in front of the others.

I knew that could not change anything. A simple glance at me and anyone would know how weak and emotionally fragile I was. They would see how the weight of the world weighed me down.

I was a broken soul, nothing could fix me.

The bus came to a stop in a clearing. Miles and miles of forest surrounded us. The rain had stopped and so had the wind. Everybody present seemed to be holding in their breath waiting for the inevitable.

It was calm. The calm before the storm.

Everybody alighted the bus robotically to make a line a distance away. I slowly got to my feet and followed the order, except I was at the very last of the line.

Fear spread through my body leaving me trembling. I wiped my sweaty palms on my dress but it did nothing to calm my raging heart. You can do this Raine, you are brave. It was a phrase I made up which helped during tough situations.

I heard multiple footsteps approaching. My head was cast downwards, my hair falling across my face shielding me from the world.

"What group is this Lucas?" a male said. From the commanding tone, I could tell it was probably the alpha or a higher up. His voice held an authority that made us all bare our necks in submission.

"It's the group of rouges from the east alpha." I was right, it was the Blue Moon pack alpha; the werewolf king.

"Who requested their permission for movement into the palace."

"The alpha from the east. They couldn't manage their rising numbers."

"What group of rouges are they?" he asked as he raked his eyes over us.

"Most were born rouges others were chased out of their packs for minor crimes. They won't be a problem." The beta said aiming the last part at us. Nobody would be foolish enough to cause trouble within the king's palace. It was a death wish.

The alpha began from the other side of the line where the strongest stood. I could hear positions being given to the she-wolves by the male as he crossed the line. His rough voice put me on edge. I shut my eyes in fright as I felt him stand in front of my trembling body. I was the last to be judged; I was the weakest link.

The sound of his growls almost brought me to my knees. Tears ran down my cheeks as I held back a sob. Why do I always have to cry, why am I weak?


I barely got time before I felt a bruising grasp on the back of my neck. A pained gasp escaped my lips as more tears ran down my cheeks. I looked up but the sight had me gasping as I struggled to bring air into my lungs.

Standing before me was the alpha. His eyes held hatred, anger, and disappointment. It wasn't a new look. It's a look I always got my entire life. The sneer etched on his face would forever remain in my memory.

"I get you as my mate, a mere rogue. And worse a weak link. A fucking omega." He said with a voice full of hatred. My already broken heart shattered into pieces.

I thought I was used to it, but it brought a painful pang in my chest. Coming from this male, it sent a direct blow to my heart.

Though I had long lost hope in finding my mate it still hurt. I've always known the probability of my mate rejecting me was high and I spent my whole life building up a barrier. But his simple words brought it crumpling back into ashes.

Nobody understood me, could feel how the darkness had engulfed me. Nobody knew how it felt to be drowning in pain and sorrow. Nobody knew how it felt to be rejected countless times.

If only they knew...

I didn't want to exist, I simply wanted to belong.


I'll be uploading quotes I've founf online every chapter.

It is not death, but dying,

which is terrible.

*Henry Fielding*

...Thanks for reading...

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