
Dark Abyss...

It only took one look at her to know demons haunted her. Her eyes showed the pain she has endured and her body reflected the cruel way life had reduced her to a broken shell. ... "What group of rogues are they?" he asked as he raked his eyes over us. "Most were born rouges, others were chased out of their packs for minor crimes. They won't be a problem." The beta said, aiming the last part at us. Nobody would be foolish enough to cause trouble within the king's palace. It was a death wish.    The alpha began from the other side of the line where the strongest stood. I could hear positions being given to the wolves by the male as he crossed the line. His rough voice put me on edge. I shut my eyes in fright as I felt him stand in front of my trembling body. I was the last to be judged; I was the weakest link. The sound of his growls almost brought me to my knees. Tears ran down my cheeks as I held back a sob. Why do I always have to cry, why am I weak? "Mine."

Christerbelle_ · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Missing Leo

Tw: Self-harm, suicidal thoughts❗

Raine's p.o.v

Leo didn't show up to school today. We shared the same classes and sat together, it was easy knowing when he didn't turn up. Though he often came to school late he wasn't one to skip classes. By the third class, I was worried. Maybe he came and the boys did something to him, maybe he was unconscious or locked up somewhere. None of the teachers who signed Leo absent seemed to care why he wasn't present.

The alpha's son and his group of bullies seemed way too calm to have done anything. On normal occasions, they would be off bragging to the girls about how they found a new way to torment the gay omega. I'd normally spend my breaks with Leo in the library but I opted on staying in the hallways. It wasn't that hard to notice Leo; the only ginger in the pack. By lunch, I was pretty sure he wasn't in school.

School seemed to drag on forever. Even the few miles to Leo's house seemed too far. Partly because the girls decided to mess with me and dumped my whole bag and books into the pool. Luckily I was left unscathed. I finally made it to Leo's place. The door was unlocked. Everything was a mess; broken glass was everywhere, and a broken chair was close laying beneath the staircase with a pool of blood next to it. My thoughts were a jumbled mess. I didn't want to think of the worst.

I was on the verge of breaking down as I followed the trail of blood to Leo's bathroom. Bruises covered the majority of his body and from the blood that had stained his trousers, I could tell he had a deep gush.

"Oh my God Leo! What happened to you? Th-there is blood everywhere." I was kneeling next to him pressing on the wound on his leg trying to slow down the bleeding. To this day I still remember the look on his face; eyes puffy from crying. He seemed broken and empty, a shell of the person he once was. I remember seeing a bloody razor on his right hand and uncountable gushes on his left hand. It dawned on me, that he had done that, Leo had hurt himself.

"It's so hard Raine. Am trying, I swear am trying." We were both audibly crying at this point. I held him so tight, afraid that if I let go he wouldn't be here, afraid that it was too late. I couldn't' t bare hearing the raw emotion behind his cries. "I'm with you Leo, you are not alone. We swore we would always be there for each other. Am here L-Leo, till infinity."

"I just want to feel that I'm important to someone. In the middle of the night am alone, in bed, dealing with monsters inside my head. I feel them, everywhere. T-the urge I can stop it. I know I have to help myself but a part of me, a part of me doesn't want to. I can't do it, Raine."

I had never felt that helpless before. Two lone butterflies, trapped together, with no way for escape, and one slowly fading away. I was angry; angry at myself for being useless, angry at Leo's mom for dying and living him behind, angry at our species, angry at the whole world. He didn't deserve any of this. No child gets to deal with this cruelty at a young age. He was all I had, if I could I would take away all his pain. "I know Leo, I know."

I nursed Leo's wounds and put bandages on the wound in his thigh." What happened downstairs Leo?"

"Dad had an episode, he was drunk and took it too far. He left me unconscious and I came up here immediately I woke up."

"Am so sorry. I was worried sick when you didn't show up to school."

"I bet the alpha's son had a boring day without me there." He said, intending it to be a joke but came out more of a grimace.

"I hope nobody hurt you at school. Did anything happen?"

I didn't want him to be worried about me considering everything that had happened. " No, nothing happened. "

"I know you are lying." Of course, he knew me and I was a pretty bad liar. " You should learn to stand up for yourself Raine. I won't always be there."

"Don't dare say that again Leo," I said hugging him. "You're not getting rid of me that easily."

I cleaned up all the blood from the living room and swept off the glass. By the time I was done it was already getting dark. I knew mom and dad would be mad but I couldn't care less what happened afterward. Leo was my main concern.

"I have to go home, promise me you'll be okay."

"I will, now stop worrying and go back home, your parents will be furious," he said smiling.

"Okay, I'll come by tomorrow after school to see you okay? And always remember am here for you."

" Okay. "

I hugged him goodbye. If I knew that was the last time I would hug him for some time I would have never left.

Just as I had guessed, when I got home I found dad waiting for me by the door. "Where the hell have you been fucking omega."

"S-sorry I was at Leos' am sorry am late."

To say I was scared would be an understatement. Dad grabbed me by the hair and closed the door with a bang.

The pain was unbearable, I was sure he had pulled off hair.

"And who the hell is Leo."

"H-he's m-my friend." Tears were running down my face. I was trying not to make a sound. If i did he would punish me more.

"You mean the fucking gay kid," he seethed and threw me like a rag-doll. I landed face first on the table edge. I blinked trying to clear the fog in my eyes as I fought off unconsciousness. All I could hear was ringing in my ears as dad threw punch after punch anywhere he could lay his hands on.

"Fucking bitch, now you're hanging around queers. You wanna bring the disease with you and infect your brother? You are never to see that boy ever again when under my roof. You get me."


"I said do you fucking get me," he said as he delivered a punch to my stomach. The wind was knocked off of me and I tried not to throw up.

"Y-yes d-dad." I was in so much pain and didn't have any tears left. My head was badly bleeding. I was certain I had a concussion and a bruised if not broken rib.

"And it's fucking s-sir to you." He left me on the floor too weak to drag myself to my room. I could see both my brother and sister at the top of the stairs smiling down at me, glad I had been punished before they disappeared to their rooms. Mom was seated in the dining, her eyes glued to her phone, unfazed at what was happening a few feet from her.

I painfully drugged my battered up body to my room and cleaned all the blood. The second time in a day. But this was the life we had.

I couldn't sleep that night. I was in so much pain and the thought of Leo had my mind in a jumbled mess. I was too numb to cry. My phone vibrated under my pillow. I only ever talked to Leo about it. I had a message from him.


I was to call but I think I'd rather not. It's easier typing than saying it out loud partly because am still in denial. My dad is shipping me off to a conversion camp at dawn. I wish we had more time together but there's nothing I can do. I honestly don't want to go but maybe it'll be okay. Maybe I'll be normal and not be such a disappointment to everybody. Please stay safe while being away. I promise I will come back, for you. You'll always be in my thoughts. I know I've never told you this, but am glad to have you in my life.

I'll come back stronger for the both of us. Don't let anybody break you. You are stronger than they think. I know you are. Till we meet again. I love you, Raine.

PS: Tell Victor (he's the alpha's son) to go fuck himself. 😂 or rather not, I don't want you dead."

I tried calling multiple times but his phone was off. That night I cried for my lost friend, I cried to the moon goddess to not let it happen but my cries we unanswered. I cried myself to sleep as the heavens wept with me.

That day I made a promise. I would not be broken.

I would wait for Leo's return.

The bravest thing I ever did was

continuing my life when I wanted to die

*Juliette Lewis*

.....Thanks for reading...

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